Week 8 of Pregnancy – Pregnancy Week by Week


At eight weeks, you are about two months pregnant. Your baby is now just about the size of a kidney bean or a raspberry, weighing 0.04 ounces and measuring up to 0.63 inches. At this stage, the baby grows by a millimetre each day.

Read more: Week 9 of Pregnancy- Pregnancy Week by Week

Eight Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

Sore breasts

When you are eight weeks pregnant, your breasts are likely to feel heavier, larger, and sore. That’s because the lobules inside the glands are expanding as they are preparing to start producing milk for breastfeeding. Wear loose and comfortable clothes that leave room for expansion.

Morning sickness

When you are carrying a baby at eight weeks, nausea; especially in the morning; is inevitable because of the raging hormones that keep changing form with each passing day. It is vital to stay hydrated throughout the day and keep snacking on healthy food. At times, it might be difficult to digest all the food, which may result in severe nausea over a few days. Gynaecologists strongly recommend regular intake of ginger and vitamin B6 to help fight morning sickness as much as possible.

week 8 ultrasound

Extra fatigue

Your natural strength takes a plunge at eight weeks pregnant because of the hormones fluctuating and your body producing more blood to accommodate the baby. Hence, your blood pressure and sugar levels go down drastically. Try to get some quality sleep or some power naps every few hours throughout the day.



While eight weeks pregnant, the ligaments inside your abdomen start stretching out due to the expansion of your uterus, naturally causing the muscles to cramp.

Read More: Week 7 of Pregnancy: Pregnancy Week by Week


About half the population of pregnant women suffer from constipation on reaching their second month. Although the exact reasons may be hard to detect, most cases are that of the results of change in food habits, transformation in the body structure and hormone levels. Stay hydrated, eat fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, and go for walks, to keep your body functional.

Temporary amnesia

At two months pregnant, it is obvious to be anxious and nervous about the challenge that lies ahead. This is the major reason, along with hormone and lifestyle changes, that often results in sleepless nights. Visit your gynaecologist if you feel down way too often.

Mild weight gain

As your body makes room for the developing foetus, a slight gain in weight is unavoidable. There are also intense moments of food cravings that result from the baby wanting more nutrition.

Read More: Week 5 of Pregnancy: Pregnancy Week by Week


Keen sense of smell

Unknown to doctors, there is a strange symptom at eight weeks pregnant, which is, a strong sense of smell! In most cases it is a sense of foul odour.

Pregnant Belly

At eight weeks pregnant, there is no certainty of a protruding belly. At times there is a mild baby bump and at times there is no sign at all. The uterus inside, however, keeps expanding at the normal rate. The belly starts growing mainly from the second trimester. But during the first trimester there is a good chance of gaining weight, measuring at a couple of pounds per week. By the time you are two months pregnant, you will have gained about four to six pounds.

Pregnancy Ultrasound

The first prenatal check up or pregnancy ultrasound takes places at around eight weeks of pregnancy. Through the ultrasound, you will be able to see those tiny arms and legs moving around! The fingers and toes are still webbed, but the eyes, ears, and fussy taste buds of the little one has developed by now!
After the ultrasound check up, your gynaecologist will extract some of your blood to run the essential tests to check your blood group, hormone levels, RBC and WBC count, possibility of Hepatitis B, and susceptibility to HIV & AIDS. The doctor might also conduct a pap smear to check the internal development of all your reproductive organs, and a urine sample to check your glucose level. At eight weeks pregnant, this is the first time you get to see your child growing during the first trimester!

Read More: Week 6 of Pregnancy: Pregnancy Week by Week

Dos and Don’ts During Week Eight of Pregnancy:

Dos –

Take multivitamins: Multivitamins provide all the essential requirements of the body to support the developing foetus that is already eight weeks old!

Sleep well: A balanced proportion of rest is required for the body to rejuvenate itself for the next eight months.


Exercise: Movement of the body is essential to keep up with the transformations that occur due to fluctuating levels of hormones.

Read: A well nourished mind leads to a positive development in the physical structure. A mother that reads is likely to give birth to a wise child that follows suit. Apart from that, reading also soothes tensed nerves.

Listen to soothing music: Music does wonders to the nerves just as books do. However, it is vital to stick to soothing and lively music instead of loud metallic sounds.

Nourish yourself well: For the baby at eight weeks, it is necessary to cater to its nutritional requirements for healthy development of both the mother and the child.

Don’ts –

Smoke: Babies born to women who smoke during pregnancy have lower survival rates. The infants are also likely to be underweight and disabled.

Drink alcohol: Drinking during pregnancy may result in babies being born with “Fetal Alcohol Syndrome”, which entails being underweight, disabled, facing developmental delays and behavioural problems.


Read More: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Symptom, Cause, Risk, Prevention

Drink unpasteurised milk: Although calcium is a core ingredient in the diet of expectant mothers, raw milk is a threat to the foetus as it contains harmful bacteria and listeria, which can lead to miscarriage.

Drink lots of caffeine: Caffeine increases the child’s heart rate by travelling through the placenta. Maximum two cups of coffee is the standard recommendation by doctors.

Sit in hot tubs: Research suggests that sitting in hot water during the first trimester may increase the risk of miscarriage because too much heat may negatively affect the baby.

Undertake physically exhausting tasks: While it is good to exercise, tasks that are physically exhausting are not recommended by doctors. Activities like riding, trekking, climbing, and racing might result in straining the baby to much.

Week eight of pregnancy is within the first trimester when the baby is just beginning to grow in size. Expecting mothers must be cautious from the initial stage so as to give birth to healthy children. Taking care of yourself, visiting your doctor regularly, and rejoicing the baby’s growth by viewing it through the pregnancy ultrasound is the best way to move ahead!
