11 Amazing Tips to Help Your Teenage Son Grow His Mustache & Beard Faster


Beards never go out of style and it is every boy’s dream to get a thick and healthy beard. Different people get different types of beard like the long beard, bushy beard and some might get patchy, thick or a full and perfect one. The main point is that genetics will play a key role on how your beard is going to grow as some people are going to have a full beard in the middle school and some might have a baby face for a very long time. But don’t worry if you are someone who is not able to grow a mustache, then there are some natural ways that will undoubtedly help you to achieve your goals.

Teenage Mustache & Beard: 11 Natural Ways to  Grow Faster

Ways to Grow Teenage Mustache and Beard



If you are a teenager and you are struggling to grow your moustache then given below are 11 easy and natural ways that will help you to grow your beard faster and thicker:

Wash your face twice a day

Washing your face twice a day with gentle cleanser routinely prevents dirt and oil from building upon your face and clogging your pores. Dirty clogged skin can get in the way of your beard hair growing properly, so it is important to keep your skin clean. Get into the habit of washing your face when you get out of the shower in the morning and right before you go to bed at night. Use the cleanser designed specifically to be used on the face so that you don’t irritate your skin.

Exfoliate your face twice a week

Exfoliation will get rid of the dead skin cells build up on your face that can prevent your beard hair from growing in. Use a gentle exfoliating face scrub after you wash your face at night. Don’t exfoliate more than twice a week or you could irritate your skin.

Use a face moisturizer every day

Rub the moisturizer into your face and focus on your beard area as keeping your beard hair and follicles moisturized will keep your beard from getting dry and brittle. Dry beard hair is more prone to breakage which can slow down your beard growth.


Trim your beard every few weeks

Routine trims will keep your beard healthy so it doesn’t get damaged to the point where you have to start all over. Wait until you have at least 1 inch and 2.5 centimeters of hair before you start trimming it. Use scissors to trim your beard hair so you can be more precise with how much you cut off.

Eat more zinc, magnesium and Vitamin D

These nutrients can help improve your testosterone production. If you are not producing enough testosterone then you may not be growing beard hair as quickly as you could be. Every day you should be getting 11 milligrams and 0.17 grains of zinc, 310 milligrams and 4.8 grains of magnesium, and 600 milligrams of vitamin D. Taking supplements for eating foods rich in these nutrients can help you reach these daily amounts. Eating 5 ounces 140 grams of beef, 7 ounces 200 grams of cashews and six raw oysters would get you enough zinc for one day. Eating five cups 180 milliliters of almonds a day is an easy way to get enough magnesium. Spending 25 minutes in the sun or eating four ounces 110 grams of salmon can get you all of your vitamin D for the day.

Eat more protein-rich foods

Protein encourages hair growth, so protein-rich foods can help your beard hair grow faster. Make sure you are getting 56 grams 2.0 ounces of protein a day. Some foods high in protein are fish, chicken, turkey, Greek yogurt, beans, milk, and pasta. Eating 9 ounces 260 grams of fish, turkey or chicken a day would help you get your recommended daily intake of protein.

Take part in supplements

Biotin also called as vitamin B7 may help your beard hair grow faster. Biotin helps in maintaining the proteins in your hair stronger, which makes it easier for your beard hair to grow. Look for a biotin supplement online or at your local vitamin store. Aim to take between 2.5 to 5 milligrams of biotin a day.

Keep yourself hydrated

Drink between 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Being dehydrated can prevent your body from getting the nutrients it needs to grow beard hair. Drinking enough water will also help you grow healthier beard hair. You can carry a large water bottle with you because that will make it easier for you to drink water when you are at work or on the go.

Get enough sleep

Get at least six hours of sleep every night. Your beard hair grows rapidly while you are sleeping and not getting enough sleep can slow down your beard growth. Adequate sleep also helps prevent weak immune system which is linked to slower hair growth. Get yourself on a healthy sleep schedule by going to sleep at same time every night, at least six hours before you have to wake up.


Exercise regularly

Exercise at least 1 hour a day because exercising increases your testosterone production which can encourage beard hair growth. Choose one hour out of each day to devote to exercising and try to stick with it. If you are new to exercising then start out with 30 minutes exercise every other day and after you are used to routine, switch to exercising every day and finally extend your workout sessions to 1 hour.

Quit smoking

Smoking decreases circulation and blood flow to things that are necessary for facial hair growth. Smoking can also affect how well your body absorbs the nutrients you need to grow a healthy mustache. If you are having a hard time quitting smoking, try cutting back a little at first and then working your way up to quitting completely.

If your son is not able to grow beards then there is nothing to worry about because the guide mentioned above will definitely help him to grow his mustache faster. Make sure that you as a parent also keep an eye on his food habits and daily routines as they affect the facial hair growth the most.
