Quail Eggs for Children: Benefits, Side Effects, Precaution and Recipes


Some of the quail egg benefits for children include providing cough and asthma remedy, a natural dietary source for vitamins and minerals, helps in the formation of new blood cells, reduces chances of terminal illness and improves immunity and memory. Moreover, quail eggs are considered as a healthy alternative for children who are allergic to chicken eggs.

Quail egg is considered as a miracle food for growth and development of children of any age. Unlike regular chicken eggs, the quail eggs show lower risk pertaining to allergies and thus it is a much safer alternative.

What are quail eggs?

Eggs laid by different species of quail are referred to as quail egg. Quail eggs are widely consumed all around the world but talking about its size, they are comparatively smaller to duck and chicken eggs. Also, quail eggs have a high yolk-to-white ratio as compared to the normal eggs. Thereby, people with elevated cholesterol should avoid its consumption. Apart from that, quail eggs can be considered a healthy option to add to your diet.

Nutritional value of quail eggs (per 100 g)

Nutrient Value
Water [g] 74.35
Energy [kcal] 158.00
Protein [g] 13.05
Total lipid (fat) [g] 11.09
Carbohydrate, by difference [g] 0.41
Fiber, total dietary [g] 0.00
Sugars, total [g] 0.40
Calcium, Ca [mg] 64.00
Iron, Fe [mg] 3.65
Magnesium, Mg [mg] 13.00
Phosphorus, P [mg] 226.00
Potassium, K [mg] 132.00
Sodium, Na [mg] 141.00

Source: USDA

Can I give Quail Egg to my Child?

As your child starts to consume solid food at around 9 months, you can start introducing him/her quail eggs by offering just the yolk. Now if your child is 1 to 3 years old then you can offer 1 entire quail egg per day with both the yolk and the whites. Children between 3 to 7 years old can have 2-3 quail eggs per day, depending on their individual digestive capacity. Children above 7 years can have around 3-5 quail eggs.

11 Surprising Quail Egg Benefits for Kids


Due to the essential nutrient contents, quail eggs offer plenty of health benefits to your child. Some of the quail eggs benefits are listed below:

Improves Immunity & Memory, an important quail eggs benefit

Quail eggs are known to help your child grow a strong defense system and immunity. These eggs help in increasing the level of hemoglobin and also help your child’s body to get rid of the toxins and any other metal compounds. Quail eggs also take care of your child’s kidney, liver and gallbladder.

If your child is suffering constantly from different forms of allergies and ailments then offering him/her with quail eggs will definitely help in the cause of preventing them.

Quail eggs are also known to increase brain activity and improve the sense of memory. Introducing quail eggs in your child’s regular diet might help him/her score higher in the class quizzes.

Rich in Vitamins & Minerals:

One of the main reasons why pediatricians around the globe suggest parents to offer quail eggs to their children is because they are rich in vitamins and healthy nutrients. The remarkably high protein content of quail eggs will boost your little one’s growth and development. Moreover, quail eggs also high in vitamin B1 which is very much essential for your child’s early development. In fact, the vitamin B1 content of quail eggs is even more than the amount of vitamin B1 available in chicken.

Cures Cough and Asthma:

Does your child suffer constantly from cough and asthma related problems? Then it is about time you consult your paediatrician and ask for his/her suggestion for introducing quail egg to your child. Quail eggs contain the vital nutrients which will help your child fight repetitive problems of cough and asthma. Also the high protein contents helps in boosting the overall immunity of your child.


Read: Home Remedy for Cough and Cold for Kids

Watch Video: Quail Eggs for Children: Benefits, Side Effects, Precaution and Recipes

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Boosts the formation of Red Blood Cells:

Iron rich food alternatives like quail eggs boost the formation of red blood cells in your child. Also at the same time, the presence of essential minerals like potassium in quail eggs essentially helps your child maintain a healthy growth rate of bones, teeth and nail.quail eggs for children

Reduces Chances of Terminal Illness

Quail eggs are indeed super-food for your little ones as they often tend to curb any potential chance of causing terminal illness, in the form of heart diseases, arthritis and even cancer, in your child. You might not even know that your child is suffering from low level of potassium intake and that eventually leads to such terminal illnesses in the later stages of their lives.

However, daily or regular intake of quail eggs will boost that extra level of potassium in your child’s body and will eliminate any chances of terminal diseases from its very root.


A Good Alternative to Chicken Eggs

More often than not, you will come across children who are allergic to chicken eggs and hence lack the all important vitamin B1 content in their body. If your child is one of them then no need to panic about the low intake of vitamin B1 because quail eggs offer the perfect alternative.

Due to the presence of a protein called ovomucoid, quail eggs not that only curb the possibility of allergy but also at the same time it will help your child to fight-off signs of any potential allergy formation in his/her body.

Better vision

Being a rich source of vitamin A, it helps in reducing macular degeneration and also prevents the development of cataracts. Thus, the antioxidant activity of this essential vitamin in quail eggs leads to a better vision.


Quail eggs contribute in adding a high amount of protein in the diet which is needed for the bodily processes. These proteins are then broken down and used for the reformation of new cells, muscle, tissue, bone and blood vessels, thus ensuring an adequate and healthy body growth.

Reducing blood pressure

Quail eggs consist of potassium that has the ability to reduce the blood pressure. Acting as a vasodilator, it helps in relieving the stress on the arteries and blood vessels. Also, quail eggs have comparatively more potassium than chicken eggs.

Treats allergies

Ovomucoid protein acts as a natural anti-allergenic. Quail eggs being a rich source of it prevents any symptoms of allergic reactions, for instance congestion, inflammation etc.


Energy levels

With nearly 6 grams of protein per serving, these eggs are a great option for an early morning breakfast to keep your energy levels high throughout the day. Thus, you do not need to depend on other stimulants to regulate your child’s energy levels.

Quail egg recipe for kids

Quail eggs in red chilli sauce

  • Boil a few quail eggs and remove the shell of them all.
  • Pour some oil in a pan and heat it. Then, add some chilli powder and salt to the heated oil.
  • Add some onions, tomatoes and other ingredients of your choice.
  • Add the boiled egg in the end and you are ready to serve.

Boiled quail eggs with haloumi

  • Preheat at 190C.
  • You can then take a muffin tray with pastry and place some sliced tomatoes on each.
  • Add sausages and crumble some haloumi
  • Crack a quail egg over each of them and add some salt, pepper and parsley for taste.
  • Bake for approximately 8 minutes.

Fried quail eggs

  • Get an electric baking pan and switch to takoyaki mode.
  • Add some oil and turn on the heat.
  • Add the eggs into the baking pan.
  • Now just like a takoyaki combine two eggs into a spherical.
  • Wait for the eggs to turn their colour into golden and you’re done.

Quail egg capertizers

  • For this one, you would require quail egg scissors.
  • Using the pair of quail egg scissors, cut the tops off of the prewashed quail eggs.
  • Drop the eggs into the pan and let them fry.
  • Add salt and pepper for taste. Serve.

Side effects of quail eggs

Allergic to quail eggs

Some children may be allergic to both chicken eggs as well as quail eggs. Although, quail eggs are said to improve the allergic reactions but those allergic to quail eggs and chicken eggs or any one of them may experience worsen allergic reactions. In such a case, it is better you avoid the consumption of quail eggs.


Little Bad for the digestive system

The presence of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients etc in quail eggs provide great relief from a number of gastrointestinal problems. But when consumed in large extent, it may lead to a number of problems of intestinal blockage, gas, flatulence etc.

Too many oxidants can be bad

Quail eggs are a rich source of antioxidants and antioxidantal compounds. Although these compounds provide a number of health benefits but when these antioxidants are not consumed in moderation, these can cause adverse health effects rather than the beneficial ones. Thus, overtaking antioxidants for a long period of time may increase the risk of cancer.

Can you eat quail eggs regularly?

As discussed above, the size of quail eggs is comparatively a lot smaller to the chicken eggs. So consequently, the number of quail eggs you would eat will also be higher than chicken eggs. However, you should not eat more than 20 quail eggs in a day. It is also to be kept in mind that you need to reduce your intake of other vitamin A rich foods, if you eat over 5 quail eggs per day. For instance, fish oil and carrots etc. Generally, people consume around 3-5 quail eggs in their breakfast on a regular basis.

Precaution: Before Introducing Quail Egg to your Child

Though it is a fact that quail eggs are much less allergy prone when compared to chicken eggs but it is advisable that before introducing quail eggs (even the yolk to your 1 year old) you consult your paediatrician for any potential side-effects. Quail eggs are commercially available and once your baby starts digesting them properly, you can start offering them the same on a regular basis.






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