Know-How Printed Books Stimulate Kid’s Reading Habit


Everyone can relate their obsession with riffling the pages of a book and smelling the ink as a kid. The world of books can make your child lost in it and wander through different tales. Books can enable kids to visualize the scenes better and connect with the characters with compassion.

Nevertheless, in today’s world of e-books, it is hard to engage a kid into reading and make them concentrate. There comes the need for printed children book that keeps the essence of books alive. Also, you can easily engage your kids in reading by utilizing printed books in some simple ways.

kids reading habit

Here’s how:

8 Easy Ways to Utilize Printed Books for Arousing Kid’s Reading Habit

Fix a Reading Time

Reading habit in a kid does not come in a day. It takes daily practise of sitting with a book and going through it. But you also cannot force your child to read all day, nor reading at any random time will work.

Therefore, you must choose a particular time to fix as a reading time. Remember, every child has their comfort time when they urge to read independently. You must figure that out and encourage your kid to read at that time.


Ask Your Kids to Read Out Loud

Your kid’s brain is still growing, and therefore, their concentration power and memory both are fragile. That is why it is very natural for them to get distracted while reading and imagining things.

But there is an easy fix for that! You can ask them to read aloud, telling them you also want to enjoy the story. This encourages them beyond anything else, and you make them concentrate effortlessly.

Do Not Force Them into Reading

Keep in mind that anybody on the earth needs to fall in love with reading to practice it daily. Also, love does not come by forcing someone, at least not a kid. Therefore, you need to be playful with your kids to excite them to read and make them love it.

Provide Kids with Variety Options

Reading is always not supposed to be boring! Instead, your kids learn numerous aspects from storybooks as well. They grasp different perspectives from different stories and their scenarios. Storybooks also help them realize the world around them better through the characters.

So, besides textbooks, let them read some fun fiction or non-fiction stories often.

Involve in Activities That Requires Reading

If your kid is too adamant about reading, you can engage them in activities requiring reading.


For instance, you can simply involve your kid with you in cooking or baking, which requires reading the recipe. Otherwise, let your toddler make some origami or handicraft for which reading instructions is needed.

Arrange Fun Games with Reading

Another way you can utilize printed books is to arrange fun games with them. You can play memory games, storytelling games or let your kiddo recite or sing a poem from a book.

Additionally, to make it more interesting for the toddler, dress him/her as a teacher and be the student. The excited little one will teach you by reading out a story for you.

Encourage Kids Read at Bedtime

Bedtime is a great time to engage your kids in reading. Make it cosy for your kid, cuddle in and ask him/her to read out a story for you. Gradually you will notice your child taking up this habit without your involvement.

Read with Your Kids

You must be a good role model for your kid in anything, including reading books. If you want your kid to build a reading habit, then grab a book and read in front of him/her.

It will be more apt to read a printed book as it’s easy for your kid to understand. Reading a book on a tab will only confuse him/her by perceiving that you are engaged with a gadget.


Benefits of Printed Books on Children’s Reading Habit

Now you know quite a few ways of engaging your kid in reading books by utilizing printed books. But you probably are wondering why is printed book is so essential for reading habit.

Printed books bring the pleasure of touching and smelling the new pages. But the benefits of printed books are a lot more than this. Below are some significant benefits of printed books.

Kids Tend to Absorb More Information

Printed books help more in visual observation, especially for kids. Touching the words and running their fingers along the lines help them attain more information.

Also, it is easy to underline, highlight, bookmark, and go back to previous pages in printed books by folding them. It influences the kid’s mind to stick to a book more than an e-book in a tab.

Books Are Stressless on Children’s Eyes

Undoubtedly printed books do not stress your kid’s eyes. Those do not emit lights with harmful radiations that affect the light. Many reports have proven that people who read printed books from childhood have fewer optical issues and diseases.

Fewer Chances of Getting Distracted

Your phone or tab must have other features than just the books in it. Those become a barrier to your toddler’s reading habit. Just one notification from any other app can distract them easily.


On the other hand, printed books not only help in concentration but also give a peaceful read. Thus your kids stick to reading for a more extended period.

A Visual Treat with Fun Illustrations

Printed books come with a bunch of fun illustrations along with the tales. Those illustrations are not just colourful but associated with some significant scenes. That brings a different kind of joy to your kids, and they keep going back to the book to see those illustrations.

Help Relax Child’s Mind and Fall Asleep

As discussed above, printed books do not scatter any harmful rays. Instead, the muted colours of pages are usually quite soothing on kids eyes. In most cases, reading books relax their minds, reduce stress and help them fall asleep.

Now you can channelize all these benefits to build your kids reading habits. You can also amplify their interest by customizing study materials or printing their favourite storybooks. Connect with us to learn more about the children book printing process. We bring life to your kids desired tale by capturing it with ink on paper.
