Adenoids Removal in Kids: 11 Post Surgery Care Tips


The tonsils are two masses of tissue located at the back of the throat. The adenoids are a very similar tissue that is at the bottom of the nose. They usually withdraw when they grow too large and block the airway with snoring and periods of apnea (lack of breathing) during sleep. Another indication to remove them is recurrent infections that do not respond to antibiotics.

Removal of the tonsils and adenoids improves breathing. It can also help your child have fewer ear and throat infections. An otolaryngologist or head and neck surgeon will do the operation. An otolaryngologist is a doctor who specializes in problems of the ears, nose, and throat. After the operation, your child will stay in the PACU unit for approximately 1 hour. Then he will be taken to the nursing unit where he will be monitored.

11 Post Surgery Care Tips After Adenoids Removal

 adenoids removal in kids

1. Pain tips

Your child will feel some discomfort after the operation. It is also possible that the child has a stiff neck. You can give your child medicine to soothe the pain (pain reliever).

 2. Follow the given prescription

You may be given a prescription for an analgesic before you leave the hospital. Follow the instructions given by the pharmacist regarding the doses to be administered. Although these medications prescribed to relieve pain can be beneficial, if they are not used correctly they can also be very dangerous.

 3. No over-the-counter medication

While your child is taking the prescribed pain reliever, do not give him any over-the-counter medication that may have a sedative effect (making him sleepy). Decongestants and antihistamines are examples of this type of medication.


 4. Drinking tips

It is very important that your child drink large amounts of fluid after the operation. Try to make your child drink at least 4 glasses of fluid per day for the first few days after the operation. Let your child drink the amounts of liquid or liquid foods (such as gelatin or yogurt) that he want.

However, do not let your child ingest orange, lemon, grapefruit or other citrus juices for 7 or 10 days. These juices contain acids, and it can be painful for your child to drink them.

 5. Mouth care tips

It is possible that your child’s mouth smells different 2 weeks after the operation. Have your child rinse their mouth with water or brush their teeth gently. Do not let your child gargle or swish the back of his throat. 

For several days, your child may have white plaques where the tonsils were. This does not mean that your child has an infection. To protect your child’s throat, make sure he does not cough, speak loud, or clear his throat for 7 to 10 days. Teach your child to sneeze with his mouth open. Do not let your child blow his nose for at least a week after the operation. Gently wipe the nose with tissue paper if it drips.

 6. Food tips

There are usually no restrictions on eating after surgery. Some doctors prefer to indicate soft foods during the recovery period and increase consistency as the child is tolerating it. Some patients may resist eating and losing a little weight. This is recovered by healing and returning to normal eating.

 7. Fever

There may be fever on the day of the operation and continue for a day or two. This is an expected reaction and does not represent danger. Contact the doctor if the fever is higher than 39 degrees Celsius, or if the child is too weak or upset.


 8. Cough

Some children can accumulate phlegm and cough. It is not recommended to give cough syrup. They can drink liquids or spray with saline to improve discomfort.

 9. Maintain healthy weight

Recent studies have shown that many children tend to gain weight after a tonsillectomy. Although this initially excites parents, it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet and prevent them from gaining weight without control. This is especially important in children who have been overweight or obese since before the operation. If this is the case with your child, it is advisable to have a follow-up with a clinical nutrition professional.

 10. Perform pronunciation exercises

Some children can use a nasal voice after surgery. You will notice your child “ured” or “lousy”. It is a normal and expected adaptation process. The following exercises will help exercise the muscles of the throat so that they return to maximum movement without pain after the operation.

 11. Activity

Physical activity can increase little by little as the child tolerates it. You can resume the normal diet and no longer need pain medication. It is advisable to avoid trips out of the city for at least two weeks after the operation.

Remember that it is normal to feel some pain in the first days, especially when swallowing, and when the scabs fall, and that a few tenths of fever, a bad mouth odor and even vomiting dark blood may appear; it is the blood that has been swallowed during the intervention. For pain and fever, always use the medicine recommended by your doctor. In about two weeks, the problems will have disappeared. Go to your doctor if you think your child is bleeding too much, if you notice signs of dehydration (sunken eyes, dry lips, tendency to sleep), or if there is difficulty breathing.

Hope this article was of help for all our parents!! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy and Healthy Babies!!



