Best Winter Vegetables for Kids


For the first few months in the life of a baby, they are on formula or breast milk, but getting to eat solid foods in the first year is a major achievement. While providing solid foods like vegetables, it is necessary that babies get used to the taste and flavours. No doubts, winter vegetables are loaded with nutrients.

Best Winter Vegetables for Kids

If you incorporate vegetables early, it can figure out food allergies and picky eating could be discouraged. Varied methods are adopted in introducing vegetables to kids but if you choose something which is soothing to eat will ease them considerably into it.

1} Sweet potatoes

The winter vegetable that your baby should give a try. Sweet in taste, soft and pretty easy to pulp a rich source of vitamin C and beta carotene gives an impetus to the immune system of your little one. Since the fiber content is high it aids to the process of digestion. Your baby is likely to take a liking for the sweetness.

2} Carrots

A favourite among kids. Carrots have a sweet savour and when babies munch in carrots, they load in Vitamin A, B, and C along with calcium to help the bones grow. It is also embedded with potassium. With carrots, immune system of the baby is advanced, and eyesight develops. Ideally you can cook carrot in your home and mash it up and let the baby eat them without adding any ingredients.

3} Green peas

When the baby is ok to consume green leafy vegetables, then green peas are hard to ignore. It can be well cooked or consumed from the jar. It is loaded with vitamin A and K that develops immune system of your baby. Green vegetables could be the first green of your baby as they can get used to the other leafy vegetables.



4} Peas

Even if you do not have a liking for peas, then introduce them to the babies early so that they develop a knack for it. Peas are an instant craze among babies because of the sweet essence. For healthy digestion it is loaded with proteins and a rich source of fiber. Jarred peas could be used, or you can cook them till it is soft to smash them.

5} Cauliflower

Once your baby touches 6 months, you can incorporate cauliflower in their diet. An opulent source of vitamin A and K boiled or smashed, the baby is likely to develop a taste for it. If you steam cauliflower more benefits could be passed on to the baby as most vitamins are retained.

6} Squash

An important source of fiber, vitamins and calcium, it can be fed to babies in the age bracket of 4 to 6 months. It is sweet in taste and being soft the baby can swallow it easily. On the nutritious side, the winter versions of squash particularly bitternut squash and acorn squash are popular.

7} Eggplant

Consumption of eggplant provides vitamin A and B6 to infants in addition to calcium and foliates. It is a vital source of fiber and minerals like potassium. This does help your baby to have recurring bowel movements. To add a tinge of uniqueness to the eggplant you can serve it with marinara, sauces and a consortium of herbs.

8} Parsnips

The moment baby touches 6 to 8 months, then provide them with parsnips. A rich source of proteins, fiber it is rich in calcium and vitamin C.  Because of the sweet taste and a nutty undertone, the baby gets used to munch it. It is a root vegetable and grows during the winter months. The fresh versions of parsnips are available when the temperatures are freezing cold.

9} Broccoli

Belong to the category of green leafy vegetables, can be introduced to the baby once they are 8 to 10 months old. Since the essence of the vegetable is stronger, the older babies have a liking to it as a finger food. It is a rich source of vitamin C and fiber. You can go on to steam broccoli and feed it to the infants like trees. After consumption of broccoli, the baby may experience a softer stool.


To sum it up, it is indeed an exciting time in the life of kids, on introduction of solid foods. Winter vegetables are good, and kids will develop a strong liking for them.  Experts point out that it is should be introduced early and it could be even at 6 months of age. Before do so consult your paediatrician on introduction of solid foods.

