11 Best and Budget Friendly Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids


Photo snow globe, button bookmarks, sensory bottles, play – doh kitchen creations spinning treats mixer, nickelodeon super slimy set, creativity for kids grow ‘n glow terrarium, magformers magnetic construction set, sharper image cinematic light – up box letter board, flipbook kit, bathtub crayons and binoculars are some of the best and budget friendly Christmas gift ideas for kids.

With Christmas coming around, all the decorations, Christmas tree, stockings are being placed and everyone’s getting in the Christmas spirit. But what should be gifted to each other is quite a daunting task, especially when those gifts are for kids.

christmas gift ideas for kids

Choosing gifts for children that they would love and enjoy can be quite difficult as most of their likes have to do with overly expensive gadgets. How about you try something different this Christmas? Invest in certain special and cute homemade gifts for your adorable ones.

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Top 11 Budget Friendly Christmas Gift Ideas

Here are a few budget friendly and also really amazing Christmas gift ideas for kids that you can try. Many of these are quite simple to prepare with easily available materials and in result would show a lot of  love and affection to kids.


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Photo snow globe

This cute little gift idea is great for your kids. All you would need is a clean jar with a lid, some photographs, scrap book paper, glitter, glue. Preparing this is quite simple. Take a clean jar with a lid, making sure none of the label remains are persisting. Then, put a scrap book paper in the jar, cutting it to your required measurements. On this paper you can chose to stick multiple photos or stickers, glitters, etc. place this inside the jar and you can stick a popsicle stick behind the paper to make it stand erect. Inside the jar put in some cotton balls or white pompoms to give the fake snow effect.

Read More: 51 Awesome Gifts for Teenage Girls

Button bookmarks

If your kid spends a lot of time with his or her head in a book then this gift idea is the best for them. The button bookmarks are very easy to prepare and would need paper clips, hot glue and fancy buttons. Just hot glue the button onto the paper clip and your cute button bookmark is ready. You can many of them in very little time. You can explore your creativeness by designing the bookmark to your taste and comfort level too. Present these in a box to your lovely bookworms.


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Sensory bottles

You would have seen your children quite often playing with the sensory bottles of their friends, so instead of buying it make one of your own. You would need a plastic container with a lid and small sensory objects like ribbons, pompoms, beads, glitters, etc. Fill half the bottle with water, then add your choice of objects in the bottle. Get creative while adding these objects, you can also make different themed sensory bottles. After you are done adding the objects, fill water to the brim. Now apply hot glue to the inside of the water and screw it tightly. Your creative sensory bottles are ready.

Play – Doh Kitchen Creations Spinning Treats Mixer

If your kid is fascinated by cooking and is aspiring to be a cook then this Christmas, gift him or her this inexpensive yet fun filled Play-Doh kitchen mixer. It comes with a mixer, removable bowl, a decorating too, two treat  shaped stamps, four cans of Play-Doh and some other goodies.

Nickelodeon super slimy set

If your kid loves making slime and playing with it, then this is a must-have kit for your child. This nickelodeon super slimy set has equipment’s to make a variety of slime mixtures, scented colorants, glitter, foam beads and so much more. Children above six years of age can enjoy this by making various slime mixtures.


Creativity for Kids Grow ‘n Glow Terrarium

Nurture your aspiring science loving kid with this Creativity for Kids Grow ‘n Glow Terrarium set. It is an educational gift teaching them the life cycle of plants. It consists of jar – style terrarium with star – shaped holes on top, potting mixture, chia, wheatgrass seeds, garden figurines and glow inn the dark stars too.

Magformers Magnetic Construction Set

This eight – pieced triangular Magformers Magnetic Construction Set is an amazing Christmas present for your kid to boost his or her creativity and build whatever they like to. The triangular pieced connect instantly and are fun to build and create.

Sharper Image Cinematic Light – Up Box Letter Board

This trendy light – up Sharper Image Cinematic Light – Up Box Letter Board is a brilliant Christmas gift for your child that would let him or her say exactly what’s on their mind. This box comes with 90 symbols and letters and also has a battery or outlet – powered LED backlit display. They can arrange the letters and say whatever they want to say through this. For younger kids, it sparks their interest and provided practice in framing sentences and learning spellings.

Flipbook kit

Kids love cartoons and this gift will teach your kids all about old – school animation. The kit contains two pre – drawn flipbooks and one blank flipbook with markers and clips that would help your kid in creating their own moving story.

Bathtub crayons

Kids never sit still anywhere unless you engage them in some activity they like. This becomes much of a hassle for parents during the kid’s bath time. So here is an excellent gift idea for Christmas that you can gift your kid with – bathtub crayons. They can enjoy drawing on the bathtub wall too.



Boost your child’s inquisitiveness and curiosity by gifting them a pair of binoculars.


With the festive vibes around sue to Christmas, everyone’s setting up Christmas decorations and Christmas tree. It’s time to consider gifts for others, especially for children that are unique and fun too. In this article explore some really creative and budget friendly gift ideas for your kids this Christmas, some of which are – photo snow globe, sensory bottles, binoculars, button bookmarks, Play-Doh kitchen mixer set, nickelodeon super slimy set, magnetic construction set, glow ‘n grow terrarium set, bathtub crayons, flipbook set and cinematic light – up letter board box.



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