11 Baby Tooth Care Tips Every Mom Should Know


After weeks of watching your baby go through the pain of teething, sore gums, and drooling you finally see your baby first tooth bud appearing. Over the years your baby toothless smile will be replaced with two rows of teeth. Taking care of baby teeth in the initial stages is very important as babies will have trouble chewing and speaking if teeth are not well taken care of.

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Baby Tooth Care Tips Every Mom Should Know

Now that your baby’s teeth have finally started appearing, it is time to start taking good care of them. Infant dental care regimen is extremely important for your baby future permanent teeth. Following are some practical baby tooth care tips every mother should know.

1} Hygiene even before teeth comes in

Begin by cleaning your baby’s mouth even before her teeth appear. Wipe the gums using a warm wet cloth after each feed. You can also use your finger to rub off the excess food. Several soft rubbery devices and thimble like gadgets are available to clean the baby’s gums and teeth.

2} Prepare for teething

Teething generally occurs anywhere between 6 months to 2 years of age. Teething may trigger fussiness, reluctance to eat, and drooling. To reduce this discomfort, offer your baby a teether, teething foods and a massage using your fingers. Teething is an important part of oral care in babies. Hence it is important to know all the aspects of teething.

3} Take care of teeth as they appear

As soon as the teeth start coming in, start taking care of them. Most parents think that baby milk teeth are not so important as they are later replaced with permanent teeth. However, these first teeth preserve spacing for permanent teeth. Taking care of gums is as essential as taking care of teeth. If the gums are healthy, the teeth also remain healthy. Gum infection leads to gingivitis which can further impact the development of permanent teeth.


4} Be aware of cavities

It is important to be vigilant about cavities in your little one’s teeth. The first signs of cavities are pitting and discolouration. Putting your baby to bed with a bottle of juice or milk is the most dangerous thing to your baby’s teeth. Don’t leave your baby with a bottle for long periods of time especially when it is just meant for soothing or comfort.

Baby Tooth Care Tips

5} Brush with toothpaste after age 2

Once baby’s teeth have started appearing, it’s time to start brushing them. Use a small amount of fluoride toothpaste and brush those little tooth buds 2 times a day. Take care of your baby’s tooth right from the initial stages.

6} Regulate fluoride intake

Although experts recommend non-fluoride toothpaste, on the contrary some amount of fluoride is essential to prevent tooth decay. You can give drinking water that is infused with a small concentration of fluoride to keep your baby’s teeth strong and healthy.

7} Replace toothbrushes frequently

Toothbrushes get worn out after constant use. The bristles look splayed and dried out. This doesn’t effectively clean your little one’s teeth. Hence, it is important to keep replacing old toothbrushes with new ones as soon as they wear out.

8} Schedule an oral health risk assessment

It’s important to schedule an oral health risk assessment with a paediatrician for your little one. This assessment will help analyse if your baby has the risk of developing oral maladies and cavities.  The doctor will examine the soft and hard tissues of the mouth and determine your baby’s chances of incurring cavities. This will help you develop a good infant oral care plan for your little one.


9} Mouth healthy diet

Breastfeeding provides all the nutrition required for baby’s physical and mental development. It additionally also prevents the risk of cavities. However, when you baby’s takes on to solid food, the food that she eats plays a major role in tooth care. Bottle feeding and foods containing high sugar can increase the risk of dental caries in your little one. Hence, be extra vigilant about the food you give your little one and make sure to brush her teeth regularly.

10} Visit a dentist

As soon as you see that first tooth appear, schedule a dentist appointment for your little one. It is important to understand the impacts of oral habits like thumb sucking, drooling, flouride usage and mouth friendly diet.

Oral health is extremely important in your baby’s overall development. At the end you want to see is your baby being healthy with a happy smile. Incorporate these infant dental care tips in your baby’s oral routine to ensure each tooth grows strong and healthy.

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