Healthy Coconut Frosting Shots – Busy Mom Recipe


I tried making this awesome “Yummylicious Chocolate Coconut Frosting Shots” last weekend and everyone loved it, especially my 4 year old son.

These chocolate shots are super healthy, awesomely tasty and quick to make. Sounds incredible? Wait until you read the recipe and try it out in your own kitchen. This recipe is great for all those mommies who are busy and strive to squeeze out some time to serve healthy food to their family. Only a few minutes are really needed to use this recipe and delight your children!

So, here’s the recipe which worked for me. You could try different variations and experiment as you please!


  • 1 can of full-fat coconut milk or coconut cream
  • 1/4 cup plus 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp of pure vanilla extract or 2-3 drops of vanilla essence
  • Sweetener of your choice – castor sugar, coconut sugar, normal sugar granules


Healthy Coconut frosting recipe

Step 1: Start with the key ingredient, i.e., coconut milk. The health benefits of coconut milk for babies are well known. You can make your own coconut milk at home or buy a full fat coconut milk from a nearby store. If you’d like to make your own coconut milk, here’s how. After the coconut milk is ready, let it stand still in the fridge for a couple of hours. The thick milk and the water would separate. Drain the water part and use the thick milk for the recipe.

Homemade coconut milk recipe for your kid

Alternatively, you could just buy a full fat coconut milk can from a nearby store. Hint: While buying the can, shake the can and check if you can hear the liquidy content swishing around. In case you hear that, the milk is probably too thin to work for this recipe. Coconut cream could be a better option for you if you don’t get good quality coconut milk.


Step 2: Transfer the thick milk in a bowl. Add in your cocoa, vanilla, and sugar. Whip with a fork or even beaters if you want to be fancy.  I used a fork to whip.

Step 3: Store uncovered in the freezer for 2-3 hours. All the flavours get soaked and mixture becomes thicker.

Step 4: Take the mixture out. Whip with the fork again and fill up your tequila glasses. Enjoy the awesome dessert with the goodness of coconut.

Hope you enjoyed the recipe as much as I did.

Source: chocolatecoveredkatie
