7 Best Positions to Breastfeed Your Baby


Though breastfeeding is rated to be the best method of feeding a baby, but all positions are not deemed to be comfortable. It would be prudent to state that a majority of mothers are likely to have faced difficulties with a particular position. Not much or too little milk, engorgement, breast pain and mastitis are the issues that could spring up. With the passage of time, mothers do get a hang of it and then it emerges to be a breastfeeding positive.

Mothers have different preferences for their babies. Some mothers take up to breastfeeding like fish to water, whereas others may choose to supplement breast milk with formula food. The benefits of breastfeeding are immense and let us have a glance at the best positions to breastfeed your baby.

7 Best Position for Breastfeeding

breastfeeding positions

The Cradle

Is rated to be among the classic pregnancy position. For regular feeding, mothers adapt this position. In case of mothers, who have had a C section, strain may be put on the scar. For this reason they may consider an alternative position.

In this position, your baby is comfortably placed in a horizontal manner on the crook of a mother. This is on the same side of your breast which the baby is going to nurse and your other arm will be used for support.

Cross cradle

This position could be a variation of the cradle hold. Here the mother is not willing to use the supporting hand to guide the baby so that they have a proper latch. Once again mothers who have had a C section might find this position to be painful. It is better to wait till the scar has healed. In case of babies who have difficulty in latching this position works best.


Football hold

As the name indicates you will be holding the baby in a similar manner to a football. The baby will be tucked adjacent to your arm, and the head is going to be supported by another arm. This position works best when there are pillows to support the baby.

Mothers who have had a C section will find this position to be more comfortable as the baby does not put any pressure on the tummy.

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Reclining back

This is a desired position for mothers who are breastfeeding their babies at night. For mothers who are prone to C section it is a comfortable position as they do not have to sit up for breastfeeding. Less strain is put on the back with minimum problems flaring up.

Here the baby is to be placed at a parallel level to the mother. Ideally they should be lying on the side from where the baby should be feeding.

Supporting pillows

One of the best ways to enhance breastfeeding is using support pillows. It is done so that a mother does have less strain on her back and she is comfortable during breastfeeding. It works out to be an ideal position for on the move mothers, as a comfortable position to breastfeed is not always achievable.


From an angle point the pillows can vary, ensuring a sufficient area of your breast is covered.

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Vertical baby

When reclining and cross cradle positions have not worked, a vertical baby position is not a bad option. The mother has to sit in a cross legged manner, where the baby could rest on the thigh or the knee. It could also be a pillow.

This position can be adjusted according to the height of the mother, size of the baby and evolves down finally to the breast size. A lot of older babies do like this position.

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Do full

A mother could vary the position of breastfeeding as per her likes and dislikes. In hindsight it should offer baby coverage of the full areola and it should not also break the back of a mother. It could be less irritating to a mother, where chances of injury reduce and less pain is bound to arise.


The baby is to be brought closer to the nipples and the aim should be to strike the upper lip of your baby.

To sum it up, a mother should ensure that breastfeeding is comfortable for herself along with the baby. As far as possible do try to adopt a position where feeding is possible at a single go for both the parties involved. In hindsight a comfortable mother is more likely to breastfeed her baby in comparison to a mother who considers it to be a pain.

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