11 Serious Symptoms of Typhoid in Children


Did you know that typhoid is a deadly disease and can even be fatal in kids. It is therefore important to know and understand the symptoms of this condition. As soon as you observe the symptoms, be sure to book an appointment with your paediatrician.

Typhoid is a serious health condition, which can affect people in almost all age groups. However, children suffer the most from typhoid. Typhoid is a kind of severe bacterial infection, which mainly spreads through contaminated and unhygienic foods and drinks. The disease is mainly spread through Salmonella typhoid or Salmonella paratyphi bacteria. Patients of typhoid complain of high fever along with many other kinds of symptoms; but the high fever is the main symptom. The bacteria which are responsible for typhoid are mainly present in the stool or urine of the individual suffering from the ailment. Hence, it is obvious that typhoid is an extremely contagious disease. The disease if not treated at the right time can cause severe damage to the body of the child and might also be fatal in worst cases. Instant medical treatment should be started for typhoid to keep the disease under control.

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11 Symptoms of Typhoid in Children

There are very clear symptoms of severe typhoid in children. Some of the most common ones are as follows:

1. Extremely high fever

This is probably the most prominent symptom of severe typhoid. Temperatures might rise up to 104°C. In the lower range, the temperature hovers between 101°C -102°C. In many cases it has been seen that the surge of the temperature is seen at a particular time during the day.

2. Sore throat

Throat soreness can be seen in many children. As a result, the kid refuses to eat anything as the throat hurts.


3. Rashes or red colored spots

If you notice that your child has developed rashes or red colored spots on the upper part of the stomach, i.e. on the lower chest area, you can be sure that it is a case of typhoid for sure.

Typhoid in Children

4. Abdomen pain

Many children complain of abdomen pain during typhoid. Since the problem is related to eating contaminated food or water, abdomen pain is quite obvious.

5. Diarrhoea

Children suffering from typhoid might suffer from bouts of diarrhea as the infection takes place from consuming unhygienic foods and drinks. High fever along with diarrhea can make the situation extremely grave if immediate medical attention is not sought.

6. Constipation

While some children might complain of diarrhea along with high fever; some have the problem of constipation. The problem aggravates when the child refuses fluid intake and there is high temperature.

7. Loss of appetite

As long as the infection persists in the body, the child will not be interested in eating anything. The problem of sore throat might also affect appetite. Try giving soft, semi solid or liquid foods so that the body’s immunity works well.


Read More: Dengue Fever In Children And Measures To Avoid It

8. Coated tongue

When a doctor checks a child for typhoid symptoms, he checks the tongue for sure. A child suffering from typhoid is sure to have coated tongue. This happens because of the infection that is existent inside the child’s system.

9. Swollen belly

When a child shows a swollen belly due to typhoid, the indications are not very favorable. This is clear signal that the infection has developed quite a lot leading to the swollen belly. See a doctor immediately and seek proper medical treatment for the kid.

10. Headache

Your little one might be too small to understand and express that he/she has a headache. As a result of headache, he/she will become extremely irritated and fussy and might be nagging and crying.

11. Weight loss and weakness

With such high fever and lack of food intake, it is obvious that the body will become extremely weak. Weight loss takes place, drastically and it might take some time to recover back the lost strength and power.

Preventing typhoid in kids

Kids keep on running from one place to another and controlling them is not an easy task. However, when it comes to their health, you have to be extra careful. To prevent typhoid, you can try following these steps:

  • Make sure that the little one does not eat or drink anything before cleaning hands and legs thoroughly with water and soap.
  • Make sure that the child drinks safe and clean drinking water. It is recommended to boil water, cool the same and let the child drink the water.
  • Ensure that the child is in a clean and hygienic environment.