51 Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar at Home


Could you imagine using juice fermented after squeezed out of crushed apples to clean the tiles of the floor of your house or better yet, for cleansing your skin! I’m guessing, not.

Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the regular cooking essentials, frequently used as a salad dressing, a preservative in various food items and much more. Even though its most popular use is seen in the culinary industry due to its fermentation properties, what people fail to acknowledge are its other laid-back uses in the domestic area.

Apple Cider Vinegar: 51 Surprising Uses at Home

uses of apple cider vinegar

Let us look at the top 51 domestic uses of ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar):

  • Getting rid of the nuisance named Dandruff. Theory suggests that the acidity in the vinegar inhibits the growth of the fungus, that contributes to the dandruff, and helps you achieve a flake free scalp.
  • Soothing a sore throat, due to bacterial invasion, is something ACV is helpful in and will break up mucous & sinus congestions if the sore throat is due to allergies.
  • Deodorizing feet can be easily done by using ACV as the acids in it alter the pH level of your skin that helps in fighting off the ‘smelly feet’ causing bacteria.
  • Clearing dirt off PCs and peripherals and degerming them can be easily done by wiping them with an ACV dampened cloth and get them shiny again.
  • You can easily unstick scissors by wiping them with ACV rather than using water, that causes rusting rather.
  • Candle wax can be easily removed by heating it up with a dryer and then wiping the area with an ACV dampened cloth.
  • Ink stains on walls and floors can be easily removed by using full strength ACV on it.
  • Unclogging drains is where ACV and baking soda work together by giving a volcano effect which is less harsh and more efficient than chemical cleaners.
  • Clear your bathtub by using a diluted mixture of ACV with water and removing the stains.
  • De-mildew your curtains by using ACV and baking soda along with the curtains in your washing machines to clean the hard stains.
  • Cleaning the washing machine can be done by pouring certain amount of ACV (minus any clothes) into the machine and running a full cycle.
  • Freshen up clothes by adding ACV to the wash cycle.
  • Sanitizing clothes can be done as it has a bactericidal effect.
  • Removing yellow clothing stains from the collar can be easily done by soaking in water diluted ACV overnight.
  • De-wrinkling clothes without using iron can be done by using ACV and hanging out the clothes to dry.
  • Cleaning the iron can be done by using ACV and the iron on steam mode.
  • Cleaning the toilet, tub and sink can be done by using hot water and ACV on the stains.
  • Degreasing your stoves and countertops can be easily done by using an ACV-water solution.
  • Window cleaning can be done by spraying ACV on the panes and glass.
  • Removing water stains from the furniture can be done by using full-strength ACV.
  • Deodorizing carpets and rugs can be done by spritzing it with ACV before vacuuming.
  • Cleaning stainless steel can be done by using ACV.
  • Piano keys can be easily cleaned with the help of ACV.
  • Wood can be easily freshened by spraying and wiping ACV.
  • Polishing of Silver can be done by cleaning with a mixture of ACV and baking soda.
  • Bronze, Brass and Copper can be de-tarnished by cleaning with a paste of ACV and salt.
  • Spots on wine glasses can be prevented by adding vinegar to the dishwasher and running a cycle.
  • Coffee and tea stains can be easily removed from the dishes by scrubbing with ACV and salt.
  • Deodorizing the house can be done by using boiled vinegar for really strong smells like that of smoke.
  • Cutting boards are a hot bed for bacteria and hence, can be wiped with ACV to keep them bacteria free.
  • Portable coffee mugs, thermoses and lunch boxes can be deodorized by placing a vinegar-soaked bread in them overnight.
  • Fridge can be cleaned by using ACV for removing the mildew from the door seals.
  • Ice trays can be kept clean by soaking them in ACV for certain time and then rinsing them with water.
  • Jars can be disinfected by cleaning with a solution of ACV and warm soapy water.
  • Coffee makers can be sanitized, by using vinegar and water solution, every 2-3 months, to ensure best tasting coffee.
  • Tea kettle can be cleaned by boiling vinegar in it and then rinsing it with water.
  • Pots and pans can be made free of burnt and sticky foods by scrubbing them with a paste of salt, corn-starch or flour and ACV.
  • Stickers can be easily removed by soaking them in vinegar and then scraping them off.
  • A fruit-fly trap can be made using a thin film of ACV and a drop of dish soap to entrap the fruit flies.
  • Getting rid of acne is easy by applying ACV, resting it for some time and then washing it away.
  • Addition of ACV along with Epsom salts and lavender oil to your tub can give you a very relaxing and rejuvenating bath.
  • Application of ACV helps to reduce the itchy feeling caused due to the itchy bug bites.
  • Detangling of hair can be easily done by spritzing a mixture of ACV and water while combing.
  • Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, ACV helps to fade bruises and reduce the colourful marks.
  • Putting in a dash of ACV with your poaching liquid can help to sustain delicious poached eggs.
  • Adding ACV to your dye will help improve the colorization.
  • Being acidic in nature, ACV can be easily used as a replacement for lemon.
  • Reducing the symptoms of a jelly fish sting can be easily done by applying ACV to the area that was stung.
  • As a fertilizer for plants, little amount of ACV can be used by mixing with a large amount of water.
  • ACV acts as a toner that helps to rehydrate the face and thus, reduces wrinkles.
  • You can use ACV to tenderize meat by applying it a certain time before cooking it.

So, though there is a much wider range of Apple Cider Vinegar utilization domestically, the above mentioned are the top 51 out of all. As can be seen, the uses vary right from disinfecting the kitchen sink to maintenance of personal hygiene to being used as an essential & beneficial ingredient of many recipes and thus it won’t be wrong to say that Apple Cider Vinegar truly is an ‘Elixir’. Hence, I guess David Wallace rightly said– “Fermentation may have been a better invention than fire.”
