How to Know When You Ovulate?


Thinking on the lines of becoming pregnant?  Then it is high time you are acquainted with the term O of ovulation. The menstrual cycles of each woman varies so is the same with ovulation. By being aware of the symptoms of ovulation you can improve the chances of being pregnant. Even if you are not able to conceive, being presented with a concise idea about ovulation will aid you in menstrual cycle. Any form of abnormal symptoms will be detected down the line.

Read More:11 Signs and Symptoms of Ovulation

The definition of Ovulation

You might have heard way back in your health class that ovulation means a matured egg is released from ovary. Each woman has millions of immature eggs which are waiting to spring out. This is released normally one at a time in a month. When ovulation occurs, the egg makes its way through the fallopian tube where it meets up with a sperm and becomes fertilized. In case of healthy women ovulation tends to happen once in a month after a few days of menstruation ending.

The reasons for Ovulation

It is heard that ovulation does occur on the 15th day of your menstrual period. This may vary from person to person and in healthy women it occurs 12 to 16 days before the next period. In case of some women ovulation may not take place at all or be irregular as well. Certain form of medications or diseases may force women to stop ovulation for a period of time. Stress along with trendy lifestyles also has a definite say in matters of ovulation.

If you are having irregular cycles, it is suggested that you get evaluated by your physician to figure out the exact reasons. Tracking ovulation when you are part of irregular cycles is difficult. Be aware of the fact that ovulation occurs 14 days before the onset of menstruation. Even if you have irregular periods you are bound to conceive at some point.

In the event of you planning to breastfeed the baby, (the baby is not going to be part of any nutrition) take note that you will not be ovulating. But exceptions are there as you cannot depend on breastfeeding as birth control measure. Once the baby is introduced to solid foods, ovulation will again start. So plan the birth control in a proper manner otherwise a surprise is round the corner.


Which are the days when you are most fertile?

Some feel that you can conceive any day of the month, others have a different mind-set. They point that you need to have sex on the day of ovulation. Both these statements are not true as there is a 6 day fertile window. This is in your cycle and the five days that lead up to ovulation. Out of the 6 days the best time to conceive is on the first couple of days and on the exact date of ovulation. These are the days when you are most fertile.

Read More: How To Use An Ovulation Stick

The process to predict Ovulation

If you are planning to conceive or your intent to know more about the signs of ovulation, any indicators, both at home or OTC signs can throw light on when ovulation is going to start.

1} Menstrual charting

An effective way of tracking ovulation is to keep a record of when your period starts and ends. If your menstrual cycle is normal – between 25 to 35 days, then the chances of ovulation is regular. It is suggested that you note down the signs of ovulation- fluid retention, tenderness in breast etc.

2} Ovulation kit

With the help of ovulation kits, the level of LH hormone is measured in your urine. It tends to work as the ovulation is at its peak 10 to 12 hours after the LH peaks. Though majority of the ovulation test kits suggest that it can be used at any time of the day, but it is recommended to use in the morning.



3} Fertility monitor

An ovulation kit can identify when ovulation can occur, but a fertility monitor can guide you on the most fertile days. With the monitor your estrogen and LH levels are measured to figure out the two peak days of fertility. Since these monitors provide you with advanced information they are more costly than ovulation kits.

Read More: Mittlelschmerz or Painful Ovulation: Signs and Symptoms

Signs along with symptoms of ovulation

1} Tenderness or soreness in the breasts

Nipple sensitivity or breast tenderness could be a common sign of ovulation. The hormones tend to rush on to your body before and after the stage of ovulation.

2} Pain in the lower abdomen

In case of some women ovulation may arise in the form of a small abdominal pain. It could be on either side and this sensation could last between a few minutes to hours. There is no need to worry about the pain as it fades away with OTC.

3} Light discharge

A light discharge of brown colour is common during ovulation. This is not a major cause of worry till the discharge persists for a long term. If it happens to be the case, then do get in touch with your physician and check any signs of infection.

4} Cervix is prone to change

The cervix is expected to become lighter, more open and softer during the stage of ovulation. In case of women with a regular menstrual cycle, the cervix will become softer before ovulation. A gynaecologist can detect the changes in the cervix with the help of a spectrum.


To conclude, ovulation before and after is prone to massive hormonal changes that effect the entire body. Various signs of ovulation may be encountered, but if you fail to do so it in no way means that you are not ovulating. Most of the women have no clue at all and if you are aware of what the signs are, then it becomes quiet easy to predict the signs of ovulation.

An occasional visit to a gynaecologist if you have any major doubts would do no harm as well.

