Corn for Babies – Infographic


In continuation with our previous article on health benefits of corn for babies, here is an infographic depicting the health benefits.

Do you think corn is good for your child? Here are some of the facts. some of the health benefits of corn or maize for kids are that it is a good source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, is a remedy for constipation and it is good for eyesight. Corn or maize is the third largest produced cereal in the world. It has its origins from central and South American continents.

As corn or maize is not a preferred food for babies, due to reasons such as risk of allergies, indigestion, etc it is believed that corn must be withheld from introducing to your baby until he or she is at least 1 year of age.

Corn for Babies Infographic
Corn should be introduced to babies after they are at least 1 year of age