Bathing your Newborn: 11 Things to Remember


If you are a new mother, you should know how to bathe your baby. The tender bodies of the babies need to be cleaned with utmost precaution can care. Bathing should be a playful experience for your child, they should love taking the bath. You should keep the babies cosy and safe when you bathe them. Evidently, it is necessary to know the safety measures that you should take when you bathe your newborn child.

11 Things to Remember While Bathing your Newborn

Use a sponge for the first few months

For the first few months, you can use sponges to clean your child. Wet the sponge in clean water and wipe the body of the baby. The areas under the chin should be cleaned with care, as the child often spits out the saliva that trickles down this region.

Get a bathtub for your child

When the umbilical cord falls off, you can bathe your baby in a tub. However, take care to hold the baby constantly, as it may slide into the water and get choked. The water level should be kept under the half mark of the tub.

The right time for bath

You need to bathe your newborn child twice a week initially, until you are instructed by the paediatric doctor to increase the frequency. Feed the child, let it get a good sleep and then give it a bath. It will enjoy the experience with pleasure. You can also bathe the child with warm water in the evening, which will enable it to sleep soundly.

Use tear-free shampoos

If you want to clean the baby’s head with a shampoo, get a tear-free product. It should be soothing to the child. A lavender wash can turn out to be effective for the babies, as they make them drowsy and help them to fall asleep fast.

Apply the shampoo at last

One of the common mistakes that mothers make is that they apply the shampoo at the beginning. The baby has to sit in the foamy water till the end, which may be uncomfortable. The shampooing process should be done at the end, so that you can get the child out of the water as soon as it is over.


Get the materials ready

Before you start bathing your baby, you should get the soaps, shampoos and other materials ready. Once you start bathing the child, it will be difficult to open the bottles and remove the covers. You may also find it difficult to arrange these things when one of your hands is engaged, holding the baby.

Use a bath mat

You may find it difficult to place the baby at a particular position when it is wet. The slippery body may slide or move over to a different position. Use a bath mat, pad or pillow to keep the baby in place. A towel can be used to line up the tub, which will add extra grip and comfort to the baby.

Check the temperature

Before you bathe the child, you should check the temperature of the water. The body of the child is tender and sensitive, so always use a baby thermometer to check the temperature. The water should be around ninety-degree Fahrenheit or below.bathing newborn baby

Bathing the baby safely

When you place the baby in the tub, put the legs into the water first.Now support the entire back and neck and place the body into the water gently. When you have completely lowered the baby into the water, pour water and rub the body.

Using the soaps

When you bathe the baby, use a mild soap to cleanse the limbs, back, stomach and other parts of the body. However, make sure that you do not turn over the child. You should not apply soap on the face of the baby. You can use a sponge or clean, damp cloth for the purpose.

Clean the sweat

The areas in the body of the baby, which accumulate sweat need to be cleaned carefully. These include the armpits, areas behind the ears and spaces between the fingers. It keeps the baby clean and comfortable.


These tips will help you to bathe your newborn baby safely. You may consult a doctor for additional guidelines. Make the bath comfortable and soothing for your child.

