Sex After Miscarriage- How Long to Wait?


A miscarriage is a physically and emotionally traumatic event for every woman. Healing physically, mentally and emotionally can take a while. Getting back to routine life and trying to have sex again with the partner after experiencing a miscarriage is difficult and can be a challenging task.

A miscarriage is a spontaneous loss of pregnancy before the 20th week. Many miscarriages occur because the fetus is not developing normally. About 8 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage.

sex after miscarriage

In this article:

When is it Safe to Have Sex after Miscarriage?
Learning to Deal with your Emotions after Miscarriage
When can you Have another Pregnancy?
Tips for Getting Pregnant Post Miscarriage

All You Need to Know about Sex After Miscarriage


When is it Safe to Have Sex after Miscarriage?

The waiting period to resume sex after a miscarriage varies for each couple as there are many factors which are considered like the time required for physical and emotional healing. Couples can resume sex once they feel emotionally ready and after the woman’s body has completely recovered and normal.

Typically, if the miscarriage occurred in the first trimester and there were no complications like pain, vaginal odour, bleeding or continuing symptoms of pregnancy, may resume sex 2 to 3 weeks post miscarriage. However, if the miscarriage occurred in the second or third trimester, it is better to wait for at least 6 weeks to resume sexual activity.

Learning to Deal with your Emotions after Miscarriage

Apart from dealing with physical changes after a miscarriage, a woman has to deal with the emotions which is very difficult. The feeling after such a traumatic event may be different for each person. It is quite normal to feel sad, anxious, angry, guilty or irritated after a miscarriage. These conflicting emotions may make it difficult for any woman to be intimate once again with the partner.

It may be awhile before in the frame of mind to be intimate with the partner once again and that is perfectly normal. The partner will support in this journey and ask help from family also.

If miscarriage has been experienced, have ample time to recover from the emotional pain caused by this devastating event. It is also prudent to be open about the feelings with the partner. Seek grief counselling or couple counselling, if needed. Discuss with the partner and decide if ready for next intimacy and to try for another pregnancy.


When can you Have another Pregnancy?

Many doctors advise couples wanting to get pregnant again to wait until after the first menstrual period following a miscarriage. This usually takes up to four weeks. The woman’s body requires this time to ensure that the hormone levels return to normal after a miscarriage. Also, once the regular menstrual cycle resumes, calculate the fertile period accurately. So ideally, wait for at least a month post miscarriage to begin trying to conceive once again.

It may also depend on the time required for physical healing. Some women may experience vaginal bleeding for a few weeks after the miscarriage. This may or may not be painful. It is better to abstain from sex until the bleeding has completely stopped to reduce the chances of infection.

Some women may have to undergo surgical removal of the pregnancy tissue, which requires a longer healing period. Also, the cervix and uterus remain partly dilated post miscarriage. This makes them vulnerable to infections. Hence, doctors advise against sex and use of tampons until they healing is done completely. This process of healing may take up to two weeks.

Tips for Getting Pregnant Post Miscarriage

Take Prenatal Vitamins

Start taking doctor-prescribed prenatal vitamins, especially folic acid at least a month before start trying to conceive once again.


Wait Until Completely Healed

Make sure that it is fully recovered physically and emotionally ready for pregnancy once again. Talk to the doctor and do no hesitate to seek trauma counselling or bereavement support along with the partner if help is required to overcome the emotional pain of miscarriage.

Healthy Diet and Regular Exercise

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables with the meals. A healthy and balanced diet has shown to reduce the risk of miscarriages by almost 50%. Exercise regularly and remain This will also help to lower the risk of further miscarriages significantly.

Avoid Harmful Substances

Avoid alcohol, nicotine and drugs completely. Limit or preferably avoid caffeine intake also. All of these substances increase the risk of miscarriages and can cause other complications in pregnancy.

Relax and De-Stress

According to research studies, stress increases the risk of miscarriages significantly. Try to relax and remain stress-free using relaxation techniques like yoga, breathing exercises, reading a book, going for a walk or any other favourite activity that makes calm and happy.

Wait to Resume Sex as Per the Doctor’s Instructions

Follow doctor’s advice and wait for however long the doctor suggests before resuming sexual activity. If there is vaginal bleeding after the miscarriage, wait until it has completely stopped. Take care during the first time sex after miscarriage bleeding. In case the bleeding resumes, stop having sex and consult the doctor.

Healthy Sex Life

Having sex at least thrice a week has shown to increase the chances of getting pregnant. Ovulation sticks can be used to determine the fertile period. Having sex on the day when ovulating and at least 3 to 4 days before can improve odds of becoming pregnant.



Going through a miscarriage is a traumatic experience for every woman. Healing physically, emotionally and mentally is very important. For again getting pregnant and intimate take to the doctor to avoid complications. Have proper healthy and balanced diet to heal faster.

