21 Creative Christmas Party Themes


Never have a dull moment at your Christmas parties – theme it up to make it look alive! With only a few numbered days left until Christmas, it’s time to gear up and prepare for your favorite holiday season. Do not fret if you’re feeling dull. All you need is a little muse to get your creative and feisty party side going. By striking the right balance between your home’s color palette, décor, food and Christmas decorations – this season you will be able to throw the best parties. Work and party like no one’s watching!

christmas party theme

Fun Filled 21 Creative Christmas Party Ideas for Kids

Bring on the ski-stuff! : 

Though you may feel that “skiing” is a very mediocre Christmas sport – this theme party will completely change your mindset. Remember those old, rusty ski’s that you were almost going to dump? Or remember those gloves that no one uses anymore? Well, bring out all the stuff that you think is waste and hang them out in your living room. Glitter up those gloves and polish those skis! Call a few friends over and brew hot cocoas. Perhaps, even get a guitar. This’ll definitely make your party a night to remember.

The Beyonce Night: 

Have you ever been to those quirky Elvis Presley Parties where everyone’s rocking to the 80’s disco tunes? Or have you ever been to those lazy Thursday night karaoke parties wherein every new song brings a memory? Well, this theme is just an upgrade to those themes. Bring out those belle ballet slippers and a few dancing mats. Push your sofas aside and dance to your favorite tunes. Ask all your girlfriends over and call it a night with salt coated martinis and enervative glitter!

Knit in the craftsville: 

Want to take it slow and just chill with your closer friend circle? Call the near ones over and make your own Christmas decorations this year. Decorate your wreaths and spark up those candles. Stay in and make Christmas magic from your own hands!

A Harry Potter Ball: 

Remember in “Goblet of Fire” how the ball made you gasp and chuckle with wonder? Fear not: this is your chance to feel the same way! Send out the invites, lay your finest china and dress your prettiest. Label your rooms with Harry Potter houses. Give each guest with their own personalized wand. You can make those wands from twigs and broken branches. At the end of the party, you can also design goody bags for the guests and gift them a harry-potter themed scarf!


A Pajama Themed Party: 

We all have our favorite Christmas themed T-shirts, stockings, socks, pajamas and even T-shirts! Ask all your friends to get their favorite clothing piece and have a fashion show. Pile everything up, mix-and-match and have a photo shoot. Perhaps even get a Polaroid camera and make worthwhile memories.

Letters to the north pole: 

Remember how as kids we believed that Santa lived in the North Pole? Well, this is your time to re-live and recreate that magic. Call your friends over and write letters. Sign off as Santa. Collect all your letters and go to a nearby kids’ shelter or home for the less fortunate. Host a Christmas Party and give your letters out as “Santa”. You’ll definitely be able to create a change in those people’s lives while having a lot of fun!

Secret messages: 

This is a party that never goes out of style. Pick out some jazz and country music, pop some champagne, call your friends over and exchange your gifts! This – will allow you to have two parties. One is for the lot picking. And the other, is for the exchanging of gifts. Get the Santa themed Christmas hat to inspire more Christmas charm.

 A starry night secret rendezvous: 

Unluckily, if you’ve got the ‘Christmas Blues’ and are sickened to see the snow around you – this party will cheer you up. Shut the blinds. And put some posters of a full moon and a starry night. Set the music to soft jazz and light pop. It won’t be long until you’re transported to an exotic locale!

 An epic marathon: 

Call your friends and family over and have a back to back “Home Alone” and “Ice Age” marathon. Bake some popcorn and bring out the blankets. Those hot cocoas definitely set the mood!

Pier it up!:

Ever wished to go to the Caribbean or Australia and celebrate a sunny Christmas? Well, this theme will allow you to do so. Transform your house into Santa Monica Pier. Hang rollerblades in your hallway and serve hotdogs for food. Though your guests will enter in winter outfits, they won’t be able to do so for long. Turn up the heat, bring out your summer postcards and have an all-you-can eat nachos competition! Create a huge black wall in your living room and ask everyone to hang up their postcards. Year later, you will cherish this as your most remembered night.


Sailors Deck: 

Host a Captains dinner! Ladies, dress in your fanciest gowns and men, iron your tuxedos. Open your best wine and give the best toast. Transform your basement into a lower deck and scream, “I’m the king of the world” from your attic. Not only will you feel your house has turned into a ship, and you will feel that you’re one of the coolest and most adorable pilots ever.

A Sweet Christmas: 

Pick a lazy Sunday and invite all your friends and their kids for a baking day. Spoil yourself by filling all the jars of your house with sugary Christmas goodies. Decorate the gingerbread man and be a little more generous with the sprinkles!

 Potluck the Cocktails: 

Ask your buddies to come over and bring a bottle of their favorite wine/alcohol. Lay out a bar and ask everyone to mix and match and create new cocktails!

A tale with a harmony:

Meet up at someone’s place and create your own Christmas musical. Turn it into a sleepover and add original twists to your favorite Christmas plays and Broadway duets. Make it humorous, witty, sad, and lovable and mostly – something you’d enjoy. Create props and record your plays.

Do it Different!: 

Instead of having the Christmas Eve dinner on the 24th, invite your closest family over and have it on the 23rd! Start off with going through old family photographs. Once nostalgic, get those hot cocoas out and start a bonfire in your backyard. Talk all about the good times and pass mistletoe around. Tell your loved ones why you love them. Ask everyone to stay over and cook a gigantic Christmas Eve breakfast.

Mom and Me: 

Ask all your friends to come over with their moms. Play board games and hang stockings. Do this to show your moms how much you care and also learn some fascinating stories of the times back then.


 A Disney princess themed winter wonderland ball!: 

Dress up as your favorite Disney princess and enjoy a magical and blissful time.

A Girls Day In: 

Want to stay wrapped under the covers all day and yet still have fun? Fear not. Choose a day when the weather forecasts promise heavy snow storms. Call your girlies over and have a spa day! Reward yourselves with massages, manicures, steams and absolutely relaxing pedicures.

An Indoor Campfire: 

Light up a small fire in your backyard and pitch tents in the living room. Provide hot chocolate with caramel, roasted marshmallows and spend your night telling ghost stories or reminiscing about old Christmases and childhood memories. Sleep in your sleeping bags to add to the fun.

Don’t wake me up: 

Have a night full of dancing. Blast only swing dance tunes and bring back the 20’s. Get some band to play and dance like you love yourself. Play dance games and spend a whole night just feeling grateful because of your loved ones.

Ice-skating party: 

Ice-skating never goes out of style. Sharpen those old blades and gather up some pals. Rent the ice rink and play back to back games of ice-hockey. Or, if you’re into something more relaxing, then just skate around the ice lake at the park and then go to the chocolate bakery for some yummy cakes and goodies!

You deserve a Christmas filled with complete love and affection. Try these themed parties and make this Christmas a memorable one.
