Importance of Vit D3 in Your Child’s Body


If you think your child is getting enough amount of vitamin D3 just by drinking milk or being exposed to sun, you’re wrong here. Recent studies have shown that most children don’t get enough of this essential vitamin just by that. They can still be deficit which may lead to other major problems.

What is the difference between vit d and vit d3?

Vitamin D3 is actually the form of vitamin D which is called cholecalciferol. Cholecalciferol or d3 is a fat soluble vitamin that is stored to some degree in your child’s body. It is primarily used as a dietary supplement for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency or in order to prevent it totally.

D3 is created from animal sources and another kind is almost similar to that which is naturally made by the body when it is exposed to sunlight.

Vitamin D3 for Kids: Things Every Parent Need to Know

vitamin d3

Benefits of Vitamin D3 in Your Child’s Diet

Vitamin d3 and diabetes kids

A study has revealed a strong link between low vitamin D3 levels and Type I Diabetes in kids. Nearly 40.8 percent of kids having type1 diabetes were found to have severe vit d3 deficit. Managing the levels of vit d3 in kids can be a factor in preventing diabetes in long run.

Vitamin d and body fat

According to a study it was found that kids with higher amount of vit d3 in their body has comparatively less amount of body fat and more amount of lean muscle mass.


Childhood immunity

Optimal immune system is connected to levels of vit d3 in your child’s body. Children with lower levels of d3 are found to have respiratory disorders and are prone to getting sick easily.

Children’s mood

During the winters, vitamin D3 levels can fall drastically, and you can often see these effects in your kid’s mood. There are several studies stating the relationship between vitamin D3 levels and moods changes. Children with lower levels of vitamin D were at a higher risk for mood concerns.

Adhd and vitamin d

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is seen among children with low levels of vit d3. Vit d3 basically reduces the chance of ADHD in children.

Deficiency symptoms of Vit d3

Deficiency of vitamin d3 in your child’s diet can show the following symptoms.

Getting sick often

If your child often become sick or gets infected, especially gets colds or flu often, low vitamin d3 levels may be a cause of it.

Many researchers have found that there’s always a link between a deficiency and an infection of the respiratory tract like colds and pneumonia.


Fatigue or tiredness

A child with low vitamin d3 levels tends to get tired too soon.

Bone and back pain

Vitamin d3 is linked to the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body. With lower levels of it the absorption won’t be to the point, which will further lead to weak bones leading to bone fractures easily.

Impaired wound healing

Kids get injured easily as they spend most of their times running and playing. But if your child is having vitamin d3 deficiency, the wounds might take longer time to get healed.

Side effects of excess vitamin d3 in your child’s body

Vitamin d3 has no side effects in general. Too much vitamin d3 in your child’s body can cause higher calcium levels which are harmful.Talk to your kid’s doctor right away if you see signs of high vitamin d3 or calcium levels.

A severe allergic reaction to this drug is rarely seen. However, get medical help soon if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, like: rashes, itching and swelling (mainly of the tongue and throat), dizziness, trouble in breathing.

Contact the pharmacist as soon as possible then.


Vitamin d3 and rickets

Rickets is the softening and weakening of bones in children due to a prolonged deficiency of vitamin d3 in their body.

Vitamin D helps the absorption of phosphorus and calcium from the food tract. A deficiency of vitamin D makes it difficult to absorb calcium and phosphorus and alter its levels in bones, which leads to rickets.

Adding vitamin D or calcium to your child’s diet corrects the bone problems associated to rickets. When rickets is caused due to another underlying medical problem in the body, your child may need other medications or other treatment too. Some skeletal deformities caused by rickets can only be corrected by surgery.

Sources of vitamin d3

In addition to getting more sun exposed, there are few other ways your child can get enough vitamin D3 on a daily basis. Vitamin d3 is not a common nutrient in foods, its mainly just found in animal sources.

  • Milk and bread
  • Egg yolks
  • Cheese, mainly cheddar
  • Yogurt
  • Fatty fish like salmon and sardines
  • Vitamin d3 supplements can also help.


Generally 2000IU a day for children in the winter is the optimal range.  But it differs from body to body. Consult your pharmacist to be sure that the levels are between 50-80ng/mL.



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