Does Your Baby Have a Personality?


Personality is something we associate typically with adults. But did you know that your cooing, gurgling, laughing, crying and playing baby actually has a well developed personality that he/she shows you every single day? Every baby is unique and has a way of acting and behaving that can show you what he/she likes, dislikes or responds to different stimuli. As a parent, recognizing your child’s personality type may help to understand your baby better. It will also make you feel more confident about your parenting. This personality stems from genetic tendencies. However, your parenting can help you deal with any type of baby personality, be it tough or easygoing.

Broadly, a baby’s personality may be one of these 3 types:

3 Types of Baby’s Personality

Type 1 – The happy baby personality

If your baby is usually laughing or seems happy, it is possible he/she has the happy baby personality. Such babies generally sleep well and eat well too, and cause minimal stress and tension to the parents. These babies love to have people around them, easily accepting new people in their lives. They also adjust well to changes in routine, such as if the mother changes her schedule of care. They don’t get upset easily and you will not see them crying often or without apparent reason. Such babies are generally a delight for every parent and do not require a lot of extraordinary parenting.

baby personality

Parenting tip

The happy baby needs lots of attention because of their sociable nature and enjoy having their parents’ time and availability. Ensure that you keep your happy baby active and engaged in games and talk, so that their need for love and affection is fulfilled.

Type 2 – The fussy baby

If you have a baby that feels like he/she constantly needs your time and attention, you probably have a fussy baby. These babies are generally not very easy to feed or calm down. These may stress you out by not sleeping well or not adapting to new food, new people or new situations. It is difficult to calm them down because they feel things very deeply and express their emotions very intensely. They demand a lot of care, patience and tenderness to parent successfully. A fussy baby does not like changes in his/her life so if you must change something in his/her life, it must be done gradually.


For example, if a working mother wishes to leave her child in the hands of a family member while she is at work, the new person must be introduced gradually in the baby’s life, not abruptly. Similarly, new food or new toys must be slowly brought into the baby’s life, because such babies adjust more slowly to new things. They are demanding, often crying and create challenging situations for a parent.

Parenting tip

Parenting a fussy baby is a tough job, but it does improve over time. What such tiny tots need is constant love and affection. Combined with this, they need a consistent lifestyle without sudden changes in schedule. For example, a fussy baby will be easier to manage if provided with fixed sleep and nap times, and same-time meals every day. These babies are more demanding of their parent’s emotions so you must try to remain calm and patient while trying to parent your fussy child.

Type 3 – The cautious baby

A cautious baby is one who is a little shy and scared. If your baby generally clings to you and is reluctant to go into another person’s arms, chances are that you have a cautious baby. These little ones are hesitant to enter into new situations, try new food or meet new people. They are insecure and need to feel safe. However, these babies are not very demanding or aggressive; they merely need a sense of security and safety. Over time, a cautious baby becomes more accepting towards new situations.

Parenting tip

A cautious baby is essentially a shy or introverted child. They need lots of encouragement and patience from a parent so that they feel confident to explore their surroundings. They often need the secure presence of a mother around them to feel safe and secure. By gradually allowing them to try new toys and meet new people, their fears and shyness tendencies can be overcome. All they need is patience and understanding.

A new parent may often feel confused about why her child is behaving in a certain way. Such feelings are natural. Developing a relationship with your baby will take time, it won’t happen overnight. Every baby has a distinctive personality that can be understood through observation. A child reacts to situations in a certain way based on his/her ingrained personality. His/her personality determines how a baby is able to deal with new situations and challenges.

As a parent, if you understand your child’s personality, you can improve your parenting by tailoring it to your child’s needs. For example, a fussy baby needs more patience and care than a happy baby. It is important not to get stressed out if your baby is fussy or shy, because every type of personality can be overcome by thoughtful parenting. Recognizing your child’s needs based on his/her personality can go a long way into developing a strong emotional bond with your child. Happy parenting!
