7 Effective Ways to Conquer Your Anxieties During COVID-19 Outbreak


As social distancing and self-isolation have been imposed upon citizens in the entire world as part of measures to fight the Coronavirus Disease-19, also known as Covid-19, experts worry about the state of the mental health of people amidst such lockdowns. In this article, we will discuss 7 effective ways to conquer your anxieties during the Covid-19 pandemic. Read on to know about the measures.

Top 7 Ways to Conquer Your Anxieties During COVID-19 Outbreak

Follow a Daily Routine

Some of the anxiety stemming from the stay-at-home order and social distancing tips comes from the uncertainty over how long it’ll last and the way it’s ever-changing our everyday lives. Individuals are getting cut off from their regular routines. Things are more unpredictable than during a typical flu season and thus, it has been more tumultuous for people. Create and stick to a daily routine. Now that several folks are working from home and kids are learning from home, people living together ought to have a discussion to determine what new routines they need to establish.

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Limit Media, Particularly Social Media

Limit news consumption to reliable news sources. That way, people will keep tabs on updates but not become engulfed. Social media escalates anxiety over traditional media; however, an excessive amount of media of any kind will undermine mental health. There’s additionally a powerful association between media coverage and symptoms of acute stress. Some individuals with the highest exposure to media coverage had even additional acute stress than people directly exposed to the bombings. So balancing the need to be informed with other activities is very important.

home during corona virus pandemic

Flip the Script with Good Things

If our brains are extremely wired to look for the negative, then how does one see the positive things amidst a worldwide pandemic? Try and write down three good things before you move to the bed. That begins to vary however you look at the world. What happens is your brain starts to appear for those positive things subconsciously.


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Stay Connected — Virtually

Staying connected to family and friends is important and might be done pretty simply via text, video chat or telephone call. There’ll be a lot of fatigue with the construct of social distancing. It’s lasting longer than the general public imagined. However social distancing does not imply we’ve to prevent our social connections. We need to work out a way to adapt our daily work and social lives. Instead of dreading the new reality with social distancing, get inventive regarding connecting. Rather than simply chatting, play games virtually or arrange a virtual get-together party.

Be Kind, Do Good

Another mental health tool is doing a simple random act of kindness that could be a means for people during a fast-paced world to receive instant gratification in an exceedingly additional meaningful way. The person doing the act of kindness gets the benefit; the person receiving the act gets the benefit and anyone seeing the act happen gets the benefit. Doing good things releases dopamine and oxytocin, the “happy hormones” within the brain. An easy act of kindness can “chemically change what is going on on in your brain. These things are so powerful and so simple.

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Find Hobbies, Provide Yourself Some Grace

For people, it is hard to come to terms with the actual fact that coronavirus is here and social distancing guidelines in some kind can seemingly continue for months. Hence, it is important that individuals arrange how they really wish to spend their time. Finding things to fill the time ought not to be careful. Meet virtually for knitting or book clubs, participating in exercise or yoga routines, downloading a mental health app, cleansing your closets or learning a brand new talent. However do not be too hard on yourself. If you hate running, don’t. If you hate structured breathing exercises, maintain a walk. The main target really must be on doing things you actually relish doing and, at a similar time, practicing social distancing tips. Practicing very straightforward breathing exercises can be the simplest way for people to center themselves and bring themselves back to the current moment. This helps reset the brain, permitting the rational part of the brain to require hold once more.

Do not be Afraid to Seek Help

People fighting their emotions ought to reach resolute mental health or medical practice providers. Even with social distancing guidelines and therefore the stay-at-home order, providers are and will still be accessible. Patients are currently meeting with providers via phone or telehealth services.



To conclude, this time is tough for us all. But together, we can get through this. Take care and do not hesitate to seek help in whatever form is most accessible to you and safe for everyone.
