11 Must Read Book for Teaching Honesty to Children


It’s no surprise that kids these days fib for the silliest of all things. If you feel that you’ve hit a roadblock when it comes to teaching them a thing or two about honesty, here’s a list that might come in handy.

Children’s Book for Teaching Honesty

must read books to teaching honesty to children

  1. The Empty Pot by Demi

The Empty Pot depicts the experience of a boy named Ping. Set in China, the book tells accurate and true stories of an Emperor and Chinese children. Ping was asked by the emperor to get a seed to sprout into a flower. Despite his best efforts, he is not successful. Ping presents an empty pot to the Emperor when called and instead of being punished, he is rewarded for his honesty. This book is rich in terms of culture as well as life lessons.

  1. Sam Tells Stories by Thierry Robberecht

Sam, from Sam Is Never Scared returns in yet another story. Sam is new at his school and in order to make friends, he tells everyone a story that isn’t true. Sam’s little brother holds him high for telling the best stories ever at bedtime. The truth soon chases him, and Sam is faced with telling his friends the truth.

  1. Boy Who Cried Wolf by B.G. Hennessy

The shepherd boy is up to no good again. What does he do to entertain himself? He cries wolf. This raises a furore among the town’s people and they come running to save the day.  How many times can this trick last? Infused with illustrations and whimsical humor, this book will leave a smile on your face.

  1. The Honest-to-Goodness Truth by Patricia McKissack

This book is centered around Libby, who tells the truth at all times. Experiences teach her that sometimes the truth could hurt others. She now begins telling the truth with a certain degree of kindness. The illustrations of the book are paintings. The book depicts the necessity of telling the truth in a kind way.

  1. Ruthie & the Tiny Lie by Laura Rankin

Ruthie has an obsession with teeny tiny things, so when she comes in contact with a miniature camera in the schoolyard, she claims that it is hers. Mrs. Olsen, the school teacher is informed about this by Ruthie’s classmate. Unable to live with the guilt, Ruthie confesses her crime to her parents. This is followed by her fessing up to her teacher. Ruthie is praised for having told the truth.

  1. Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big by Berkeley Breathed

Edwurd Fudwupper is often found brewing up fibs of unknown proportions. Fannie Fudwupper doesn’t appreciate all the fibs. What happens, when one day, Edwurd tells the biggest lie which finds the air force, dogcatcher and army involved. Can they soften the blow of the lie or will Edwurd find himself in bigger trouble?

  1. Howard Wigglebottom and the Monkey on His Back by Howard Binkow

Howard B. Wigglebottom is faced with the choice of telling the truth or not throughout the day. Sometimes, he ends up making the wrong decisions. His guilt trip follows and it begins to feel much like a monkey on his back. This little monkey seems to be luring Howard into telling the truth.

  1. Doug-Dennis and the Flyaway Fib by Darren Farrell

The best friend duo comprising of Doug-Dennis and Ben-Bobby set out to the circus, they are in for a bit of a surprise. Doug- Dennis finishes all his friend’s popcorn and covers it up with a fib, which, needless to say, grows at an inconceivable pace. The only way Dough can find redemption is if he fesses up and comes clean. A classic tale of how lies spiral out of control at every attempt to cover them up.

  1. The Wolf Who Cried Boy by B.J. Hennessy

This one is bound to be a hit with kids. With the roles of hero and villain interchanged, the book is quite promising. What surfaces when the wolf cries boy one too many times? Guaranteed to tickle anyone’s funny bone.

  1. David Gets in Trouble by David Shannon

David’s classic dialogue every time he’s in a tight spot is, ‘NO! It’s not my fault! I didn’t mean to! It was an accident!'” Excuses for everything in a matter of seconds. David soon realizes that saying sorry seems to be a better option than opting out of the situation. A story that is lighthearted and bound to resonate with all kids. 

  1. Princess Kim and Too Much Truth by Maryann Cocca-Leffler

Too much truth has its consequences apparently. Kim, the “princess” makes an effort to tell the truth at all times. She’s in for a rude shock when she finds out what too much truth does.
