39 Awesome Easter Basket Ideas


Easter is just around the corner! Its time to start thinking about what you are going to fill up those Easter baskets with. There are so many different ways in which you can make and fill up those baskets! Instead of the usual candy eggs and wicker baskets there is a world of possibilites that you have!

Do something fun this Eater with your kids’ Easter basket. Select a theme – like their favorite color, or favorite movie! Or give them something that encourages them in their new found hobby. There are just so many ways you can make this year’s Easter basket a memorable one for your kids! Oh and also save on the trips to dentist by limiting those candies!


If you do not have the time to select and prepare individual themes for every member of the family, don’t fret! Just pick a theme for the whole family and put the things that corresponds to each member for that theme.

Here we are listing 39 awesome ideas on how you can make this year’s Easter baskets special.

39 Surprising Easter Basket Ideas

  1. Basket for the Baby

Is your baby too young for candy and treats? Do you still want him or her to have a basket full of goodies like everyone else? Instead of giving your baby sweets that are likely cause a sugar rush try something that will keep them engaged for a lot longer!

You can even make the “basket” something that your little one can play with! Make it something that is functional but not cheap, that your kid can use – like a sand pail or a big truck to play with.


Here are some ideas of what you can put into your baby’s basket:

  • Socks
  • Stuffed Bunny (Make sure your baby isn’t allergic to the stuffing material)
  • Board books
  • Crayons
  • Pages
  • Homemade colorful puddings that your kid can play with while eating
  • Bunny shaped pacifiers

You can include anything else you feel like. It doesn’t need to be store bought, you can make toys and other items to put in the basket yourself. It will be all the more personal!

basket for the baby

  1. A Basket for Your Toddler

Your toddler is definitely excited for Easter! If you are looking for alternatives to chocolate to put in your toddler’s basket here are a few options:

  • Marshmallows and candy corns in fancy Easter themed treat bags
  • Leg warmers for those last few nippy days before summer sets in
  • Homemade plush toys for your kid to play with (There are hundreds of DIY tutorials available on the net)
  • A puzzle
  • Pretty hair clips with bunny theme
  • Stamps and ink pad for hours of fun

These may not be as tasty as the chocolates but they will deifinitely keep your kid engaged more productively. You can also put in a few chocolate bunnies and sweet treats that your kid likes to finish it off.

  1. Orange Themed Basket

So your little girl’s favorite color this season is orange? That’s fantastic news! Make your Easter basket items include all things “orange”!

Here are but a few things that you can include in your kid’s orange themed basket:

  • Orange Soda
  • Orange Nail Paint
  • Orange flavored or scented lip balm
  • Sugar free orange flavored mints
  • Orange jewellery (doesn’t have to be anything expensive)
  • Orange flavor gum
  • Chocolate eggs wrapped only in orange foil

To top it all put it all inside an orange metal bucket that your girl can use later on to store her knick knacks.

  1. Green for your teen

This is yet another color themed basket idea for your teen. Green is definitely an edgy color that is both gender neutral and cool for teens! And the best thing is there is a whole wide world of choices for green candy to fill your teen’s easter basket!

You can try:

  • Mint
  • Jujubes
  • Sprite or any other non-alcoholic beverages that come in vibrant green bottles
  • Chocolate bunnies wrapped in green
  • Edible grass to line the basket
  • Skittles
  • Sour candy
  1. Toddler’s First Easter Basket

You may need to stop yourslef from going overboard when gathering the items for your toddlers first Easter basket! Its so much fun that its hard to stop!


Here are a few things you can include in his or her basket:

  • Search and Find books
  • Coloring Books
  • Crayons
  • Puzzles
  • Childsafe playdough
  • Granola bars
  • Pouches of fruit juice and pulps
  • Bunny themed pyajamas
  • Small toys

  1. Baker Themed Easter Basket

The best thing about this theme is that you can easily use a big melamine bowl instead of the traditional Easter baskets! These will help to not only hold the goodies but will also come in handy for the baker eventually.

Choose from the different varieties of edible and non-edible grass fillers available in stores to line your “basket”. Once you have the basket and the grass ready its time to fill ‘er up!

There are so many pretty and unique baking products avaible these days its easy to go overboard! But heres’s a list of the essentials that you can include in the basket.

  • Ceramic Egg Cartons
  • Silicone Mixing Spoons and a Whisk
  • Melamine Measuring Spoons
  • Cupcake Liners
  • Flower Sprinkles or any other kind of sprinkles you want
  • A pretty apron

For better presentation and ease of handling we suggest taking the items out of their packaging while putting together the basket.


  1. A Very Beachy Easter

If you and your family have plans to visit the beach this Easter Sunday then thisbasket is definitely what your kids will need!

It is definitely bound to get your kids excited.

  • Plastic pail (this can serve the purpose of your Easter basket also!)
  • Plastic shovel
  • Sand castle moulds
  • Beach trunks / suits
  • Activity books for the ride to the beach
  • Color pencils
  • Sweet treats for the ride
  • Cool glasses to wear at the beach
  • Sun Hats

  1. The Creative Easter Basket

Do you not want to fill up your little one’s basket with chocolates alone? Then try these creative basket fillers instead.

  • Playdough carrot for the bunny! Use orange playdough and a clear piping bag to make this supe easy gift for your baby! Shut the top with green tape to make it look more authentic!
  • Plastic Easter cookie cutters for your kids to have fun with! They can have hours of fun cutting up the playdough with these
  • Other colors of playdough
  • Crayons
  • Colored chalks
  • Fill up plastic Easter eggs available in the markets with mini marshmallows, chocolate covered nuts and raisins, and jelly beans

  1. Boys Yellow Basket

Its just so much fun to pick a color and fill your boy’s basket with the things of that color! Make sure the things you put in are actually useful to your child. Otherwise you are looking at potential clutter!

You can put in story books that you enjoyed as a child, if you still have them, to make for a unique and vintage Easter basket.

It is a good idea to also include other educational and activity oriented items instead of just cramming the basket with treats! Try putting your old favorite toys, if they are still there, to make this one an Easter basket to remember.

  1. Easter Brunch Hostess Basket

Easter baskets aren’t only for kids! If you have been invited to a friends’ place for Easter brunch then try taking this fabulous hostess basket for them. You are sure to win a few brownie points!

Say thank you to your hostess in style with this divine Easter basket. What can you include in the basket? Try these:

  • Wine (Make sure you know her preference)
  • Chocolates
  • Candles
  • Plants in decorative planters
  • Nail polish
  • Fashion / gossip magazine

  1. The Healthy Easter Basket

This Easter replace the sugary candy and chocolates with healthier treats for your kids. Encourage your kid to develop healthy eating habits with this one small first step.

What to include? Try these treats that wont have your kids in a sulk:

  • Popcorn
  • Dried Fruits
  • Baby carrots
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Bran muffins

You can even include a bunny plush toy to make the basket more palatable to your kids!

  1. Easter Baskets for all your kids

When you have more than one kid there is bound to be trouble in Easter! “What did he get?” or “Why is her basket bigger than mine?” are common questions that parents are bound to face. To solve your dilemma we bring you Easter baskets that all contain the same items with minor changes.

So each basket will contain:

  • Candy
  • Soda Pop
  • A non-edible item

They are all decorated in the same way so as to avoid sulking. Make sure the baskets are differently colored so that you can easily distinguish them! You don’t want to handover a basket to the wrong kid!

The candy in all the baskets are the same. The trick is to make the non-edible thing different for each kid depending on his or her tastes!

  1. The Frozen Theme basket

Now which little girl won’t like a Frozen themed Easter basket! To make this Frozen – inspired Easter basket you will need:

  • A blue wicker basket (You can replace the basket with whatever you want)
  • White cotton balls or mini pom-poms to decorate your basket with
  • Bite size chocolates (If you have Easter special wrappings available in stores near you then its the best!)
  • Blue and White rock candy on stick / alternately use blue and white lollypops
  • Ice Breakers Frost mints! (They come is a great blue pack)
  • Blue glitter nail paint
  • Blue toe separators
  • Blue sequin tiara
  • Frozen book or DVD

Since the actual Frozen merchandize maybe hard to find and expensive try to use other blue and white and sparkly objects to fit the theme.

  1. Favorite Book Easter Basket

This theme will help you encourage your child to read more! There must be a book that is his or her current favorite.

Based on your child’s book obssession you can put together an Easter basket with things that fit the theme of that particular book. Let us give you an example based on one of the classic favorites of all kids!


The Day The Crayons Quit: This one is so ready with the theme that its almost too easy!

  • Crayons – The more colorful the set the better!
  • Drawing pad
  • Crayon themed accessories such as hairclips or magnets
  • Crayon shaped erasers
  • Lip balms in crayong shaped cases

With his or her favorite book and a little bit of imagination your child will have an amazing themed basket that will last way longer than the candy ever would!

  1. Easter Basket for the Man of the House

Don’t forget your husband this Easter! He may not be a kid but this custom made manly Easter hamper is sure to make his holiday better!

Make your man his very own Easter beer bunnies in their very own bunny carrier! It’s very simple.

  • Cover the six pack carrier of beer with black paint and write the messgae of your choice on the front of the case.
  • Cut out bunny ear shapes from hard craft paper
  • Trace the ears onto linen with a pencil, and scissor a smaller version by cutting inside the lines.
  • Use glue dots to attach the linen to the bunny ears, then fasten the ears to the bottles with additional dots.
  • Attach pom-poms or cotton balls to each bottle with a glue dot to create the “tails.”
  • Your “beer bunnies” are complete

You can also include sweet and salty snacks in plastic gift boxes and personalize them with messages. Look for sports themed knick knacks in easter egg shapes to use in the hamper. You can buy them from stores or order online.

Instead of a basket use a serving tray to place all the items and wrap it up like a basket with cellophane. No one is ever too old for an Easter basket, so get creative and make one for your man!

  1. Gardening Themed Easter Basket

Are you looking for creative Easter basket ideas this year beyond the pastel eggs and chocolate bunnies? Check out these fun gardening themed bucket!

Get your kids excited about helping you out in the garden with the items in this basket!

What all can you include:

  • Plastic buckets
  • Child-friendly shovels
  • Child-friendly weed pullers
  • Seeds of different herb and shrubs (This is up to you. Make sure the packaging is bright and colorful)
  • Candy in treat bags that are garden themed
  • Bright and colorful gardening gloves
  • A sun hat to protect your baby from the sun while he or she is busy gardening
  1. Creative Easter Basket

If you want to pass on the joy of finding goodies in the Easter basket but also want to encourage the development of their crafty and creative side, this idea is for you.

Here’s what you have to do:

  • Get any regular plastic bucket from the store. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just a basic plastic bucket.
  • Tape off the edges of the bucket with masking tape and spray the rest of the bucket with chalkboard paint.
  • Add at least four coats for a lasting effect. Make sure that your bucket sits for at least 24 hours after the last coat is applied Otherwise the paint may scrape off.
  • After the paint has cured, you’re ready to get to work filling your basket.

Fill the “basket” with:

  • Construction paper to draw on
  • Sparkly pipe cleaners to create mini sculptures with
  • Glitter glue
  • Foam stickers
  • Markers and colored pencils

Don’t forget to add the candy!

  1. Easter Basket for your teen

Teenagers are always more difficult to gift than kids. So if you are wondering what to put in your teen’s Easter basket this year here are a few Teenager Gift Basket Ideas


  • Candles
  • Lotion
  • Makeup
  • Hair Products
  • Perfume
  • Nail polish
  • Jewelry (Doesn’t need to be anything expensive)
  • Journal
  • Magazines
  • Loofah with shower gel


  • Shaving cream
  • Razor
  • Cologne
  • Wallet
  • Sunglasses
  • DVD/CD
  • Games
  • Hair gel

Still unsure of what your teens would like? You can get them movie tickets or gift cards to spend as they like.

  1. The A – Z Basket

This is one fun way of teaching your kid the alphabets. Include one item each for the letters of the alphabet. These do not have to be extravagant or expensive items. They need not even be big.As long as they are representative of the alphabet they are meant to showcase.


Here are some inexpensive and non-candy ideas:

A – Animals (Stuffed / small plastic ones)

B – Books

C – Crayons

D – Dinosaurs (Small plastic ones)

E – Eggs (Plastic ones)

F – Flash Cards / Feather boas


G – GI Joe

H – Hair Accessories / Hat

I – Ink pens (Fun kid ones)

J – Jump ropes

K – Kite / Keychains

L – Legos / Lip balm

M – Markers


N – Nail paint /Notebook

O – Orange

P – Pens / Puzzles / Playdough

Q – Quilt (Make do with a baby blanket!)

R – Rose / Rubics Cube

S – Stickers / Silly putty

T – Toothbrush / Top


U – Umbrella

V – View Master with slides

W – Watch

X – Xylophone

Y – Yoyo

Z –  Zoo tickets to see the Zebra!


20. The Easter Basket for your little trickster

This is such a cute and funny basket all for that little trickster in your life! Give your little boy the joys of fun and retro toys to have hours of fun this Easter. A trip to your nearest novelty shop is sure to have you loaded with things to put in his basket.

Here are a few classics that you can include:

  • Fake teeth
  • Voice changers
  • Hand buzzers
  • Water balloons
  • Chocolate rocks
  • Finger traps

  1. Summer Themed Easter Basket

Yet another creative, summer fun basket idea to keep your kids entertained this year! This basket is sure to be packed full of fun activities to get the kids outdoors! But don’t worry, we have also included a couple for the rainy days!

Keep in mind the age of your child when putting together this basket. You can choose a plastic beach basket that are generally used to carry toys in.

Some ideas of what you can include:

  • A coloring book or drawing tablet
  • Crayons
  • Sidewalk chalk
  • Bubbles
  • Jump rope
  • Melty beads (Keep a couple of them or as many as you want)
  • Beach Towel
  • Sunglasses

Wrap up the basket with cellophane and see your kids’ faces light up when they see whats inside!

  1. Wine Easter Box

This one is for the adults only! Replace the traditional Easter basket with a wooden crate. Paint it and hang a mini banner saying “Happy Easter”!

Line the box with filling and then put adult-friendly goodies like wine, chocolates and wine glasses to make a very grown up Easter basket. If you are making this basket for your significant other then we suggest putting in candles and flowers too!

This could serve as the perfect set up for a romantic Easter dinner!

  1. Rainbow Easter Basket

Who doesn’t love the rainbow? Make your kid’s Easter special by giving them this amazingly bright and cheerful Rainbow Easter Basket.


What you will need:

  • White Easter basket
  • Paper filling in rainbow colors
  • plastic eggs in rainbow colors
  • rainbow candies

How to make:

  • Start by creating rainbow stripes using paper filling in the basket
  • Top each stripe with eggs and candy in matching colors
  • Measure out ribbon in rainbow colors that match the paper filling stripes in the basket
  • Tie all the ribbon together in a bow on the top handle of the basket

This is sure to brighten up your Easter morning!

  1. The Intimate Easter Basket

Who said the adults cannot have some Easter fun? Let the kids enjoy their Easter basket full of candies and treats while you and your partner enjoy yours!

Lets prepare a basket full of intimate treats that you and your partner won’t be able to wait to enjoy!

What can you do? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Using ribbons tie “Yours” and “Mine” tag around a pair of his underwear and your favorite lingerie!
  • Include few bedroom games (Easily available online or at party shops)
  • Assorted exotic chocolates. Its a known aphrodisiac!
  • Scented or aroma therapy massage lotion or oil for that relaxing massage that might lead to much happier times
  • Love coupons – be creative!
  1. Felted Egg and Chick Basket

Downy soft chicks and felted eggs fill this twiggy basket. You can give it as a gift, or use it as a centerpiece for your Easter table.

Here’s how to make it.

Felted Chicks:

Materials Needed:

  • Yellow, orange, and black wool roving
  • Felting Needle
  • Felting-needle mat
  • Cloth-covered floral wire
  • Brown marker


  • Roll yellow roving into a long oval shape; repeatedly poke all over with needle to felt.
  • Add shape and density to head, neck, and tail by poking those parts more
  • To make wing, place roving on mat and poke with needle. Repeat. Attach to body by poking at front edge of wing.
  • Roll tiny bits of black roving and poke into face for eyes. Roll orange roving and poke into face for beak.
  • Go over floral wire with marker. Cut two 4-inch pieces, twist, and poke through body for legs. Cut two more 2-inch pieces and bend into small V’s; twist onto legs for feet. Trim as needed.

Use the finished chicks to adorn your twig basket. This is definitely a special one!


  1. DIY Edible Easter Egg Basket

There’s no need to buy an actual basket thanks to this brilliant idea—your kids will be so impressed!

Materials Needed:

  • 4 Theater size candy boxes
  • 2 Laffy Taffy or Nerd ropes
  • Glue gun and glue
  • Cardboard
  • Edible grass


  • Glue the candy boxes together as shown.
  • Cut out a piece of cardboard that will fit the bottom of the basket. Glue it to the bottom of the boxes.
  • Hot glue one end of the Laffy Taffy rope to the middle and top of the candy box. Glue the other end of the rope to the middle of the other box of candy. Do this one more time with the remaining rope.
  • Fill basket with grass and goodies.

  1. Easter Basket for you teen boys

Your teenage son is not likely to be very happy to receive cutesy fluffy bunny filled basket for Easter. If you are also looking for an easter basket that is usable beyond Easter, then this is the otpion for you.

Going by what teenage boys are more likely to need and use it is safe to use a baseball cap as the “basket” instead of buying a bulky traditional basket that is going to end up in the storage cabinet for a year.

Ideas of what you can use as basket fillers for teenage boys:

  • Clothing and Accessories
    • Hat
    • T-shirts
    • Socks
    • Belts
  • Candy and snacks
    • Gums
    • Mints
    • Chips
  • Gadgets
    • Earphones
    • Portable USB Chargers
    • Cell phone Cases
  • Gift Cards
  1. Baby Easter Basket

This one is best for babies aged 12 – 18 months old. They are too young for candy. Its best to put together an Easter basket that will help your little one develop their motor skills.

Here are a few things you can include in your baby’s Easter basket:

  • Organic Puffs – It’s eating and motor practice all at the same time.
  • Bubbles – Even though your baby can’t blow bubbles yet, he or she can sure have fun playing with them when you blow the bubbles!
  • Stacking Cups – These are great for play with baby. By the time babies are ~12 months old they understand the stacking concept. Stacking helps with eye hand coordination as well as fine motor skills.
  • Bath Toys – Bath toys are fabulous for fine motor skills. Your baby can grasp, squeeze, and transfer toys from hand to hand.
  • Plastic Eggs – Now you know you have to include these since its Easter after all! You can fill them with rice and hot glue them together. This is yet another fun way of improving your baby’s motor skills
  1. Favorite Animal Easter Basket

Why not let your kid’s favorite animal keep the Easter bunny company in this year’s Easter basket? Select things that relate to the theme of your kid’s favorite animal. There are plenty of things that you can put in the basket.

Here are few things to help you get started:

  • Plush toy of the animal
  • Puzzle featuring your kid’s favorite animal
  • T-shirt with print of the animal
  • Coloring pages featuring the favorite animal
  • Small plastic figure of the animal
  • Tickets to the zoo to see the animal live!
  • Book about the animal

You know your kid’s preferences the best. So make use of his latest animal obssession and go about gathering the things for the basket.

  1. Rose Easter Basket

This is yet another Easter basket idea for gifting to your Easter brunch hostess. If you want you can also use it as the centre piece for your Easter table decoration! Its easy to make and absolutely beautiful to see!


Here’s how to make the rose Easter basket:

  • Place a soaked floral foam on a teacup saucer
  • Insert rose stems to create the base
  • Remember to tighly pack in the roses to give it a more basket-like look
  • Insert dried grapevines or twigs to form the handle
  • Decorate the handle by wrapping satin ribbon around it or just tie a bow with it
  • Fill the basket with plastic eggs wrapped in long strings of beads to create a bejewelled look

It is sure to brighten up any room instantly!

  1. Ribbon Easter Basket

If you are the one hosting the Easter brunch then these easy to make Easter baskets will work as great party favors for your guests.

Here’s how you make them.

  • Take four 11 inch ribbons of one color (A), one 11 inch ribbon and one 26 inch ribbon of another color (B)
  • Form a cross with the two ribbons of color B
  • Weave the bottom of the basket using the ribbons of color A and B using a matting design
  • Create the sides with two 18 inch ribbons (one of each color), holding up the ends of the bottom ribbons as you weave
  • Glue all the edges of the ribbons
  • Tie the ends of the 26 inch ribbon strip to make a handle. End in a pretty bow
  • Line the basket with tulle
  • Place plastic eggs of matching shades filled with candy treats
  • Add little chick ornaments for added beauty

Your guests are sure going to remember this Easter party favor!

  1. Edible Cereal Easter Basket

Having trouble thinking of what to get your kids for this Easter? Then try this easy DIY homemade edible Easter basket made out of cereal! Your kids are sure going to be delighted!

Here’s how to make it:


  • Nonstick cooking spray
  • 6 tablespoons salted butter
  • 2 (10-ounce) bags marshmallows
  • 2 (11-ounce) boxes Fruity Pebbles cereal
  • Assorted candy, for filling


  • Line a saucepan with aluminum foil; coat with nonstick cooking spray.
  • In large saucepot over medium heat, melt butter.
  • Stir in marshmallows and cook, stirring, 2 minutes or until melted.
  • Remove saucepot from heat; fold in cereal until evenly coated.
  • Spray hands with cooking spray.
  • A little bit at a time, press and mold all but 2 cups cereal mixture in bottom and up side of prepared saucepan to make 1-in.-thick basket base; freeze in saucepan until firm.
  • Press and hold remaining 2 cups cereal mixture into rounded handle, at least 1-inch thick and freeze until firm.
  • Alternately mold remaining cereal mixture and 1-foot craft wire or straightened coat hanger, trimmed; bend and freeze.
  • Use foil to lift out basket base
  • Insert 4 wooden skewers, vertically, into basket wall where you’d like handle to attach (2 on each side).
  • Press skewers through handle ends to secure; mold and smooth cereal mixture together where base and handle meet.
  • Use other skewers to support handle and freeze again until very hard, about 1 hour
  • In case you are using the craft wire you can skip the previous step
  • Fill basket with assorted candy.

Your kids are sure going to be happy with this special treat!

  1. Princess Easter Basket

This Easter give your little princess a basket to match her! Its super easy to make and super creative too!


All you need are some tulle, decorations, a basket, and some glue. You can do these in baskets of any shape and size. You just have to attach the tulle in as many layers as you want. You can actually add the tulle to plastic, metal or other materials so whatever basket you have on hand!

Make a basket that will thrill your little princess.

Here’s how you make this:

  • Take any basket you can find at the store or even an old one lying at your home
  • Spray the inside and outside with silver or golden paint depending on the color of tulle you are using
  • Glue together layers of tulle, waiting for each layer to dry out completely before adding the next
  • Wrap the handle with satin ribbon ending it off with a pretty bow.
  • Line the basket with more tulle and add the candy treat and chocolates

This creative princess basket will come in handy as your little girl goes out hunting for easter eggs.

  1. Felt Animal Easter Basket

As your child starts to get older you will see that he or she will be excited by every little thing that you ddofor him or her. This Easter basket idea takes into mind this fact and helps you make custom Easter basket for your little one.

This DIY Easter basket requires the use of a sewing machine. But don’t worry if you do not have one at home, you can sew by hand also.


What you will need:

  • Wool Felt
  • Thread
  • Large Rickrack (or any other trimming of your choice)
  • Hot Glue
  • Googly eyes
  • Decorative accessories


  • To start, cut out 5 7″ squares from your felt.
  • When the squares are cut, pin four of them together so they create a box {minus the top and bottom}.
  • Sew the edges together with a small seam allowance leaving the cut edges of the felt facing out.
  • Once you’ve formed a box, pin the bottom on and sew the edges.
  • The corners can get a bit tricky because of the bulky felt, but if you go slowly it’s not too difficult.
  • Trim excess thread and any uneven felt edges, and you’ve completed the main body of your basket.
  • For the handles, take a yard of ric-rac and fold it in half. Sew the ends so the handle stays together, then burn the edges so there is no fraying.
  • Using hot glue, attach the ric-rac handle to your basket.
  • Use accessories and googly eyes to make the baskets exciting and creative. You can make a chick or a bunny to go with the Easter theme

Here’s another tip: For greater personalization, you can embroider your child’s name on to the baskets. Or use hot iron transfer letters

  1. Colorful Buttons Easter Basket

Refresh any old simple Easter basket with this colorful option. It is sure to brighten up your kid’s mood.

Wondering how to make this colorful button Easter basket? No need to worry about being precise! Simply hot glue buttons of all shapes, sizes, and colors onto your basket.


Wrap a pretty satin ribbon around the handle and end it with a bow for a truly cheerful presentation. Line the basket with bright paper fillers then put colorful plastic eggs filled with candies and treats.

Remember, the more colorful and brighter the buttons, the more your basket will be unique!

  1. Pretty Paper Easter Basket

Welcome spring into your house with this pretty pastel DIY Easter basket. Fill the basket with brightly colored plastic eggs filled with sweet treats. Its fun to make and doesn’t cost you a bomb! All you need is some scrapbook paper and ribbons.

Here’s how you can make one:

  • Download any basket pattern from the net and print it out for size
  • Trace the pattern onto your scrapbook paper and cut it out
  • Fold the pieces on the dotted lines as indicated
  • Punch out circles on each side
  • Fold the pieces up
  • Thread a slim ribbon through the holes to hold the sides together
  • Attach a handle from another piece of scrapbook paper

Fill up the basket with faux grass and put in brightly colored plastic eggs. Its easy and attractive and won’t have you spending a lot.

  1. Popsickle Stick Easter Basket

This is another easy DIY Easter basket you can make for your kids. In fact you can even involve the kids in this project! So its hours of fun for both you and your kids even before Easter has come.

What you need:

  • A cheap plastic bin
  • Craft sticks
  • Hot glue
  • Stencils
  • Color pencils
  • Embellishments
  • Glass Gems or any other kind you like
  • Raffia
  • Candies
  • Plastic Eggs

What to do:

  • Hot glue the craft sticks on to the side of the bin and let it dry completely
  • Once the glue is nice and dry and all the sticks glued on paint them with white paint. Cover all the sticks evenly and apply two – three coats for a smooth finish
  • Fill the basket with the raffia. To add a dash of color you can mix in colored ones with a single color raffia
  • Tie some raffia across the sticks and add the embellishments for a festive look
  • Hot glue the glass gems or any other gems you are using to the base of the basket
  • Take the plastic eggs cover each half carefully with mixture of tissue paper and glue (papeir mache)
  • Once it is completely dry you can paint the eggs in pastel shades or vibrant colors as you wish
  • Place the candies and treats inside and put them in the basket

Your DIY craft stick basket is ready to be presented! Don’t forget to add the chocolate bunnies and other chocolates to your basket!

  1. Tissue Box Bunny Easter Baskets

This one lets you reuse your empty tissue boxes to create adorable little bunnies that is sure to delight your little ones. It can double up as an Easter basket for your kid’s candies too!

You just have to cover the tissue box and then decorate it to look like a bunny.


Here’s how you can make one:

  • Paint any old and empty tissue box with white paint. Use three – four coats to make sure that the writing underneath is not visible.
  • Remember to let each coat dry well before applying the next for best results
  • Once the box is dry glue on googly eyes to one side and paint the whiskers and mouth
  • On the opposite end glue on a white pom-pom for the tail
  • For the ears trace and cut out bunny ear shapes from white cardboard or scrapbook paper
  • Use pink paper for the inside of the ears.
  • Fold 1/2 inch from the base to make it stand up and glue to the top of the face of the bunny
  • Add a handle made from cardboard or a pipe cleaner works well, too

Kids will adore making these little bunnies almost as much as the candy that is going to come in these! It can even act as a cute basket for your kids going on an Easter hunt!

  1. The Ultimate Easter Basket for Adults

Go on and indulge yourself with the much needed pampering this Easter. What better way than to give yourself the best Easter basket filled with goodies that you have been wanting! Wondering what to put in the basket? Here are a few tips:

  • Lots and lots of chocolate! Who said chocolates are only for the kids? You can enjoy the delights of a sugar rush now and then too!
  • Some wine! Because, why not?
  • Make up – treat yourself to some new products for the coming spring
  • Gift Cards for anything you want – be it a salon treatment or voucher at your favorite store
  • Movie tickets – That way, the next time a rainy spring afternoon comes around you won’t be bored!
  • Fresh flowers – always a great pick me up. And hey, its spring after all!

So now that you have the ideas, don’t waste time and get cracking! Easter is almost here! Make your kids, your partner, your host, and most importantly yourself happy with these awesome Easter basket ideas!
