21 Effective Home Remedies for Treating Eczema in Babies


Eczema is a condition that usually occurs during the first 5 years of the life of the child, manifested in a reddening of the skin characterized by thickening, sensitivity, and flaking of it. Knowing how to cure the eczema of the baby is essential to ensure the health of your baby’s skin. This atopic dermatitis, although it is not properly an allergy, can originate due to allergens present in the environment such as humidity or the coat of a pet, but also due to the chemicals present in products such as soap or detergent.

Although seeing your child with pimples and eczema, is something that makes you suffer. But you should know that this problem does not condition the baby’s life, so you should not worry.

Eczema in Babies: 21 Effective Home Remedies

home remedies for eczema in babies

There are many specialized creams in the pharmaceutical market for this type of irritation in the skin of newborns, more and more parents are looking for home remedies for dermatitis in babies. This is because they are totally natural recipes that do not cause any kind of damage to small ones.

Aloe Vera: The extract of this plant is found to be extremely effective in soothing and healing the skin of children. Aloe Vera is a plant combined with antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. This home remedy to combat Eczema in the baby favours the regeneration and hydration of the skin and contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the itching and its affected areas. Apply to the irritated area and instantly calm the itching of your baby.

Oats: Another of the home remedies to cure eczema in babies is oats. Apply the water resulting from boiling oats, since among the benefits of this cereal, helping in relieving itching is the best. You can use these oats as follows- Boil half a cup of oatmeal in a liter of water, drain well the boiled cereal and then apply wet compresses in the resulting broth on eczema caused by dermatitis.


Mallow leaves: The water resulting from boiling mallow leaves is one of the remedies to combat dermatitis in the baby. In herbalists and natural products stores, you can find this dry plant to prepare the infusion and apply it to the lesions that this skin condition generates. You should apply a compress soaked in mauve water several times a day for this home remedy to be effective.

The calendula: This plant has numerous beneficial properties for the human organism, among which it’s antiseptic and anti-inflammatory power stand out. To do this, prepare an infusion with calendula flowers and apply it on the affected area of your baby. In the same way, you can also choose calendula oil to apply with a gauze or compress.

Thyme: It contains antiseptic properties that prevent infection and are very beneficial for all types of skin conditions, including eczema. A great home remedy is to boil a handful of thyme in a liter of water and when ready, perform washings on the affected skin. You will notice how the itching is not so intense and is gradually relieving. In addition, you can also buy thyme oil, and dilute the essence and apply it to the affected area.

Moisturizing lotion: Apply a perfume-free moisturizing lotion on the baby’s skin after bathing. It is very important to ensure the hydration and well-being of the same, improving the layer that protects it. Consult the pediatrician about the best option and apply it 3 times a day, this will prevent the appearance of new eczemas and in nourishing the skin of the child.

Ensure no scratch or rub: Make sure your baby does not try to scratch or rub the area affected by eczema, which will make the problem worse. Every time you start rubbing or scratching the area in question, remove your hands from there and give it something to focus on, like a toy or something to eat.

Use soft clothing: It is very important to always dress the baby in soft clothing and made with breathable fabrics, such as cotton. Avoid fabrics such as wool or synthetic fibers such as polyester because they cause itching and do not allow the flow of air to the skin, worsening eczema or may be one of the triggers in its appearance.


Use damp cloth: Apply a damp, cold cloth to the affected area during the outbreak of eczema, which is characterized by intense redness, itching, and irritation. This cools the area and gives the baby some relief, then remove and allow the area to dry outdoors, and then apply the lotion recommended by the pediatrician.

Loot out for foods too: The causes that produce eczema are not very clear, however, it is possible that in some children, atopic dermatitis occurs due to certain foods although this is not the most frequent case. The most common suspects are cow’s milk, egg, soy, nuts, fish, and wheat. To identify if there is a culprit among these ingredients you should remove them from the diet of the child for two weeks and evaluate the results, if they are favourable you will know that this food is not beneficial for the child.

Avoid such soaps: Avoid all types of soaps with fragrances as well as shower gels, because they can cause allergies. Always use hypoallergenic products. Try that the affected skin does not make contact with shampoo or conditioner.

Use perfume-free detergent: Wash baby’s clothes with a mild, perfume-free detergent, as this will eliminate the possibility of eczema getting worse. Avoid the use of fabric softeners since they tend to contain too much perfume, in the same way, do not add any kind of fragrance to the clothes and products of the child.

Look for temperature: Always try to maintain the surrounding temperature of the baby constant. Sudden changes in temperature can make eczema worse, so keep your child from getting hot and then cool too fast and vice versa.

Environmental allergens: If it appears that eczema was caused by environmental allergens, such as seasonal allergies, it is advisable that you consult an allergist for advice on how to treat those allergies.


Keep your little one away from tobacco smoke: It may sound odd, but yes tobacco smoke can put an adverse impact on your baby’s eczema. Try to keep your baby always away from such areas.

Try to identify and minimize the factors that eczema can cause: Do everything possible to help your child manage stress (for example, you can offer more opportunities to be calm and relaxed).

Seawater: Seawater helps to combat this type of dermatitis since it has anti-inflammatory and depurative properties. To be effective, the affected area must be cleaned twice a day, in the morning and at night. To do this, a small towel will be soaked in seawater and the area in which atopic dermatitis has left sequels will be washed with it.

Brewer’s yeast: It is an ingredient that is characterized by being a great cleanser of the skin that is recommended in many cases of dermatitis. It can be taken in powder format so that it can be mixed with yogurts or drinks that facilitate its intake.

Coconut oil: It is a disinfectant and helps kill any bacteria that the skin has. Simply use a little coconut oil (make sure it is extra virgin and organic) and apply it to the affected area. Adding moisture to your baby’s skin when they suffer from eczema is vital and coconut oil is a wonderful natural option with antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains caprylic acid, lauric acid and vitamins E and K, all of which help to reduce inflammation, relieve itchiness and prevent infections taking hold in your baby’s skin.

Omega-3 fatty acids: The various sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oils and evening primrose oil, contain different kinds of regenerative fatty acids that can soothe itching and inflammation.


Grape seed extract: Grape seed extract are rich in antioxidant substances (flavonoids), and prevents allergic reactions. Use 50 mg twice daily, but be ensured to choose a preparation with 92-95% procyanidin grapes.

As you can see there are several natural remedies for Eczema in babies. However, these are merely indicative. If you see that your little one has the symptoms of this problem, go to the doctor to be better informed about the best home remedies to combat dermatitis in the baby. Also, remember that it is not necessary that if some remedies that proved to be effective for a particular baby will also prove to be effective on your baby too. The treatment and its remedies totally depend upon the cause of eczema and the skin type of your baby along with some of the environmental conditions.

Hope this article was of help for all our parents!! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy and Healthy Babies!!
