11 Fun and Creative Theatre Games for Kids


There are a number of drama games and fun activities that you can choose for your drama team. These games are fun and yet can be used as learning lessons for the drama team. We have listed below 11 theatre games for the kids.

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11 Interesting Theatre Games & Activities for Kids

Who’s the Leader?

Each one of you will have to stand in a circle and one person will leave the room. The other people present in the room will have to select a leader. The leader will begin with a repetitive motion that others have to follow and then he will slowly try to change the motion which others will follow without missing a beat. The person from outside will then enter the room and try to guess who the leader is.

teaching kids to be leaders

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Straight Face Introduction

The class will have to stand in a circle. The kids will be instructed to go around the circle one by one and introduce themselves. However, the twist here is that they will not introduce themselves with their real name but rather as the most disgusting food they can think of. For instance, hello everyone, I’m a cheeseburger and I am glad to be here. The challenge is that the person introducing himself/herself cannot laugh while doing this. The rest of the class of course, can.



Pair students with one as ‘A’ and another as ‘B’. ask ‘A’ to look in the mirror and ‘B’ to follow ’A’ very closely. A third person should not be able to figure out who is leading and who is following. Ask them to follow the movements as well as the facial expression. You can ask them to switch positions after a minute.

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Spy, Crush and Hate

Ask the kids to silently walk around. Every player has to silently choose a member of the group Target 1 to spy on. They have to continue walking around the room trying hard to keep it a secret while still spying on Target 1. Now every player has to silently choose a Target 2 to spy on. Now the team has to spy on both the targets. After a while, tell the team members that they have a secret crush on target 1 and they must try to get close to that person, while still spying on Target 2. Now tell them they hate target 2 and must try to get as far from him/her as possible. You will observe the changing dynamics of the room.


Tour Guide

Pair students with one partner named as ‘A’ and the other one as ‘B’. ask everyone to close their eyes and think of a place that is close to their heart. It can be anything, a park, their grandparents’ place or a classroom. After a few moments, ask them to open their eyes. Tell partner A to lead partner ‘B’ on a 2 minutes guided tour of the place he imagined. Partner ’B’ can ask questions, if any. When 2 minutes are over, make them switch roles and ask partner ‘B’ to take partner ‘A’ on the tour.

Bucket of Water

Make the students seated and ask two students to come on the stage. Ask them to hold a large imaginary bucket, one person on either side. The job of the instructor is to fill the bucket with an imaginary hose. The selected students will then take the bucket from one end of the stage to another, where they are to dump out the water and then bring the bucket back. You can add other elements like the bucket smells, has a hole or anything. the difference in weight of the bucket in their bodies and expressions should be demonstrated by the kids.

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Emotional Quadrants

You have to create a cross in the centre of the playing area, making it clear that there are four distinct quadrants. each quadrant represents a different emotion like shy, happy, sad and angry. Ask the students to walk around the circle while you play music. When the music stops, each student can notice their section and then begin to act out that feeling.


Group Laugh (without laughing)

Ask the kids to sit in a circle. The goal is to perform the activity without laughing. The game begins with one person saying ‘ha’, then the other one sitting to his right/left will say ‘ha’ and add another ’ha’ to it. basically, the game goes on from one person to another with each one adding a ‘ha’. Remember, you do not have to laugh.


Ask the students to stand in a semicircle. Every person standing in the semicircle is a fan of whoever stands in front of them. Now ask one member at a time to step in front and narrate a fictional or real story. The superfans in the semicircle will cheer as soon as the person steps out and react with ‘ohhh’ and ‘ahh’ while the other person narrates the story.

Strike a Pose

Form a circle, each person chooses another person to secretly watch. Now ask everyone to close their eyes. After a moment, when everyone opens their eyes, they have to strike the pose as that of the person they decided to secretly watch.


Led by the Nose

Ask the children to imagine that there are strings attached to various parts of their bodies. Then, they move around the room led by that part. For instance, nose, knees etc.


You would be amazed to find out how fun these games will turn out for the kids. If you know more of these, do let us know in the comment section below.




