15 Fun Games for your Baby’s Quick Development


Look at the stuff, smell the spices, the light is coming, cross the obstacles, rearrangekitchen stack-ups, the bath tub fun, roll play, sleep, paint, scavenger hunt, walk, jump and run!, removing tape game and imitate your baby’s sounds are some of the fun games for baby’s development.

Playing fun games with your baby is the best time to build a loving connection with him/her. To some extent, some of the games also let your baby’s brain cells to grow and develop. But now that your baby is too young to play games like chess, puzzles etc, you have to select those games for him/her that lead to your baby’s development and are also interesting at the same time. We have listed below 15 fun games for your baby’s quick development:

Read More: Fun at Home Toddler activities and Games

15 Best Games for your Baby’s Quick Development

fun games

Look at the stuff

Primarily, most of your time will be spent in showing your baby different stuff. You can choose any objects including egg beaters, wire whisks, spoons, books, magazines, clothes, fruits, pictures etc.  You just have to make sure that none of these objects hurt your baby in any manner and you are always around while your baby is having his/her playtime with them. So, you can just keep a few of these objects along with you. Just hold the object and look at it together so that your baby becomes familiar with it.

Smell the spices

It’s the time to take your little one into the kitchen and introduce him/her to the scents of various spices or actually, anything that is in the kitchen. You can begin with the intoxicating smell of cinnamon and then move to vanilla, cloves, cumin, peppermint etc. Make sure you are careful with the spices so that they do not enter the eyes. Apart from kitchen, you can also switch to other fragrances such as daddy’s perfume or mommy’s cream etc.


Read More: 11 Traditional Games to Make Your Child A Genius

The light is coming

When your baby turns 7 to 9 months of age, you can begin to introduce him/her with objects that have a cause and effect relationship. Making it simpler, I mean you can teach your baby on how to work with light switches, doorbells, faucets etc. stay around your child all the time to avoid any danger.

Cross the obstacles

Now that your baby has learned to walk around or even crawl, you can teach him/her to walk over things. For instance, you can place any soft object such as a pillow or laundry and ask your little one to cross that obstacle or basically to move over such things.


Give your baby a shoe box and several small objects filled inside it. Now ask your baby to take all those things out and then keep them again in the box. Apart from the shoe box, you can also give your purse. Eventually, start to teach your baby the exact sequence in which the things were initially put into the box.

Kitchen stack-ups

All you require for this game is some empty cereal boxes, containers, bowls etc that can be used to build a tower. As you stack each of the items one by one, teach your kid about the shape, size and colour of each object. Interesting?

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The bath tub fun

Let’s make this bath time fun your little one. Fill his/her bath tub with a number of aquatic toys and other objects so that your kid becomes familiar with what objects are supposed to be in water. You can give your kid a sponge and squeeze the water out of it. Watch your little one’s expressions and ask him/her to do the same.


Have your kid sit besides you and then say “mommy is going to sleep”. You do not actually have to sleep but just act like you are. While your little one is sitting beside you, wake up and say ‘good morning’. You can say ‘good night’ or ‘good afternoon’ depending on the time of the day. Just a good way to teach your child about the greetings.

Roll play

So, this game will teach your kid the concept of taking turns. Take a toy car and roll it towards your kid, then ask your kid to do the same. Keep doing this for sometime so that your baby can get sometime to know what and how it is happening.


Now, I am not talking about some drawing class here. The twist is that you have to get some different coloured food items that can be used by your little one. Suppose you get a chocolate ice cream, ask your kid to dip his/her finger in it and then stick it on a white plain sheet. Teach your child about the ‘brown’ colour of the ice cream, the ‘cold’ feel and so on.

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Scavenger hunt

You can use a variety of products for this game. Introduce your kid to a particular product, say a flower, keep it at a distance and ask your kid to get it back to you. Over a period of time, you can try to hide that product and ask him/her to find the product and get it back to you.


Walk, jump and run!

You will have to play this along with your child. When your child is walking, walk along with him and loudly say ‘walk’, then switch to jump and jump along with him and suddenly say ‘run’ and do the same. You can also try to change this order as you want.

Removing tape game

It’s all about how well your little one concentrates. Get different coloured tapes and form a layer of them on a flat surface such that they overlap one another. Now, ask your little one to remove the tape one at a time. It’s easy for kids to become distracted so let them do it all by themselves.

Imitate your baby’s sounds

In order to develop the conversation skills in your little one, this game would probably be the best one. For instance, your baby vocalizes with ‘la-la-la’, try to imitate the sound or basically, do anything that your baby does. This will make the baby believe that you are enjoying his/her company and he will want to do more of it.


It is you who will help the baby build his/her emotional attachments and bond with important people in their lives. So, better start with it now! If your baby is in a happy mood, try dancing around with him, laugh with him and even sing if you want. On the other side, if your baby is tired, you can play some soft songs and prefer a slow dance around the room.

Read More: 51 Math Games for Kids (6yrs and above)


To make the games more interesting, you can also add on your own twists to the games listed above. And apart from these, you can also choose to play other games or create your own. Most importantly, have this playtime with your child not with the intention of your baby’s development but because you want to spend time with your child as this is the only thing that matters the most!

Hope this article was of help for all our parents!! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy and Healthy Babies!!