11 Profound Benefits of Deep Controlled Breathing


Breathing in the right manner keeps the heart performing at its highest efficiency and makes you live longer. Breathing patterns are also known to reduce stress and improve sleep. One such important breathing technique is deep controlled breathing.

In this article:

What is Deep Controlled Breathing?
What is 4 7 8 Breathing Technique?
Is Deep Breathing Good for the Heart?
What does Deep Breathing do to the Brain?
Top 11 Health Benefits of Deep Controlled Breathing
How to Practice?

What is Deep Controlled Breathing?

Controlled breathing is a technique where you consciously follow a breathing pattern of inhaling and exhale in the body. Controlled breathing helps increase alertness, improve concentration, reduce stress, and boost the immune system.

deep controlled breathing


What is 4 7 8 Breathing Technique?

The 4 7 8 breathing technique is a breathing pattern where the individual should focus and take a long deep breath in and out. It is advisable that while doing the 4 7 8 breathing technique, the individual either sits or lies down. The pattern of 4 7 8 techniques is as follows

  • Breathe in through the nose
  • Hold the breath to a count
  • Exhale forcefully through the mouth
  • Repeat the cycle

Is Deep Breathing Good for the Heart?

Deep breathing helps regulate the ANS which in turn regulates high blood pressure, reduces stress hormone production, improves blood circulation, and helps you relax. Hence, deep breathing is very good for the heart if practiced in the long run.

What does Deep Breathing do to the Brain?

The deep breathing technique triggers the neurons in the brain which in turn has an immediate effect on excitement, relaxation, and calming effect on the body. Scientists have proved that deep breathing can easily alternate your mental and physical health.


Top 11 Health Benefits of Deep Controlled Breathing

Detoxifies the Body

The body can release 70% of toxins through breathing, hence breathing effectively is very important. When you exhale, the body throws out the carbon dioxide that comes from the bloodstream into the lungs. Carbon dioxide is the waste that comes out of your body’s metabolism.

Releases Tension

When you are tensed, scared, or stressed, the muscles of the body constrict and breathing goes shallow. This leads to not getting enough oxygen in the body. Hence, deep controlled breathing helps release tension and enable proper oxygen flow through the bloodstream.

Relieves Pain

Breathing is a connection to how you think and feel. When you experience pain, you hold your breath. However, deep controlled breathing helps ease the pain.

Strengthens Immune System

When you breathe, oxygen travels through the body where hemoglobin is attached to the red blood cells. This process enables your body to utilize the vitamins and other nutrients.

Increases Digestion

Deep controlled breathing makes the digestive organs receive more oxygen. If the food is oxygenated more, the digestion process increases.


Strengthens the Lungs

Deep breathing makes the lungs more powerful thereby warding you off from respiratory problems.

Elevates Mood

Breathing has a direct connection with the neurons of the brain. Deep controlled breathing triggers the production of pleasure-inducing neurochemicals that fight physical pain and elevate mood.

Improves Posture

Deep controlled breathing techniques in the longer run are known to improve body posture. Getting your posture right in the early years of life will help you see great benefits on your health.

Massages the Organs

Deep controlled breathing makes the diaphragm move which in turn massages the liver, stomach, pancreas, and small intestines. During inhaling, the abdomen will expand, and the diaphragm will descend. This process massages important organs and increases blood circulation.

Assists in Weight Management

It may be surprising to know that deep controlled breathing assists in weight control. The extra oxygen in the body burns up the excess fat and helps lose weight. If a person is underweight, the excess oxygen will act as food to starving tissues.

Improves the Nervous System

The nervous system is very important as it communicates to all parts of the body. Deep controlled breathing increases oxygenation to the brain, nerves, and spinal cord.


How to Practice?

The technique of deep controlled breathing must be implemented properly. Before performing the 4-7-8 or deep controlled breathing technique, place the tip of the tongue right behind the front teeth. Also, adopt a comfortable sitting position. Now focus on the following breathing pattern

  • Empty the lungs completely
  • Inhale through the nose for 4 seconds
  • Hold the breath for the count of 7 seconds
  • Now exhale forcefully making a whoosh sound for 8 seconds
  • Repeat the same up to 4 times

The 4-7-8 breathing pattern offers many potential health benefits




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