Are You An Average Parent?


For the majority of parents, bringing up the kids in the proper way remains a challenge. Taking wise steps as parents is not easy and wrong perceptions about bringing up children can be quite counterproductive.

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Are You An Average Parent?

Listed below are a few aspects based on which you can assess your position as a parent:

  • Spending time with kids- This is where a majority of parents take the wrong step. They feel the maximum time they can spend with the toddlers, better it is for them. However, this is far from the reality. While the kids will pick up a lot of things from the parents – it is also necessary to let them learn on their own. Whether you have a baby boy or girl at home, giving the toddlers some personal time and encourage to learn things personally is prudent.
  • Problem handling- It is quite natural that kids will make mistake as they grow up and this is part of life. However, a majority of parents try to resolve the problems by focusing on the outcome of such problems. However, wiser parents try to analyze root of the problem. For example, luring the kids with toys and gifts to draw their attention from TV is going to do no good. Finding productive solutions to keep them engaged us a wiser move in this regard.

Are you an average parent? How do you know? How do you be a better parent? Read through our guide to understand where you stand.

  • Offering answers- Your little girl or boy seems to have endless queries and like most parents you may feel like answering anything he or she asks. However, it is better sometimes you let the toddler learn the answers by exploration and efforts. That way the kids will not forget what they learn easily and they will gradually become more confident and self sufficient.
  • Discouraging attitude- A section of parents often respond to deeds of their kids with an air of negativity and disapproval. They can instill a sense of inferiority complex in their kids in the long run. Even if your kids make mistakes or underperform in studies, talking to them in de-motivating tone is not going to do any good. It is wiser that you respond with a positive tone to such situations. You may point out their mistakes but do not forget to mention they can always do better.
  • Citing others as example- Citing examples of someone in neighborhood or family to the kids as an idol usually does not turn out to be useful but a lot of parents resort to this. This way you cannot motivate the kids. It is wiser that you inspire them to carve a niche and shine in life.
  • Playing perfectionist- Some parents go overboard and play the perfectionist at every step to their kids. They forget the saying- to err is human. Intentionally or otherwise, the kids may make mistakes. Instead of correcting them at each step you may let them make mistakes and later explain why and where they went wrong. Over protective attitude does not do anything good to the kid.
  • Prohibiting about things- It is a human tendency to get attracted to forbidden things and kids are no exceptions. Sometimes, you may feel the need to stop the kids from doing or indulging in things not suited for them. This can be related to eating, watching media content or playing etc. However, it is important that you interact in the wise way. Instead of prohibiting the kids with a moralistic tone, you can adopt a friendlier attitude. You can use examples to explain why doing something will not be good for them.
  • Playing the ‘I Know it all’ self- It is quite true that you know about a lot of things better than the kids. However, when you say this directly to the kids- they find it hard to accept. It would be a better thing to show why doing certain things in a way is better than the other.

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Where it all leads to?

Not all kids are similar in nature and bringing them up requires understanding of their mindsets, as it is. You need to adapt your interactions and responses based on the mindset of the kids. You also need to be patient and think logically rather than emotionally in this regard.
