22 Exciting Bible Games and Activities for Teens


Reading The Bible helps provide children and teens with an ocean of knowledge. However, asking them to study or read the Bible might sometimes sound boring to them, therefore transforming the Bible into games might help both entertain as well as impart knowledge to them. Hence, in this article, we will help you find some of the most exciting and interesting Bible games and activities for teens.

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22 Interesting Bible Games and Activities for Teens

bible games for teens

Bible Jeopardy

What you need –

  • A piece of paper where clues will be written
  • A bowl
  • Money

The game


The children have to first sit in a circle and choose the clues from the bowl, and then frame questions based on the clues. The clues will be divided in categories and are based on biblical stories. Since it is a buzzer round, the one who hits the buzzer first, gets to answer the question. For the right answer, winner will be getting money and eventually they can double the money during the ‘Double Jeopardy’ round. As the game reaches to its end i.e. the ‘Final Jeopardy’ round, the players can bet all the money they won on the last clue.

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Bible Hangman

What you need –

  • A blank board

The game

In this game the players have to write clues on the board and each one of them will start filling the missing letters in turns. And if one misses a letter or fills it wrong, other players can draw the hangman. More fun can be added to the game by adding a wheel to spin and play, like the wheel of fortune game. This way the players can also earn money making it more fun and enjoyable.


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Bible Charades

What you need –

  • Cut-outs of Bible characters
  • A piece of paper

The game

Similar to the dumb charades game, teens will be divided into two groups and one player from the first team will cut a character from the Bible and ask the player of the opposite team to enact the character while the others guess and answer. To make it more simple, names of the characters can be written in piece of paper. This keeps every player active and attentive.

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Biblical 20 Questions

What you need –

  • A piece of paper to write the questions

The game

For this game, names of characters and verses from the Bible are taken. The participants should be informed about the part of the Bible from where the characters or verses are taken from. Then the opposing team has to ask just 20 questions to determine the name of the character or verse, etc. you can even add the point system to make it more competitive and interesting.

Bible Paintings

What you need –

  • Paper cut-outs
  • Drawing tools

The game



This game should be well researched and needs a bit of preparation. The participants can bring their drawing tools or can be supplied by the organizers. One team has to draw the topic given to them and the opposite team has to guess the characters or verses from the painting within a given time. If the team fails to guess the answer, a clue can be given.

Bible Bingo

What you need –

  • Computer
  • Printing paper
  • A bowl

The game

This game might need a lot of preparation and patience. Different cards based on bible characters and topics should be designed and then printed. During the game, all the cards will be put in the bowl and pulled out by the players while they start the bingo game. You can surf out some ideas to understand how to make the cards.


Bible Ladder

What you need –

  • A ladder
  • Blocks painted with Bible characters
  • Cardboard pins or Velcro

The game

As the name suggests, the players will be given blocks or paintings based on the Bible characters, events. And the players have to place them on the ladder in chronological order. They can either use cardboard pins or Velcro tapes so that the events appear in order.

Bible Book It

What you need –

  • Paper to write clues

The game


In this game, the host has to give clues to the players related to a Bible character or event. The players have to guess the name of the book to which the character or the event belongs. And for the characters that appear multiple times, it can be a rule that the name of the first book should be given in which the character or action first appears. This will make the game more challenging.

Bible Bee

The game

This is one of the simplest games and does not require any preparation. The players have to quote verses from the Bible till one of them is unable to quote any and he is ruled out. The game starts again with the remaining players. The last man standing wins the game. This is a good way to make your teens remember quotes and verses.

Pass the Parcel

What you need –

  • Small paper box
  • Cardboard cutouts

The game

Like the game of passing pillow, this game is played using a paper box which is passed between the players. And when the music stops, the one who has the parcel has to reveal the hidden letter in the parcel. The game continues until all the letters of the parcel are revealed or till the last man standing.

Bible Jigsaw

What you need –

  • Cardboard cutouts
  • Stop-watch

The game


This game needs a prior preparation. You have to write Bible verses on a paper or cardboard and cut them out into small pieces. Jumble the cards and give it to the players. They players have to arrange the cards or paper pieces into the verse. Allotting time will make the task more challenging.

Bible Darts

What you need –

  • Paper cutouts to print bible verses
  • Balloons
  • Darts

The game

For this game the host has to choose two different verses from the Bible and write or print them in different colored papers, and insert them into balloons. Once the balloons are inflated, stick them on the wall. The players have to throw darts on the balloons to bring out the hidden verses. Also make sure no one stands near the wall while darts are being thrown since they could get hurt.

Bible Relay Race

What you need –

  • Blackboard
  • A Bible

The game

Two teams will be given two verses from the Bible and asked to memorize. For the game, the participants need to stand at a starting point and run to the blackboard and write one word from the verse. Once the first participant finishes the race, his team mate continues it and writes the next word. The team to finish first wins. To make it more interesting, you can replace running with jumping, hopping, or run with a sack.

Bible Newspaper Slice

What you need

  • A Bible
  • Newspaper
  • Scissors

The game


Verses from the Bible have to be chosen and divided into small verses. The players will then be given newspapers and scissors and they will have to cut out words from the newspaper to make a verse. The team that finishes first or makes it more creative wins the game.

Bible Eat Out Memory Verse

What you need –

  • Bowls to stack foods
  • Snacks like chips, waffles, cereal, etc

The game

This is a hysterical game since the players get to eat while playing. The host has to choose verses from Bible and write them on a paper and cut them out. Then the pieces will be put into bowls where food will be stacked. The players have to eat the food to find the jumbled words in the bowl. Then they have to arrange the words into verse. Make sure the food you supply isn’t allergic to anyone.

Apostle, King or Prophet

What you need –

  • A piece of paper
  • Pens

The game

The Bible has many characters of apostles, kings and prophets. The host has to jot down these names with several other names which do not appear in the Bible. The host will call out those names and the players have to write the names below the designations. This game will help your kids to memorize Bible characters and their importance.

Bible Relation

What you need –

  • A piece of paper

The game


This game needs a deep research. The players have to find the connection or relation between Bible characters. The connection can be via others or some conversation where one says about the other. The team needs to find the link, if more than one link is found this will help the other players know more about the character.

Bible Application Pictures

What you need –

  • Cardboard cut-outs
  • Color pens

The game

Pictures or paintings with reference from the Bible are shown to the participants. The children have to describe the teaching or lesson derived from the picture. You can ask them how they can apply the lesson in their daily life. Through this game, your teens will both memorize the verse and also realize the true meaning of it.

Bible Songs

What you need –

  • Music system

The game

The players are given verses from the Bible and they need to present these verses in the form of songs. They can sue the genres of music like soap opera themed music, rap music, country music, high school music, jingles, etc. The songs can be recorded and played in future to rehearse remember the verses.

Bible Skits

The game

This is a group activity where groups will be given verses from the Bible. The players have to enact the verses. The act can be funny, serious, adapted or anything. Props can also be used. This is an interesting and fun game that brings out the creative side of teens.


Chinese Whispers

 The game

This game is played just like the Chinese whispers. The players have to sit in a circle and they are given a memory verse. The players have to pass the memory verse to the other until everyone receives it. At the end of the group, the one who has the memory verse most accurate wins the game.

Throw and Say

What you need –

  • A ball

The game


The players are given a verse to memorize. Then they all stand in a circle and pass a ball to each other. The one who has the ball when the music stops, has to say a word from the verse. Similarly every player says one word from the verse until the memory verse is complete.
