How to Get Excited About Going Back to Work After Having a Baby?


Many parents make the hard decision to go back to work after having a baby. While you might prefer to be a stay-at-home parent, it’s not always possible due to career demands or financial constraints. It’s only natural to be sad when you leave your baby with a nanny or drop them off at a daycare facility. However, that sadness might also be overtaken by excitement when you decide to do some of the following things:    

going back to work after baby


Knowing that you always want to be able to provide the best for your children, you might decide to upskill before or during the return-to-work process. For example, if you already have an associate degree in nursing, you might explore online FNP programs. You can also perform the coursework online to prevent it from affecting your home life. Depending on your industry, upskilling might be the right option for career flexibility and growth in the future. You might also be able to earn more to save and support your growing family. 

Change Your Hours

Some parents dread returning to work after having a baby because they know their job’s hours will no longer suit their personal lives. This can be especially true if you’re still breastfeeding and need frequent breaks to express. You might also discover that your work hours don’t suit daycare facilities in your area. 

In that case, consider talking to your employer about changing work hours before you return. If you can negotiate more flexible hours, you might be excited rather than stressed by the idea of re-entering the workforce. 

Arrange Suitable Childcare

Everyone’s childcare wants and needs are different. Some people make their decisions on the most affordable and closest option. Others select one that suits their hours and has the programs their children need. Parents can also choose from daycare facilities, at-home care, babysitters, and nannies. Knowing that you have a routine and plan long before you return to work can be a weight off your mind. You can then return to your regularly scheduled hours knowing that your child is well cared for. 


Meet Up With Coworkers

It’s hard not to form long-standing friendships with people you work with every day. Those same people then become close friends outside of work. If you’re getting ready to return to work, catch up with your coworkers before your first day. 

You can find out what changes have been made and if there’s anything you need to prepare yourself for. A great deal can change in a few short months of being out of the workforce. Catching up with coworkers can mean you attend your first day of work without being daunted by the prospect of unexpected change. 

Ease Into It

Going from taking care of your baby at home full-time to working 30-plus hours a week can be overwhelming. Talk to your employer about easing yourself back into your role to get yourself and your family used to this significant change. You might start with part-time hours, half days, or mornings before gradually increasing to your standard full-time role. 

Even if you love your job, returning to it after the bliss of caring for a newborn at home can be stressful. However, some of these actions above might make you feel more excited than nervous when you return to the office.
