11 Must Know Food That Cause Gas In Babies


Gassiness in babies is a common case. It can cause great amout of discomfort to your little one. To understand what foods can cause gas in your baby, look at those that cause the same in you. Your little one has the ability to process foods the same way as you. In case you are aware of the foods that cause gas in you, those can be best avoided.

What are the foods that cause gas in babies?

Every baby is unique. So is their reaction to different foods. However, there are certain foods that are common culprits for causing gas in babies. These belong to different food groups that are included in your baby’s diet.

Let’s have a look at 11 must know gas-causing foods to be aware of. The foods include a variety of items. There are green vegetables, beans, and even certain fruits. These foods take time to digest. This is because they are slow to break down.

Gas In Babies

11 Must Know Food That Cause Gas In Babies


Beans are definitely one of the top foods that cause gas. This is both in babies and adults. In the case of breastfed babies, a mother’s diet full of beans, is sure to lead to gassiness. In case your baby is being breastfed, you should check your bean intake. When introducing beans to your little one, make sure to include different varieties. Don’t stick to only one kind of beans. This way you can find out which variety is causing gas in your baby and which is safe to use.

Avoiding canned beans of any sort is a good idea. These may not have been soaked and rinsed to reduce the gassiness. Canned beans can cause your baby to have a very bad case of gas. That is why it is best to avoid them.



This nutritious green vegetable is also notorious for causing gas in your baby. It is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, but can also cause gas. Some parents find that eating the stems of the broccoli causes their child to become gassy and bloated. When using broccoli for kids, it is best to use only the florets. The florets are more nutritious for your baby and are less likely to cause gas. You can use the stems to make stalks and soups for your little one. This way they will get the nutrition without becoming gassy.


Just like broccoli, cabbage is also high in sulfur. This causes it to make some really bad smelling gas in your baby. It is particularly prone to causing gas in babies when they eat it in large quantities. This makes giving cabbage to your baby very tricky. The substance present in cabbage causes your baby’s flatulence to be easily smelt.

However, cabbage is a very healthy vegetable for your baby. Including it in moderate amounts in your baby’s diet regularly is a good idea. Sauerkraut – a fermented food made with cabbage is actually more nutritive for your baby. Including cabbage in your baby’s diet in this form is a great idea. The predigested cabbage in this form makes it easier to digest for your baby. This in turn can help prevent gas.

Dairy Products

Even if your baby is not lactose intolerant, dairy products can cause gas in him or her. If you notice your baby getting gassy after having milk or milk products, it is normal. This happens due to the slow break down of milk products by your baby’s body. Babies drinking mainly cow’s milk are seen to suffer from constipation. This leads to increased occurance of gas. Giving your baby adequate water is one way of helping relieve gas.

However, if your baby is diagnosed with lactose intolerance, it is best to consult your doctor. Your doctor can suggest supplements for your baby to help with the condition.

Brussel Sprouts

These are a very common cause of gas. It is closely related to the cabbage which is also well known for causing gas. The problem with brussel sprouts occurs when your baby has it along with large amounts of other foods. This makes the chances of your baby’s body not being able to digest them properly quite high. It is then that the problem comes. It’s high sulfur and raffinose content is notorious for causing cas in your babies.


However, eaten in small quanities reggularly, brussel sprouts are very nutritive for your little one. It also doesn’t give rise to gas when your baby eats it in moderate quantities. For babies, you can start off with a very low amount to help the body digest it properly.


Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that is packed with essenttial vitamins and minerals. However, just like broccoli and cabbages, cauliflowers are also a known food item that causes gas in babies. This is due to the presence of sulfur compounds in the vegetable.

Your baby is likely to suffer from gas and bloating on the following day of eating a lot of this vegetable. Moderation is the key to feeding your baby cauliflowers. Use only the florets. The stems are more likely to cause gas.


Just like beans, peans also contain high levels of fiber. They also contain indigestible oligosaccharides. Both these substances are responsible for causing gas in your baby. Chickpeas are infamous for causing particularly bad case of gas. It is best to avoid in your babies. Peas and other lentils are known to cause large volumes of intestinal gas in your baby. However, the flatulence is unlikely to contain an offensive odor.


Onions are another vegetable that can cause gas is your baby. This is because of the high levels of fructans present. Having a lot of onions can cause bloating and gas in your child. Raw onions in large quantities is definitely a cause for gas in babies. Not only that, onion breath is also a cause for concern. Make sure to moderate the amount of raw onions your baby eats during each meal. Caramelising onions when cooking is also a good option. In case your baby is suffering from gas and bloating from having too many onions, try giving a herbal ginger tea.



These are high in folic acid. Which means you should include them in your baby’s diet. However, asparagus can also cause intestinal gas in your little one. When eaten in large quantities they can cause great discomfort in your baby. This does not mean that you should discontinue giving your baby asparagus. They are very healthy for growing babies as they are full of nutrients. Keeping the amount of asparagus eaten by your child in check, you can ensure he or she gets the nutrition without the gas.


Adding mushrooms to your baby’s diet is a good idea to keep variety in texture and taste. However, mushrooms can also lead to formation of intestinal gas in your baby. This is due to the presence of some amount of fructans and raffinose in them. In small portions mushrooms do not cause gas in babies. However, in bigger meals such as in soups and pastas, it can cause. Your child can also complain of bloating.

Carbonated Beverages

Market bought drinks can contain fructose. They may even contain sorbitol. Carbonation can also be present in certain beverages. Giving these to your baby can result in intestinal gas. One of the most common carbonated beverage that is often consumed by kids is soda. Artificial fruit juices and drinks may also contain fructose. All these result in the formation of intestinal gas in your baby.

How can I avoid gas in my baby?

Younger babies who have not yet started to crawl are more prone to gassiness. This can lead to great discomfort. In this case you will need to help your baby with the process. Once your baby is older and more active, you will notice the incidents of gassiness become less frequent.

Some of the ways in which you can help your baby avoid gas are by following the below steps:

  • Teach them to take smaller bites
  • teach your baby to chew the food thoroughly
  • Start slowly with gassy foods
  • Do not give unsoaked beans to your baby

Do not avoid or stop giving your baby foods that cause gas. These are nutritious and are needed by your baby’s body for proper growth and development. Also introducing these foods as your baby grows older is a good idea. This is because as your baby grows older a more varied menu will be good for him or her.


If your baby is just gassy, don’t be worried. It can be relieved naturally. However, if your baby is facing extreme discomfort due to the gas, talk to your doctor.
