11 Home Remedies for Cracked Lips in Children


Sugar, coconut oil, milk cream, glycerin, honey, castor oil, almond oil, cucumber, rose petals, butter and petroleum jelly are best home remedies for cracked lips in children.

Cracked or chapped lips are a common health problem in both adults and children. It usually occurs in winter, when the weather is often dry due to the cold, and the cold weather affects the moisture of the skin, taking it all away and making the skin dry and flaky. Since the lips have a thinner layer of skin, compared to other parts of our body, they are affected first, which is why most people end up with cracked lips.

That being said, cracked lips can be caused due to other factors in other seasons as well. Again, in children, dry or cracked lips can either be just a harmless effect of the weather, or the indication of some serious ailment, like lip licker’s dermatitis. It often happens to children because of their innocent habit of licking their lips continuously, in order to keep them moist.

Cracked Lips in Children: Home Remedies

cracked lips in children

In order to treat this condition, we will list 11 home remedies in this article. These home remedies are a safer and cost-effective alternative to the expensive creams and lotions available in the market. You can try treating your child’s cracked lips using any of the home remedies given below-



Sugar can be a great home remedy for cracked lips. Mix sugar with honey in equal amounts. Apply this mixture to your child’s cracked lips and let it sit for a few minutes. Then gently rub your lips, so as to remove the dead skin from the lips. Finish this procedure by washing the residue with lukewarm water. One great way to get rid of dry lips is to exfoliate the dead skin frequently, till the lips become completely soft. So this is an excellent home remedy for cracked lips.

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is the easiest and probably the most effective home remedy known to most people. It is loaded with fatty acids, Vitamin E and other minerals. It is a natural moisturizer and works for all weathers. Simply apply coconut oil 3-4 times a day and expect results in no time.

Milk Cream:

Milk cream has high fat content, which makes it another great natural choice for a moisturizer. Simply apply it on the affected area for some time, and then wash it off with a cotton ball, dipped in lukewarm water. Repeat this at least twice a day for best results.



Glycerin in a very common compound used for cosmetic purposes. You can combine it with other natural ingredients for treating your child’s cracked lips, but glycerin can be used as a standalone component in treating dry lips as well. Just apply some glycerin on the lips and let it try. Make sure that your child does not lick it off, as it is harmful otherwise and not meant for consumption at all. Repeat this 4-5 times a day and see the results for yourself!


Honey has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It is also naturally moisturizing and completely free from side effects. Apply a few drops of honey on your child’s lips and let it get soaked for a few minutes. Wash it off later. Do this at least twice a day for best results.

Castor Oil:

Castor oil is another great option for treating chapped or cracked lips, due to its natural moisturizing properties. Just like coconut oil, apply castor oil several times a day for quick healing.

Almond Oil:


Almond oil is a hypoallergenic moisturizer that is used as a remedy for dry lips. It also contains free-radical fighting nutrients like vitamins A and E. You can apply to your child’s lips to rehydrate them.

Read more: Health Benefits of Almond Milk for Children


Some people regard the taste as well as the odor of Aloe Vera as unpleasant. But, it is an effective natural ingredient which has a wonderful healing property.  You can even grow this plant in your kitchen garden or backyard. Alternatively, you can also use aloe vera based lotions and lip creams.

Rose Petals:

Rose petals are readily available in the market and will be very effective in healing cracked lips. You must add some of the rose petal extracts with milk and apply it in your child’s lips. In order to get the best benefits, you need to apply the mixture 2-3 times in a day.  If you don’t have raw milk handy, another wonderful substitute to it is glycerin.


Read more: Health Benefits of Rose Apple for Kids


Apply a bit of butter on the affected area for best results. Alternatively, you can also use ghee or clarified butter.

Petroleum Jelly:

This is one of the easiest and most commonly used home remedies for cracked lips. Apply it several times a day for best results.

In spite of listing these home remedies, we would insist on you taking your child to a well known and qualified dermatologist, if the problem still persists.


Hope this article was of help for all our parents!! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy and Healthy Babies!!
