A Busy Mom’s Guide to Common Illnesses and Their Management


Families are always greatly affected when a mom falls ill. Daily routines and chores especially can go awry since moms handle many of those tasks for the house and family, aside from possibly also juggling a career. As a busy mom, it is important for you to get quality rest and take a break from doing things for other people when you’re sick. Despite your ability to multi-task and tick off everything on your daily to-do list, you’re not superhuman. You also succumb to infections, viruses, and various body ailments.

Common Illnesses and Their Management: Tips for Busy Moms

busy mom guide for illnesses


Body Aches and Discomforts

Carrying your baby, cooking food, cleaning the house, doing the laundry, buying groceries, and working at the office all in one day can take a toll on your physical wellbeing. This can result in certain signs and symptoms arising from foot pain, low back pain, and shoulder pain.

To prevent these, make sure to wear comfortable footwear and observe proper body mechanics when doing your daily activities, i.e. lifting heavy loads. A warm bath or massage can also help relax your tense muscles.

Cough, Colds, and Flu

Busy moms are prone to colds, cough, and flu since they often come into contact with so many people (and kids!) in a day. Pump up your immune system by:

Fighting Sleep Deprivation

One reason for having a weakened immune system is sleep deprivation. A study has shown that most new moms lose around 41 minutes of sleep at night compared to dads who only lose 18 minutes of sleep.


As a mom, you have to cut yourself some slack when it comes to accomplishing things for the day.

  • Make sleep a priority over washing dishes or folding laundry at night.
  • Ask for help from friends and family so you can have nap times during the day.
  • Prepare a bedroom environment that is conducive to sleeping and ditch the gadgets to let your brain tune out easily.

Improving Your Nutrition

Busy moms often forego a proper diet as they become too focused on their routines and schedules. They might not have the time to sit down and enjoy a decent and well-balanced meal, let alone prepare one.

The body, however, needs specific nutrients, such as vitamins, folic acid, iron, and zinc, in order to keep the immune system healthy. Hence, like sleep, a good diet should also be a mom’s priority so that her body can respond to infections, viruses, and bacteria properly.

Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome

Adrenal fatigue syndrome covers nonspecific illnesses that most people usually associate with stress. The medical community is largely divided on this subject since it is not considered an actual medical diagnosis except by doctors working in alternative and integrative medicine.

It’s possible, however, that the symptoms exhibited by mothers suffering from adrenal fatigue syndrome might be due to other underlying illnesses. Hence, if you experience the symptoms listed below, it’s best to get some tests done and consult with a physician:

Fatigue, especially in the afternoon

  • Hair loss
  • Weight loss
  • Dizziness or head rush
  • Sleep problems
  • Acne and other skin problems
  • Poor memory
  • Irritability
  • Low libido
  • Increased premenstrual symptoms
  • Sugar and fat cravings

Doctors might ask you to take tests that will determine your cortisol and blood sugar levels. Treating adrenal fatigue symptoms require a lifestyle change that requires moms to slow down on taking care of too many activities. Moms are encouraged to take yoga classes, practice meditation or undergo acupuncture to help relieve the symptoms.

In some cases, adrenal fatigue syndrome might be an indication of an actual medical condition called Addison’s disease, which prevents the body from producing enough cortisol. This condition occurs in people between 30 to 50 years old and affects one in 100,000 people in the United States.

Bone Loss

Bone loss is more common in women than men, especially among moms who have gone through pregnancy and breastfeeding because the body demands a lot from mothers during these stages. While bone mass recovers itself in a few months, bone health remains of paramount importance in every stage of a woman’s life.

Increase Calcium Intake

Moms need at least 1,000 mg of calcium daily, especially if they are pregnant or breastfeeding. They can source calcium from milk, yogurt, dark green and leafy vegetables, sardines, and salmon. They can also ask their doctors about calcium supplements but take note that these might have certain side effects.

Do Regular Exercises

It might be hard for a busy mom to find time to exercise but it will be harder over time to deal with problems like arthritis or osteoporosis if you choose to skip physical activities. Exercise also helps in alleviating a variety of symptoms because of its benefits including:

Increases energy

  • Improves posture and prevents a backache
  • Promotes muscle strength
  • Promotes body endurance
  • Prevents weight gain
  • Keeps your body in good shape

It goes without saying that self-care is non-negotiable when it comes to being a busy mom. Beyond the sacrifices and demands of motherhood, you must still prioritize your health because otherwise, the consequences will not only affect you but your family as well.
