Understanding Common IVF Treatment Abbreviations


This article contains common IVF abbreviations and their full forms. When entering the world of fertility treatment for the first time, it can initially be an overwhelming experience full of medical terminology and strange treatment terms. 

If you choose the best fertility clinic, everything will be done to put you at ease and explain the IVF treatment process step-by-step. But to help you know your FET from your ART, we’ve put together our easy read guide to understanding common IVF treatment abbreviations.

ivf abbreviations

IVF Treatment Abbreviations

AMH – Anti-mullerian hormone

This protein hormone can indicate how well your body will react to fertility medication for IVF, depending on how much you have at any point in your cycle. 

ART – Advanced Reproductive Technologies

ART is one of the IVF abbreviations. It is an umbrella term that is widely used to describe infertility treatments that involved both the egg and the sperm being handled, typically in a laboratory setting, before being transferred to the uterus. 

BBT – Basal body temperature

This is your body’s natural resting temperature taken upon waking and is used as a way to track when a woman is at her most fertile, as ovulation can cause a slight rise in her BBT. 


FET – Frozen Embryo Transfer

FET uses embryos that have been retrieved from the ovaries and then fertilised externally before being frozen using cryopreservation techniques. When ready for IVF, these embryos are then thawed and transferred into the woman’s uterus to start a pregnancy. 

FSH – Follicle-stimulating hormone

Another hormone produced by the pituitary gland, FSH helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and can also help manage sperm production.  FSH levels are often checked during initial infertility tests as it can indicate whether your egg or sperm count in low. 

HCG – Human chorionic gonadotrophin

This is a hormone that supports the development of eggs in the ovary and then stimulates their release during ovulation. It is used to trigger ovulation in women, as well as increase sperm count in men. 

ICSI – Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

ICIS is a treatment for men who are experiencing infertility and is used in conjunction with IVF where the sperm in directly injected into the egg.

IUI – Intra-uterine insemination

This refers to the transfer of ‘washed’ sperm (the healthiest, motile sperm) directly into the uterus via a small tube that has been passed through the cervix. 


IVF – In-Vitro Fertilisation

This fertility treatment sees fertilisation of the egg taking place outside of the body, before being transferred back to be implanted into the uterus. 

LH – Luteinising hormone

Made by the pituitary gland, LH helps to control the menstrual cycle as well as triggering the release of eggs from the ovary. 

OHSS – Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

This syndrome is where a woman’s body has an exaggerated response to excess hormones, especially when she is taking IVF hormone medications to stimulate egg development. OHSS can cause the ovaries to swell and become painful. 

PCOS – Polycystic ovary syndrome

This is a relatively common condition which causes the female sex hormones to get out of balance and interrupt ovulation, potentially making it more difficult for a woman to get pregnant. 

2WW – Two-Week Wait

This is a commonly used term that refers to the length of time you need to wait from ovulation before conducting a pregnancy test.

For more guidance on fertility treatment, contact the team at Fertility Plus, a leading IVF clinic in London that specialises in personalised one-to-one care and advice. 
