Dyspareunia in Women: Can Child Birth Cause Dyspareunia 


In our daily lives and busy schedule we often tend to ignore our partner’s needs and wishes. It may so happen that life may not seem compatible with the once better half if the couple fails to give time in nurturing their relationship. Sexual intercourse is the most natural phenomenon in every individual’s life. A happy sexual life is a must for a happy relationship. Yet at times this happy relationship may face trouble when one of the partners faces discomfort or pain during or after being sexually active. Dyspareunia is one of the most recurring sexual diseases in women which cause painful intercourse primarily due to psychological causes. When one fails to connect with their partners or fails to impart any feeling in the act of sex it then becomes psychologically painful leading to the condition called dyspareunia.

The pain that occurs in such is a condition is external on the top layers of the genitals or deeper in the pelvis because of strong pressure and prolongs discomfort. It is important to note that several psychological, physical or social reasons can be the cause of dyspareunia. It can also occur after menopause due to the excessive hormonal changes in the body. Dyspareunia is generally a curable disease and many women find relief once the cause is identified and extinguished. An important question that strikes the mind of many is that whether child birth can lead to the evolution of dyspareunia in mothers.

Dyspareunia in Women: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnose and Treatment

Can Child Birth Cause Dyspareunia

What are the causes of dyspareunia?    

The pain associated with dyspareunia is generally physical and anatomical. The causes of dyspareunia are not limited to physical agents merely but also the lack of attention or negligence during sex. Absence of lubrication, rough sex, and continuous trauma also contributes to the prevalence of this condition in females. Some causes that lead to this condition may also be psychological that is when the partners are not sensitive to the feelings of the other. A feeling of shame or guilt, uncomfortable sexual activity or lack of proper sex education may lead to the development of such a disease. Some prime reasons for dyspareunia are;

  • Infection in the urinary tract
  • Tissue scarring or prolonged muscle injury
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Muscular dysfunction

 It is interesting to note that the disease is not a result of childbirth even though the pregnant mother may face a decreased libido in the later stages child birth. Dyspareunia does not occur as a result of child birth until and unless it was present in the mother’s body before the conception process as well. Superficial or physically caused dyspareunia may occur in mothers who are breastfeeding their child since the body faces a lack of ostrogen and a fall in libido which may cause pain and discomfort in the sexual activity.

Secondary dyspareunia is a result of gynaecological or urological problems. Infection in the pelvis, inflammation, cystitis all are major contributors that lead to the condition of dyspareunia.


What are the symptoms of Dyspareunia?

The intensity of the pain caused as a result of this condition varies from women to women. The location of the pain, the time and intensity all contribute in recognizing the cause of the disease. Some of the prime symptoms of dyspareunia are pain near the opening of the vagina or near the vulva.

  • Pain caused at the very first attempt towards a sexual life is also one of the major symptom of dyspareunia.
  • Pain caused during sex with prior knowledge of any urinary infection or sexual disease is another reason symptom of the same.
  • Throbbing pain even after lasting hours of intercourse.
  • Pain in the beginning of the sexual activity

Thus in brief the pain during the process of intercourse lasting for long hours after the completion of the activity all indicates towards the development of dyspareunia.

What are the ways to diagnose dyspareunia?

Diagnosis is the evaluation of the current position of the body and the ability of it to cope with the disease. There are multiple ways now suggested that can lead to the effective diagnosis of dyspareunia in women. Some of the most efficient techniques are;

  • A pelvic examination is always suggested by gynaecologist on regular basis to avoid the possibility of any growing disease. During such tests the doctors gets to chance any possible infections, skin irritation and discolouring of the vaginal wall. Through this check-up the doctor can also locate the area which is causing pain to the patient enabling concentrated treatment later.
  • At times due to lack of proper hygiene the patient may be suffering from a sexually transmitted disease. Therefore the first step doctors generally take is a thorough medical examination of both the male and the female to avoid any future complication and estimate the cause of the pain.
  • A number of other tests are also available with advanced technologies that can help the patient fight against the pain of dyspareunia. A pelvic ultrasound is often considered as a good option to find the cause of the pain.

What is the method to treat dyspareunia?

Before going for medication there are a number of home remedies that can help both the partners initiate towards a happy sexual life. Communication is the key to a happy relationship. Before intercourse the couple must talk about what they are comfortable in and what causes pain. They must ensure proper lubrication to avoid any chance of skin tear and scarring. Medicinal remedies have also gained much prominence in the market and doctors do not hesitate in prescribing these medicines. Postmenopausal hormonal drugs are often considered as a good way to treat the pain. Osphena also known as ospemifene is a medically approved drug that fights mild to severe pain depending on the dosage and intensity of the pain. Though doctors prescribe these drugs yet that may have side effects like hot flashes, blood clots, strokes and cancer in the uterine lining.

Thus it would not be wrong to say that prior precautions and healthy communication is the best cure to this problem and the compulsory step towards a happy relationship.

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