11 Fun ABC Games for Kids


ABCya, Ducks’ Alphabet, Amazing Alphabet Match-Up, Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen, Tiggly Chef Addition, Numberlys, Peep and the Big Wide World, CoolMath4Kids, Bugs and Numbers are best ABC games for kids.

There used to be times where letters and numbers used to be about glossy books and plastic blocks. However, today’s classroom can be a virtual playground when using the digital screen.

As a parent, it can be difficult to teach kids due to their short spans of attention. However, by introducing new tools into the classroom, teaching alphabets and numbers has become so much easier to hyperactive toddlers. But, fret not. Despite, today’s child is exposed immediately to the screen, you can try to limit their screen time or even push them towards different apps which encourages education.

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ABC Games: 11 Fun Ways of Helping Kids Learn the ABCs

abc games

ABCya! (Web, Android, iOS)

You can introduce this to children with age 5 years and above. ABCya is a demanding platform for showing educational games for children. You can find more than 300 games on the website where all the games are available for free on the website version. However, you would need to purchase a subscription if you aim to use them on an iPhone or Android app.


Duck’s Alphabet (Web)

If your child (who is 2 years and above) does not like a snake or a monkey, then how about a duck! For this game, you would be asked to sign in and a parental email is required. However, there is no follow-up verification needed for this game. But do not worry; this game is safe, simple and clean.

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Amazing Alphabet Match-Up (Web)

You can visit the PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) website for finding both alphabet and number games which are interactive as well as entertaining and educating at the same time.

All the children who are aged 3 years and above would need to do is to equate the letter card with the word card which starts with the same letter. There are games such as Alpha Pig, George the monkey etc which entertain and educate children at the same time on learning the alphabets.

Alphabet Antics (Web)

Alphabet Antics belongs to the casual and quick games which can be played in five minutes for those toddlers who are 2 years and above. This alphabet game is about a monkey who would need help with some coconuts. The game has three levels: easy, medium, or difficult. This can help your child in learning the letters.

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Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen (Android, iOS)

Sesame Street does not need an introduction. However, Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen is only about making words. These words are extending up to only three to four letters long. These different lessons imitate a real-world simulation exercise of baking tasty cookies in the kitchen. Instead of actually using flour and eggs, children use vowels, colour and consonants to make the goodies. This game is suitable for those who are 4 years and above.

Tiggly Chef Addition (Android, iOS)

This game can be played by children who are 3 years and above. With this app, we can cook using this free and fun-enriched application which will not only aid in your child to learn numbers but will teach them on how to add them as well. Firstly, they continue to add in objects to a bowl and then follow up with different numeric symbols in order to cook the digital recipes.

Even so, children at the age of three and above can learn to listen, learn a little bit on numbers and even slowly develop their cooking skills in the process.

The counting game shows multiple levels which have extra problems such as math equations, drawings and verbal explanations.

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Numberlys (iOS)

Numberlys is definitely not number game by its very definition. It is a story app which makes a peculiar method to teach kids about alphabets. In fact, the storytelling is being designed to increase imagination and developing a fantasy theme makes your child more absorbed into the game. This game is ideal for those children who are aged 4 years and above.


Peep and the Big Wide World (Web)

This game teaches children, who are aged between 3 to 5, a little about math and science. The website for toddlers is based on a live-action series which is narrated by Joan Cusack. To explain further, Peep is a chick who is newly hatched and goes on day-to-day adventures with his two good friends Quack the duck and Chirp the robin.

Moreover, they even roam around a huge urban park where they identify it as “the big wide world.” Over here, Peep begins to learn about math and science-based activities such as Measuring Me and Peep Feet.

Furthermore, this site holds videos for parental instruction. Parents have an important act to carry out where these games are based on real-life activities which children should try out in order to understand the concept of measures, numbers and even scientific ideas. Lastly, this game works well with children who are aged between 3 to 5 years.

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CoolMath4Kids (Web)

CoolMath4Kids is actually a section of a trio on math-related sites which look up to multiple age groups. To explain further, there’s CoolMath with games on multiple subjects such as pre-calculus, algebra and a lot more. Coolmath-Games give many ways to create logic while using different types of interactive games. And finally, we have this website wherein it calls itself an ‘entertaining park of math games.”

This game is amazing for kids who are of age 12 years and younger.


Bugs and Numbers

This is an application which is filled with math games age groups aged 4 years and above. Each game is being designed to support a particular math skill. For example, a child can start to identify numbers and equate them into shapes. After this, they can develop these skills from playing these games found in the app and shows a scoreboard of their success.

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Other ways to educate kids on alphabets

There are plenty of websites and applications found today in the market where you can reach out and educate children on numbers and alphabets. Children should be playful and explore their minds towards innovation as they play these games. However, what if the child is being homeschooled? Then you can make them stand next to you and guide them in counting the number of ingredients or condiments used in baking goodies and other food items but you should be careful when using the utensils. For kids, everything around them is an imaginary playground and they can do their best in an environment which constantly makes use of their brains every now and then.
