Can COVID-19 Vaccines Be Taken During Periods?


A false claim which is being widely circulated nowadays on social media is triggering a lot of women into believing that the covid-19 vaccines aren’t fully safe. A social media post floating around mentions that periods lower immunity for a woman. Thus, taking a vaccine 5 days before, during, or after the periods won’t be safe and may not garner a sufficient response.

This widely circulated post also mentions that the first dose of the vaccine decreases immunity and later gets build-up weeks later. Hence women not getting vaccinated on periods face a high risk of contracting the infection and falling sick.

Covid-19 vaccines and menstruation

It is important and helpful to remain cautious and well-aware about the effectiveness of covid-19 vaccines right now. They are one of the best preventive tools in fighting the killer virus and may help to tide over the second covid-19 wave in India.

Most importantly, covid-19 vaccines have been found to be safe in all concerns. There is no truth to the matter that the vaccines would be harmful to take during the period cycle. Doctors and experts have been repeatedly issuing advisories that ask people not to fall prey to such fake claims.

covid-19 vaccines during periods

Menstruation doesn’t limit the vaccine’s efficacy

For now, there is no actual evidence or research that connects covid-19 vaccines to menstruation. Millions of women across the world have already been immunized against covid-19 and no claims were recorded.


According to experts vaccines are absolutely safe, whether taken during a period or no period. The vaccine is life-saving and should be taken as early as possible because it is helpful in lessening the deadly effects of the virus. Currently, the vaccine is safely recommended for all women above 18 but excludes pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.

It is also important to understand that menstruation is a natural body process and doesn’t really limit or decrease the body’s immune response. Menstruation involves hormonal changes which may minimally impact how to react to an illness or react to side effects. However, in no way does it actually decrease immunity. Getting the periods doesn’t also impact the vaccine’s efficacy. There is no correlation between the two.

Vaccines work by injecting a live (modified) or inactive strain of the pathogen to prompt an immune response. In no way is the reaction impacted by the menstruation cycle or any other bodily processes either. Thus, it is absolutely safe to take the vaccine during the periods, and in no way would women get impacted.

Do vaccines hamper fertility?

Sadly, the period claim isn’t the only fertility-related myth that clouds widespread vaccine acceptance. A lot of people believe that the vaccine could negatively impact fertility and reproduction for both men and women. Some also believe that the vaccine agents harm a protein present in the placenta making many skeptical and causing a delay in getting the shots. This again is completely untrue. Neither do vaccines contain any harmful extracts nor do the presence of clinical evidence support this matter.

Do women tend to experience more side effects?

Side effects are a natural response to vaccination. According to research and observation, women tend to get more side effects than men. Specifically, the side effects could be a tad bit harsher. They could cause changes to the menstrual cycle (prepone periods or make one experience more cramps than usual) if one got the vaccine dose. It could be a natural response fueled by hormonal fluctuation which resolves on its own and may not happen to every woman.


Many girls and women are worried about the vaccine taking during periods. But no need to worry as it is safe to get vaccinated. Don’t take WhatsApp forwards seriously as they are totally fake. It is important to get vaccinated. Stay safe!


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