9 Amazing Health Benefits of Cinnamon Oil


Cinnamon oil or Cinnamomum verum is found extensively in regions of South Asia. It is extracted from a plant of the species Laurus Cinnamomum. Cinnamon was highly used and valued by Egyptians, Chinese, and Ayurveda medicinal practitioners. They were used to treat a wide range of diseases and health-related issues ranging from depression to gaining weight.

Cinnamon oil is said to be extracted from the bark, leaves, or roots. Although the oil is majorly taken from the bark. It contains compounds such as linalool, eugenol, and cinnamaldehyde which comprise almost 82.5% of the oil’s composition. Cinnamon oil is extensively used in aromatherapy because of its warm, sweet and pleasing fragrance. There are two types of oil that are widely available in the market, cinnamon bark oil and cinnamon leaf oil. Although both carry similar properties, the cinnamon bark oil is considered to be more potent in nature.

cinnamon oil

9 Surprising Health Benefits of Cinnamon Oil

Blood Sugar Level

It is considered to improve blood sugar levels by regulating insulin levels. The oil has properties to keep blood sugar levels in balance, prevent chronic fatigue and mood swings, and cut down on sugar cravings and overeating. This was proved by a study done on 60 people with type 2 diabetes. The study resulted in lower levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and blood glucose levels.


In Ayurveda, cinnamon is at times recommended for issues such as sexual dysfunction. Cinnamon oil is known as a natural remedy for impotence. Cinnamomum cassia is an extract which had shown a positive effect on boosting erectile functioning and sexual motivation.


It is said to naturally boost heart health. The oil fosters nitric oxide production and functioning which is beneficial to people who have suffered from a heart attack or stroke or are diagnosed with any heart disease. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet properties benefit the arterial health of the heart.


Weight Loss

Cinnamon is considered a fat-burning food product that is valuable for weight loss. As cinnamon oil has the ability to regulate blood sugar levels, it helps in curbing the sweet tooth. Cinnamaldehyde, a compound present in the oil may help burn fat cells and prevent obesity. Adding cinnamon oil to teas, baked goods, oatmeal, fruits, and smoothies helps in slowing down the release of glucose in the blood. It could prevent overeating and gaining weight.

Sore Throat

A combination of hot lemon water, honey, and cinnamon. If taken every morning, it is said to boost the functioning of the immune system and helps is relieving a sore throat. Being anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant makes cinnamon oil a great remedy for dealing with throat infections such as the sore throat.

Helps with Ulcers

Cinnamon oil which is extracted from the bark is said to be the strongest potent against helicobacter pylori. It is the main cause of gastric ulcers and cancer ulcers. By eradicating H. Pylori, ulcer symptoms can be decreased. Eugenol compound present in the oil has the ability to decrease ulcers as well as its severity if given in proper doses.

Skin, Hair, and Lips

Its anti-inflammatory property makes it an effective natural remedy to deal with issues of the skin such as rashes and acne. To take advantage of its antimicrobial property, cinnamon oil can be mixed with a carrier oil such as coconut oil and can be applied to the skin.

Adding a few drops of cinnamon oil with coconut oil or almond oil can be used as a homemade scalp treatment. The oil is said to boost growth and promote healthy hair. For lips, warm cinnamon oil is said to boost circulation and plumps up lips by giving them a glow.

Fungal Infection

It’s antimicrobial properties help in preventing various types of bacterial and fungal infections including candida. It is also said that cinnamon oil is sometimes more effective than antibacterial medicines. Researches suggest that cinnamon oil is also effective in preventing molds and yeast.


Relieves Stress

It is widely used in aromatherapy for its sweet and pleasing fragrance. When cinnamon oil has been used in aromatherapy, the subjects were more relaxed and were able to effectively manage stress and depression. A study done on college students resulted in increased alertness and perception and lower levels of frustration.

How to consume Cinnamon Oil?

  • Orally adding a drop of water to the oil and ingesting it.
  • It can also be added to dietary supplements such as smoothies.
  • For aromatherapy, it can be used through a diffuser at home. Or it can either be applied to skin or clothes or it could be inhaled directly through the bottle.
  • For using it topically, a ratio of 1 1 is to be maintained by diluting the cinnamon oil with a carrier oil such as coconut or almond oil.
  • When combined with honey, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, and live probiotics can be used as an effective facewash.

Side effects/ Risks

  • People might experience allergic reactions on the skin if the oil doesn’t suit or if the person is allergic to essential oils.
  • Sometimes feelings of nausea, stomach pain, and diarrhea might occur.
  • When taken for ulcers, burning sensation and pain might be felt.
  • There’s a possibility of the oil reacting with the medications of heart patients. It might lead to difficulty in breathing.
  • If pregnant or breastfeeding, then intake of the oil should be prescribed by the doctor strictly.

