11 Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dry Scalp


Fed up with hair fall, damaged hair, split-ends, and dandruff due to dry scalp? Yes, it has become quite common nowadays. Looking around we’ll find almost 70-80% of people with an issue of hair because of many reasons such as pollution, no self-care, or water having chlorine and ions. Have you ever thought why is this happening? And how can you cure it without spending thousands of your money at the parlor?

dry scalp

In This Article:

What Is Dry Scalp?

Often people don’t get enough time to take care of their hair. Dry scalp happens when the hair is not receiving any nutrients to grow and stay beautiful. Just like skin, hair too needs basic requirements to stay healthy and pretty and those requirements are oil. Oil helps the hair from dryness and also acts as food or nutrients for the hair. People who don’t act on their scalp with this oil faces issues of dry scalp.


Problems That Arise When One Has A Dry Scalp?


If you have a dry scalp then it can be that you too have dandruff.

Skin Rashes

The hair looks pale because of the dry scalp. The skin also faces lots of issues like rashes, white spots as at the end of the day everybody part is connected.

Hair Fall

The major reason for hair fall is a dry scalp. Hair falls because it is not strong enough to deal with day-to-day life activities and pollution. Thus, it needs enough food to carry on, if not provided then it is bound to break and fall.


With dry scalp, you give an invitation to itching. Also, red bumps that look like pimples happen to grow on your scalps.

Now, people spend half of their earnings on their hair thinking that it will look better again. But just spending will do no help rather one has to maintain good care of it as well. And instead of spending so much money on parlors one can use some home remedies and say bye-bye to the dry scalp.


11 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid of Dry Scalp

Coconut Oil

One of the most popular and most used remedies for any type of hair. This is the best as it is suitable for all types of the scalp. Coconut oil is full of vitamins and minerals which help the hair to grow beautifully. It makes your hair smooth and also helps with your dry scalp and hair fall.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is known as a skin remedy. Many people use aloe vera for clean and clear skin but very few know that it is an amazing medicine for the scalp too. It is an all-rounder with all the necessary properties for your hair to grow fine and beautiful.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties that work as an oil gland to the scalp. It provides relief from dry scalp. Use it with a little bit of water and let it cool down then wash it after an hour or two.

Olive Oil and Baking Soda

Olive oil has a high moisturizing quality which nourishes the hair and also makes them dandruff-free. For the best result, one can use olive oil with egg white and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice as well.


Yogurt contains lactobacillus paracasei that act as a damage barrier to the skin and also to the scalp. Maximum of the skin products are made of yogurt because of this quality it and it is beneficial as well. Using it once a week will nourish your hair and reduces dryness.


An egg is a package of protein and vitamins which makes the hair stronger, smoother, and dry scalp-free. However, many people hate the smell of it and avoid it. To get rid of the smell, use it by making a mixture of egg, yogurt with a teaspoon of honey in it.


Tea Tree Oil

Dryness can be caused by many different reasons and one of them can be a fungal infection on your hair. Tea tree shampoo help fighting fungal infection because it contains antifungal attributes.

Mashed Banana

Banana is considered as the all-rounder because of its numerous benefits on health, body, skin, and now hair as well. If you prefer banana then it won’t be a problem using it as a hair-do. Just smash some banana pieces and use them on the hair keep it for half an hour and then rinse it.

Avocado Oil

Avocado oil contains a fatty acid that helps in moisturizing hair and making it smooth and silky.

Onion Juice

Onions have properties of phytochemicals which help in reducing dryness of the scalp, and also helps in eliminating dandruff. You can use onion juice on your scalp at least twice a week only on the scalp and not the hair layers and then wash it by using shampoo. You will see the improvement yourself later.

Drinking Water

Drinking water is the solution for any- body-related purposes, whether that be skin-related, internal part issues, and then hair as well.


Applying these in one day to day life will surely bring back confidence in their hair loss and help them grow hair naturally beautiful.


