Pregnancy Trimesters and The Evolving Sleeping Postures to Follow


Pregnancy is one of the most memorable times in a mother’s life. It is hardship and joy, pain and love, mood swings and euphoria rolled into one extraordinary nine-month package. Each one of the forty weeks is a learning experience where the strength of a woman’s body comes out in full swing.

As the body changes to incorporate a tiny version of you and your partner, you need to nourish and rest it amply to aid the development of the fetus. Your body will begin to transform and the way you treat it will change too. Sleeping positions is one attribute that will change with each trimester. These positions will help the mother in getting wholesome rest as well as aid in optimum flow of nutrients and blood to the baby.

Must Follow Sleeping Position in Pregnancy: Trimester Wise



The first trimester (Week 1 to end of Week 12)

This stage starts from the last day of your normal period so it’s possible that you aren’t pregnant yet. The good news is only materializing at this point and will be more apparent when you miss your period. During the first six weeks, there is a lot of activity proceeding in the uterus. The egg is fertilized and attached itself to the womb. The cells develop quickly and by the twelfth week, the baby is 2.5 inches long with eyes, ears, fingernails and genitalia. You will begin to show at this point of your pregnancy, so this might be the time to go shopping for maternal wear.

During the first trimester, mothers may have a hard time sleeping owing to the nausea, tender breasts, heartburn and need to urinate frequently. Women who are used to sleeping on their backs may continue to do so as the bump has only started to grow. However, as time progresses mothers should sleep on their side, so it is advisable to get habituated early on.

The SOS or the Sleep on Side position is the ideal sleeping pose for all expectant mothers. The flow of nutrition and blood to the abdomen in this position surpasses the body’s ability to do so on its back. This position also relieves heartburn which is a common symptom in the first trimester.


This is the early stages of your pregnancy, so it gives you enough time to prepare for what comes ahead. Especially with regards to sleep, it is important to train your body to adapt to an eight-hour sleep cycle. Healthy sleep rituals or utilising a sleep cycle chart can help you set the body clock for the next two trimesters.

The second trimester (Week 13 to end of Week 27)

Welcome to the honeymoon phase of your pregnancy! The second trimester is very exciting for mothers as their bellies begin to swell to accommodate the developing baby. Increased breast size at this time is an indication of the body grooming itself for milk production. This trimester is easy on the mothers with reduced heartburn and nausea. The cherry on top is that mothers can now feel the baby’s movement in their belly. The baby can also hear the voices of its mom and dad, so now is a good time to start having conversations with the baby. By the end of this trimester, the baby will begin blinking.

Sleeping in the second trimester is a relief compared to the first. Mothers are advised to get their uninterrupted eight hours of rest at this time. With a growing belly, it is now time to sleep on your side. You can alternate between the right and left side, but practice sleeping predominantly on your left. The ideal sleeping pose would be to sleep on your side with your knees bent and a pillow placed in between your legs.

Sleeping on your back is not advisable here on forth as the uterus will begin to put pressure on the veins in the back and obstruct good blood circulation to the abdomen. It can also lead to heartburn and difficulty in breathing. By this time, it is also advisable to have a bedtime routine that helps you relax and a regular sleep cycle schedule.

Third Trimester (Week 28 to Week 40)

This is the last stretch of your pregnancy journey. It is also a challenging one. Your baby is growing at a fast pace at this stretch budding from the size of an aubergine to a fully formed baby. As time grows close, it is important to stay active with prenatal exercises and eat healthy. This trimester can have mothers experiencing difficulty in sleep, abdominal pain, heartburn and stretch marks. They will urinate frequently as the baby begins to press against the bladder. The weight of the belly can cause backaches and weariness.

In this trimester, it is important for mothers to get as much rest as they can. At this point, sleeping on your side is the only option that is most comfortable. Pillows are a huge boon at this time so buy as many as you think you will need. Pillows can prop you into a comfortable sleeping position that facilitates optimal overall circulation. You can place a pillow underneath your belly to provide additional support. Pillows under your upper body can help reduce heartburn and a pillow placed at the small of your back can prevent you from rolling over.


This trimester is where the quality and merits of your mattress comes into play the most. As you will spend most of your nights on the side, a good quality mattress will support your hips by contouring to your curve. The cooling technology and breathability will help you evade the infuriating experience of waking up flushed from heat. It is advisable to spend abundant time reading reviews of popular brands like purple mattress reviews and so on before making your purchase.

There are many emotions one will go through in this blissful journey. It is easy to get overwhelmed with emotions, chores and preparations. At this time, remember that your body is going through a series of dramatic changes and that you are fostering life itself inside you. So, remember to take a breath and let your family help you out. It is crucial for your mental state to remain positive and happy. Each peaceful minute will contribute toward a more relaxed birthing experience.
