Cervical Ectropion: The Ultimate Guide


Cervical ectropion, also called as cervical ectopy is a common benign and often harmless condition that affects females of the reproductive age-group. Here is everything you need to know about it.

  • Cervical anatomy
  • What is cervical ectropion
  • Symptoms of cervical ectropion
  • Causes and risk factors
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment

Anatomy Of Cervix

Cervix is the lower portion of the uterus that joins the uterus to the vagina. It can be divided into two regions. The cervical region closer to the uterus or the inner part of the cervix is called as ‘endocervix’ while the one closer to the vagina or the outer part is called as ‘ectocervix.’ The endocervix is lined by a slightly rough, fragile, mucus-secreting glandular layer of cells (medically called simple columnar epithelium) while the ectocervix is lined by a tough flexible layer, very much like the skin or vagina (medically called non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium). The place where these two meet is called the transformation zone.

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Ultimate Guide for Cervical Ectropion

ultimate guide for cervical ectropion

What is Cervical Ectropion?

Sometimes, the fragile mucus-secreting glandular cells that line the inside of the cervical canal spread to the outer side of the cervical canal replacing the hard, skin-like cells there. This is termed as cervical ectropion.

This is a benign condition with NO relation to cervical cancer. It is very common in women of childbearing age and is considered as a variant of normal by some scientist.


Cervical ectropion is also called cervical ectopy, and sometimes, cervical erosion. Cervical erosion is a misleading term. You can rest assured that your cervix isn’t really eroding.

Symptoms Of Cervical Ectropion

Cervical ectropion is usually asymptomatic. Most women do not even realize they have it until they visit a gynecologist. Symptoms, when present, are:

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For some women, the symptoms are severe. The discharge becomes an annoyance and the pain and bleeding may affect sexual gratification.

This happens because the glandular epithelium produces more mucus and tends to bleed easily because it is fragile.

Cervical ectropion is also the most common cause of bleeding during the last months of pregnancy but it does not harm the baby in any way.


However, some other serious conditions like infections, fibroids, endometriosis, cervical or uterine cancer have similar symptoms. It is always best to visit a doctor if you notice these symptoms.

Read more: Can Pregnancy Cure Menstrual Problems and Endometriosis

Causes And Influencing Factors

Cervical ectropion is a benign condition that is very common. Hormonal fluctuation is considered to be its most common cause. The influencing factors are:

  • It is more common in women of reproductive age group.
  • Pregnant women are susceptible to it due to major hormonal changes during pregnancy.
  • Women using birth control pills or estrogen patches are more likely to have it.
  • Some women are even born with it.
  • It rarely affects post-menopausal women.

Cervical ectropion is not a serious condition. Unlike common belief, it has no association with any cancer and is not known to cause serious complications.

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Diagnosis Of Cervical Ectropion

Cervical ectropion is usually diagnosed by a routine pelvic scan. The cervix appears rougher than normal. It has a bright red appearance arranged in the form of a ring.


Since cervical ectopy is not a serious condition; the focus of the diagnosis is to rule out other causes. This is called exclusion diagnosis.

The following tests are performed:

  1. Pregnancy test: Early pregnancy causes cervix to appear swollen and red due to hormonal changes. So, a pregnancy test is done to rule it out.
  2. Triple swab test: triple swab test is performed to rule out infections. Three swabs of mucus are collected from different areas of the vagina and cervix and tested against disease-causing micro-organisms.
  3. PAP smear: cervical ectropion resembles early cervical cancer even though there is no relation between the two. This confusion can be sorted out by a simple PAP smear exam.
  4. Colposcopy: colposcopy is a simple examination of the pelvis. The doctor will use a magnifying instrument with an attached bright light (a colposcope) to look closely at the changed epithelium.
  5. Biopsy: this method is not used in routine practice. Rarely, if doctor finds something unusual during the other examinations, they may suggest a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. In this procedure, a small tissue sample is collected to test for cancerous cells.

If you are not experiencing any symptoms and the usual PAP scan results are normal, no further testing is required.

Read more: Is Pap Smear Safe during Pregnancy

Treatment Of Cervical Ectropion

In a 2008 review, researchers noted that there is no data to support routine treatment of cervical ectropion. Unless the symptoms of this condition are bothering, no medical treatment is needed. It resolves on its own after some time.

However, if the symptoms are severe and annoying, treatment may be considered.

  • The first line treatment of cervical ectropion is to stop any estrogen-containing medication you might be taken. If you are using estrogen-containing birth control pills, the doctor might suggest a change-over to progesterone only pills. This step alone may resolve the symptoms.
  • Apart from this, the main treatment is cauterization of the affected area. This will prevent abnormal discharge and bleeding. It can be done by three methods:
  • Diathermy: this is the heat method for cauterization. A local anesthesia will be given prior to it.
  • Cryosurgery: this is the cold method. A cold liquid is sprayed at the epithelium.
  • Silver nitrate: this is a chemical method. A silver nitrate salt is applied to the area for a few minutes.

All three procedures are outpatient procedures and take only a few minutes to complete. However, after the treatment, the cervix will require time to heal. So, it is advised to avoid intercourse and tampons for a period of 4 weeks. Aftercare instructions and follow-ups may be scheduled to prevent infections. If you notice any foul smelling discharge and bleeding, follow up with the doctor.

Read more: Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

  • An alternate method involves acidification of the vagina. 600 mg boric acid pessaries may be suggested.

It is advisable to consult a doctor before taking or changing any medications. Self-medication does more harm than good.

Stay informed, stay healthy!

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