Home Remedies For Back Pain During Pregnancy


Some home remedies for controlling back pain during pregnancy can include turmeric, wheat, herbal oil, garlic, basil leaves, ginger, valerian root, peppercorns and ginger and eucommia bark.

Pregnancy may be a joyful time for mothers. However, it does bring with it a whole host of inconveniences – backache being a very common problem. This is because at the time of pregnancy the ligaments in the woman’s body become softer in order to prepare for the task of labor. Due to this, the joints in your lower back or pelvis may experience a greater strain than normal and this can cause a terrible backache.

Remedies For Back Pain During Pregnancy

Source: Drug Pills Mart

Home Remedies For Back Pain During Pregnancy

Thankfully, you no longer have to rush to the doctor every time you experience a dreadful back ache as you can now get your hands on a number of home remedies that will help do the trick.

So for those of you who don’t know what remedies work well against a back ache, here are some of the common ones.


Known for being the main ingredient in curries and the one responsible for giving it flavor and color, this herb also comes with pain-relieving properties. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to improve circulation and prevent clotting. Its pain-relieving ability is actually brought about by one of its ingredients – curcumin. Of course, you can’t eat a spoonful of turmeric on the go so all you need to do is add it to your daily diet to experience its healing powers.



Known for containing certain compounds that produce an analgesic effect, it is very useful in ridding yourself of back pain. All you need to do is soak a handful of wheat into water and leave it overnight. In the morning, add coriander, cuscus grass powder and a cup of milk. Boil it till it turns into a thick mixture and have it twice a day.

Herbal Oil

Irrespective of whether you use coconut oil, eucalyptus oil, almond oil or olive oil, any herbal oil is effective in relieving you of back pain. Heat the oil until warm and massage it into the affected area. This will help relax the muscles and relieve the pain.


This is also found to be an effective ingredient that can come to your aid in treating back ache. You can either eat two to three cloves everyday in the morning on an empty stomach or you can massage the affected area with garlic oil.

Basil Leaves

Another useful ingredient that you will find in your kitchen that can help you chase the back pain away is basil leaves. You need to boil around 8-10 leaves of basil into a cup of water. Once half the water has evaporated, switch it off and leave it to cool. Drink this concoction once a day to beat your pain. However, if you are suffering from severe pain, then twice a day is better.


Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties thus it is an effective remedy against muscle cramps, headaches, backaches and circulation. One way of ridding yourself of pain is by grating the root, dipping it in hot water for 30 seconds and then applying it to the affected area for about 20 minutes. However, wait for it to cool before applying or you may burn yourself.

Valerian Root

This may not be something that is very commonly found at home, however the fact that it is also known as ‘nature’s tranquilizer’ makes its healing ability quite evident. It works by reducing nerve sensitivity in the affected area. All you need to do is make yourself a cup of valerian tea to relieve yourself of that unbearable pain.


Peppercorns and Ginger

Ginger, well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties, when mixed with half tsp of peppercorns and half a tsp of cloves, making an herbal tea of the three ingredients and drinking it provides relief from back pain. You can drink this 2 to 3 times a day for best results.

Eucommia Bark

Very effective in relieving back and joint pain, this bark is also known to strengthen bones and ligaments. Remember your ligaments are stretching to accommodate the growing baby and for the impending delivery. So, the bark will provide relief. Although it can be used alone, it is mostly used with other supporting herbs.

So though you may have to encounter these inconveniences at the time of pregnancy, you need not worry as these home remedies will help ease the pain away.
