11 Wonderful Benefits of Rutabaga in Your Child’s Diet


Rich in fiber rutabaga offers plenty of health benefits to your child. Rutabaga is good for your child’s metabolism. It also strengthens the bones. It will boost your child’s digestive functions. It improves your child’s overall immunity. It has good cancer preventive capacity. It controls your child’s mood. Rutabaga induces proper sleeping habit for your child.

Rutabaga is also good for your child’s eyesight. It also contains properties to offer relief to your child from constipation. Rutabagas are also good for your child’s heart. Good source of c and potassium to ensure proper enzymatic actions.

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11 Wonderful Benefits Of Rutabaga In Your Child’s Diet


Giving Rutabaga to your Child

Rutabaga can be introduced to your child in many ways. Rutabaga can be boiled and baked and given to your child. This vegetable is also a nice flavor enhancer for soups. Rutabaga can also be boiled and mashed with potatoes and offered to your child.

Stews can also be made from rutabaga and turnips. Mashed with carrots, rutabagas can serve as a wonderful side for Sunday roasts. Also it can be mixed with other foods like mincemeat. If your child is less than 3 years old then you can create a puree of rutabaga and add a dollop of butter to it.


Health benefits of Rutabaga

Rutabaga offers a lot of health benefits to your child. Whether pureed or boiled, rutabagas offer plenty of nutritious value.

Good for Metabolism

Rutabagas are very high in fiber. This triggers proper metabolic functions in your child. A study published in Journal of Functional Foods shows that rutabagas have the ability of increasing your child’s overall metabolic functionality.

Helps in Overall Growth

Despite being a vegetable, rutabagas are high in protein. It contains the right amount of amino acid and protein to help your child build the necessary muscle fibers. Feeding your child with rutabaga will ensure that your child is getting necessary nutrients to become stronger and healthier.

Boosts bone development

Along with amino acid rutabagas are also high in potassium. This makes them a very good food source for your child’s bone development. Along with that, this vegetable also contains high amount of zinc, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. It will boost up the overall development of the bone structure. This is fundamental to your child’s height and weight increase. It will also boost the bone density for your child thereby preventing the chances of any kind of bone related problems in the future.

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Helps in Proper Healing

Amino acids are the building blocks for your child’s muscle fibers. For that reason if any of the tissues get damaged or bruised, food substitutes like rutabaga proves to be quite useful. It triggers proper healing of muscle or bone tissues and ensures quick recovery.

Immunity Booster

Rutabagas are rich in vitamin C. That is why they tend to improve the overall immune system. They help in producing adequate amount of white blood cells. This in-turn protects your child from infections and bacteria. He/she will have fever less frequently compared to the other kids.

Good for the eyes

Rutabagas are good for your child’s eye. This root vegetable contains a high range of B vitamins including vitamin B6. It is good for your child’s overall eye and the nerve cells. It will offer proper nourishment and protect from any further damage.

Helps in Digestion

Rutabagas are extremely high in fiber. It is in fact, one of the most fiber dense foods. That is why it is good for your child’s digestion. It will offer a strong foundation for a healthy digestive system for your child.

Cancer Preventive Properties

Rutabagas are high in antioxidants. Also there are some sulfur-containing compounds which are known to kill cancerous cells. Feeding your child with rutabaga will make sure that he/she will not fall prey to the deadly C in the future.

Apart from rutabagas, other cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and kohlrabi has immense cancer fighting properties.


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Good mood stabilizer

The vitamins present in rutabaga are good for hormone creation in the brains. That is why it also acts a good mood stabilizer. During their puberty, your child undergoes a lot of hormonal changes.

Consumption of vegetables like rutabaga will help in controlling that fluctuation of hormones. Also a research conducted by Hatvig & Linder (1995) show that the presence of vitamin B6 is good for controlling mood swings and offer relief from pain. It also induces proper sleep for your child. He/she will be less cranky and throw fewer tantrums.

Strengthens your child’s heart

Rutabaga keeps blood pressure in control by reducing the amount of stress. This keeps your child’s heart muscles out of any danger. Also if your child is on oily diets and drink a lot of cold drinks then his/her cholesterol level will spike up. The potassium present in rutabagas also helps your child to keep the cholesterol level down thereby keeping the heart safe from danger.

This super-food has the capability to reduce the amount of triglyceride in blood thereby helping your child get a healthier heart. In this era many children suffer from obesity related heart problems from a very early age. Feeding your child with rutabaga will ensure that he/she doesn’t pile up all the triglycerides in the blood which might trigger serious heart issues later.

Offers relief from constipation

A study by University of Maryland shows that highly fibrous vegetable sources like rutabaga encourages stool formation in young kids. This will cure your child’s constipation tendencies. Children, especially the ones going to schools or playgroups, often end up drinking less water.


This triggers constipation. This is why vegetable fibers like rutabaga are so good.

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There are no known side-effects of rutabagas. But at the same time rutabagas are cruciferous vegetables. Many children fail to digest cruciferous vegetables. The high protein or nitrogen content can be too much for your child.

However, before feeding your child with the rutabaga, available in the market, it is advised that you consult your pediatrician and take his/her advice regarding the servings and necessity of the food in your child’s daily meal.




