22 Benefits of Neem Oil for Kids


Neem oil is the most debated ingredient in the present day. A question keeps popping up over and over again in the minds of parents!  Is it safe to use neem oil on my baby? The best piece of advice is to consult a doctor as they are professionals who can figure out what is wrong with your child’s skin.

Neem oil is safe and can be used on kids. It could be termed as jack of all trades for it offers an optimum solution for all needs. It is empowered with ingredients which works wonders for your kids.

Read More: 21 Benefits of Tea Tree Oil for Children

Let us now glance through the numerous benefits of neem oil for kids.

22 Must Know Health Benefits of Neem Oil for Kids

1} Neem oil is an immune system booster and supporter

This oil is blessed with antifungal and anti-bacterial properties.  Incorporated with vital antioxidants it wards off the free radicals paving way for illness. For example, if you are coughing then it can be eradicated by drinking neem oil.

Read More: 21 Foods That Boost the Immune System


2} Controls mild dew and mold

The presence of mold and mild dew can trigger severe immune reactions in kids. As neem oil is rich with anti-fungal properties, you can spray it on the areas in your home that is prone to mold growth.

neem oil for kids

3} Removes lice

Lice are an occasional problem that springs up in school kids from time to time. Refrain from usage of commercial products as they have their own share of side effects. Neem oil is rated to be an exceptional insecticide that gets rid of the lice.

4} Skin care

A popular ingredient for skin care it is part of various creams, lotions, soaps and cosmetics. For a healthy skin fatty acids and vitamin E is essential which is found in neem oil on a large scale. An added benefit of neem oil is stimulates collagen production.

5} Treatment of scabies

Mite is responsible for the skin disease SarpotesScabie. With anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, this essential oil can get rid of the bacteria and fungus clinging on to the skin. The essence of neem oil reduces scabies from originating again.

6} Treatment of nail infections

Nail infections are painful for kids and when you approach a doctor, they try to get deep into the problem. Based on a fungal or bacterial infection further course of treatment is suggested.


A couple of drops of neem oil on the infected area and the pain is gone!

7} Used as an antiseptic

In soaps or toothpaste, neem oil is an active ingredient. On application of neem oil bruises and cuts heel quickly in kids. Though the bitter taste of neem oil prevents its usage in dental hygiene, but it can be used as face and hand cleaner.

8} Eradicates the impact of sun exposure

Kids tend to spend a considerable amount of time exposed to the hot sun rays. This can mar their complexion and application of neem oil cuts down the production of melatin hormone and lightens the dark areas.

9} Relieves psoriasis and Eczema

The former is an autoimmune condition whereas the latter is an allergic symptom. The application of neem oil reduces inflammation to a large extent.  Scratching on a frequent basis makes the affected area to be the breeding ground for various infections. Neem oil is known to prevent such hitches.

10} Removes blackheads

Frequent application of this oil removes blackheads and prevents them from occurring in the future as well. A word of caution, do not apply oil directly on your face. Mix neem oil with water and then a couple of this diluted solution to the affected region.

11} Hair texture improves

Regular application of neem oil strengthens the hair roots along with scalp. Whatever be your hair problem this oil is considered to be a win-win situation. Before hair wash apply this oil a couple of hours earlier and then rinse it off. The results are there for you to see.


12} A healthy scalp

Still wondering what are the benefits of neem oil? Based on the condition of your scalp beauty of hair evolves. With its remedial properties, neem oil works magic on your scalp and treats all the pre-existing hair conditions. In hindsight your scalp and hair is kept healthy.

Read More: 11 Common Skin Problems in Children

13} Parasites

With the use of neem oil you can combat intestinal disorders. Regular consumption of neem oil kills scabies and ring worms.

14} Natural and organic

As neem oil is rated to be a natural and organic form of oil, it is perfectly ok to be applied on the skin. To treat a variety of conditions this oil has immense use.

15} Pesticide

One of the best ways to use neem oil. Pesticides are found in hook or corner of the house and especially when they are infants it is a cause of concern. Neem oil is one of the natural ways to remove pests and could be used as an insect repellent as well.

16} Cure for arthritis

As neem oil is blessed with anti-inflammatory properties, it can be used to cure arthritis along with various types of wounds. With coconut oil, neem oil is to be mixed and then applied on the pain prone joints.


17} Skin support and healing

The anti-inflammatory property of neem oil comes into play again. It soothes the irritated and inflamed skin. A bath with a mixture of coconut and neem oil would work wonders.

18} Copes with digestive issues

Neem oil enhances a healthy digestive GI tract. Foods are processed in a timely manner helping to cope with digestive issues like constipation and diarrhoea.

19} Supports liver

Use of neem oil helps your liver to function in a proper manner. The unhealthy toxins are flushed out of the body so that the liver can function in a proper manner. To cure and treat jaundice, neem oil is considered to be a proper choice.

20} Cold sores, warts and herpes

You can apply a paste of neem powder to herpes or warts along with varied viral issues.

21} Fights acne

Neem oil possesses an aspirin like property which removes the harmful bacteria from your skin. The fatty acids in them also prevent occurrence of scars. In addition the reddish colour of your skin tapers off and a healthy glow is restored at the same time.

22} Removes Virus and cures viral infections

For a long time, neem oil is a proven home remedy to remove viruses caused by small pox or chicken pox. Being blessed with anti-bacterial properties it not only removes the viruses but prevents the re occurrence of it as well.


To sum it up, neem oil should not be consumed at an alarming level as it stimulates production of hormones. Though it is safe to be used, but a recommended practice would be to try in small amounts and see on how it reacts on the skin. If you are prone to kidney or liver issues, then it is strongly advised to keep a distance from this oil.

From our discussion till now, it has emerged that the benefits of neem oil are immense. So it would be prudent on your part to use this oil and see out for the benefits yourself.


15 Ways To Use Neem Oil For Skin, Hair & In The Home
