51 Easter Crafts for Kids


Easter is fast approaching and kids would be so much interested and eagerly waiting to prepare crafts for Easter. This year as of 2015, Easter falls on April 5th. Easter, the day of Christ’s resurrection brings in a new hope.

For kids, we have some crafts that they can try at home.

Easter Crafts for Kids

Photo Frame Bunny: Make a photo frame by simply cutting out the inside of a cardboard sheet elliptically. Now, stick a pair of rabbit ears on the top portion of the photo frame and at the bottom add a bunny’s nose with three pieces of cotton. For this craft, you could actually take a real photo frame and place the cardboard in front of it.

Easter Bunny Photoframe Craft
Easter Bunny Photoframe Craft

Source: Parenting.com

Egg Shell Bunny: We all have eggs either for breakfast, lunch or dinner and most of us throw away the shells, right? But now, collect some of those egg shells. Break them into small pieces. Now take a small bunch of egg shells and dip each of them in one color each. Let them dry and now mix all the colored pieces and let your child decorate their Easter drawings with those colored shell pieces.

Easter Egg Shell Art

Source: Parenting.com


Easter Window Craft: This is a simple craft which requires many pieces of color paper, a large piece of egg cutout with thick black borders. Stick this egg layout on a window and inside of the egg, stick all the colored papers and the craft is done.

Easter Craft Stained Glass

Source:Little Heroes.com

Bucket Bunny: If you happen to have a small bucket or a beaker, you could make this craft very easily. Apart from the bucket or beaker, you’ll also need white paper for covering the bucket, inside and outside and the bunny ears as well. Also, don’t forget to add in bunny face and googly eyes.

Bucket Easter Bunny

Source: Parenting.com

Footprint Bunny: Help your kids do this craft as it is a very easy. This craft requires a large sheet of paper and some colors. Let your kids make a rough coloring of the bunny and make foot prints in the end representing the ears and feet of the bunny.

Footprint Bunny Paper Plate Craft

Source: Fun Hand Print Art Blog.com


Wine Cork Craft: Here’s another easy Easter decorative for kids. This requires wine corks. Give some colors and corks to your kids and let them make color stamps. Now, just like in the picture make it a chick and the Easter decorative is ready.

Wine Cork Chick Easter Craft

Source: Crafty Morning.com

Easter Hat: Your kids would love to do this decorative because they’ll be the ones wearing it. This requires a strip of thin cardboard sheet looped and stuck. On one end of the loop add a pair of bunny ears which are decorated. Now, on the opposite side stick a set of googly eyes, a nose and two bunny teeth.

Easter Cardboard Paper Hat

Source: The Organized Housewife.com

Chinese Takeaway Box Bunnies: Most of us order rice from Chinese fast food restaurants, right? Well, the next time you order some, don’t throw them away. Instead use them as decorative for Easter. You could also buy them in your local convenient store.

RIce Box Bunny

Source: Small Fry & Co


Jar And Cup cake liner Bunny: If you happen to have glass jars, then you could use them for making some decoratives for Easter. All you need to do is to decorate the jar with Easter bunny decorations such as adding googly eyes, a pom pom nose and a pair of polka dot bunny ears.

Jar N Cupcake Liner Bunny

Source: Teach Me Mommy.com

Beads Bunny Hangings: If you like working with beads, then perhaps this decorative is for you. Get some beads which are large and small. Use the large ones for the body and head parts and the smaller ones for arms and ears. Make a number of such beaded hangings and hang them as you like.

Beads Bunny Hangings

Source: Pinterest.com

Paper Lantern Bunny: For this decorative, you’ll need a paper lantern. On one end of the lantern, stick a head of a bunny cutout from a cardboard sheet and on the bottom stick a pair of feet. Now, pull the paper lantern carefully so that it expands. Also, you could add a pair of forearms to the decoration.

Paper Lantern Bunny

Source: Hatter & Hare Events.com


Paper Plate Bunny: These are a bunch of decorative which your kids would love to spend their time on. This requires paper plates, few paper cuttings for ears, googly eyes, few straws for the bunny’s mustache.

Paper Plate Bunny

Paper Plate Bunny

Source: Love Play And Learn.com

Variation of Paper Plate Bunny: This is a slight variation of the paper bunny decorative mentioned above. This decorative doubles up as both Easter Bunny as well as basket. Fold the paper plate in half and staple it on one end. Stick the ears, eyes and mustache and also a pom pom as tail. Now, stick a handle on top and you have a Easter Bunny Basket.

Paper Plate Bunny Basket

Source: Juxtapost.com

Paper Basket Bunny: This is another variation of Easter bunny basket. This requires a cardboard box to be converted into a basket with a bunny decoration. Cut out the top portion of the box and paste a strip of strong paper from one end to another which forms the handle of the basket. Stick a bunny’s face on one of the ends and the decorative is done.

Paper Basket Easter Bunny

Source: Play Resource.org

Paper Plate Chick: We’ve seen Easter bunnies made from paper plate. Now, its time to make Easter chicks out of paper plate. Take a paper plate and color it yellow. Add a pair of hand layouts representing the features.

Paper Plate Chick

Source: Teachers Mouse Pad.com

Tissue Roll Easter Bunny: Mostly we’ll a bunch of tissue rolls lying at home. You can use them for Easter decorations. Take those tissue rolls, color them with your favorite colors and draw bunny faces on them. Now, stick a pair of ears on each of the roll and place wherever you want.

Paper roll Easter Bunny

Source: Living Locurto.com

Easter Bunny Garland: This is an easy to make craft. For this craft, you’ll need different colored papers, a cutout of bunny face. Using the bunny face cutout, trace the bunny face on each of the papers and cut them out carefully. Now, run a string through them and make a garland and decorate your room with it.

Easter Bunny Garland

Source: Growing A Green Family.com

Easter Eggs Garland: This decorative requires plastic eggs. Get colored plastics eggs and make a garland out of them and decorate your room with it.

Easter Eggs Garland

Source: Third Floor Design Studio.blogspot.in

String Easter Eggs Decoratives: This is a tricky decorative which must be made carefully. For this you’ll need yarn, small water balloons and glue mix. First, get your glue mix ready. For this you’ll need glue mixed with small quantity of water and few eggs. Now, dip the yarn in the glue and let it soak up the glue mix. In the mean time, inflate your balloons to a considerable size. Now, start wrapping the dipped yarn slowly around the balloon, until you get the egg shape. After the yarn dries up deflate the balloon slowly by holding it at the knot and cut away the knot. Deflate it slowly so that the structural integrity of the dried yarn is not disturbed. Now, carefully pull out the balloon from one of the holes. And there you have it. A yarn Easter egg decorative.

String Easter Egg Decoratives

Source:Crafty Endeavor.com

Easter Eggs With Glitter Paper: You could also make Easter egg crafts with glitter paper. All you need are different colored glitter papers. You need to cut thin strips and make loops of out of them that would approximately form egg shape. Now, pin them on top and bottom and tie a string on each of them and hang them.

Easter Eggs Glitter Paper

Source: Child Parenting.about.com

Easter Bunnies From Eggs: For this decorative, you’ll need eggs, some color, foam sheet, small ribbons and some stiff paper. Use the foam sheet as the feet, the ribbons for decoration and the paper for bunny ears. Before this, draw cute little bunny face on each of the eggs and color it as you like. And your egg Easter bunnies are ready.

Easter Bunny From Eggs

Source: Flower Kid.com

Paper Cup Easter Bunny And Chick: Paper cups are one of the easiest things available and also to work with. Get some paper cups and start making Easter Bunnies and Chicks with them. Just add ears for the bunny and some feathers for the chick along with googly eyes.

Paper Cup Easter Bunny Chick

Source: Preschool Crafts For Kids.com

Easter Bunny Layout: You can easily obtain Easter Bunny layout templates from the internet. Download them and carefully cut out the layout. Stick it on to a cardboard frame with colors and decorations. Repeat the process with number of other layouts as well.

Easter Bunny Layout

Source: Just Between Friends.com

Paper Cone Hangings: For placing goodies or candies, you can make this decorative item. For this, you’ll need thick paper. Cut the paper in circles and make a cone shape out of them. Decorate each cone either as Easter bunny or Easter Chick. At the opening, add a ribbon loop so that the cone can be hanged wherever you want.

Paper Cone Easter Bunny Chick

Source: Happy Clippings.com

Marshmallow Easter Bunny: Kids love marshmallows and it would be a good idea to make an Easter bunny with marshmallows. Make a marshmallow Easter bunny with toothpicks to hold them together. Decorate the face of the bunny with also don’t forget to add ears to the bunny.

Marshmallow Easter Bunny

Source:Think Play Today.com

Jar Easter Bunny: Another way to store goodies and candies for Easter is by preparing jar Easter bunnies. For this craft, you’ll need medium to large sized jars. Decorate the jars as Easter bunnies by drawing bunny face and sticking googly eyes and paper cut ears.

Jar Easter Bunny

Source: Art 4 Elite.com

Paper Roll Easter Bunnies: If you want to make a number of Easter bunnies lined up, then paper roll Easter bunnies are a good choice. Color the paper rolls and decorate them using googly eyes or beads, coat or shirt buttons as snout along with long bunny ears from color paper. Make a bunch of them.

Cardboard Tube Easter Bunnies

Source: Crafts For Kids Blog.com

Easter Egg Decoration: Other than using make shift eggs or plastic eggs for decoration, using real eggs for Easter adds to the decoration. For this craft, you’ll be needing few eggs and a bunch of different colors and whole lot of imagination.

Painted Easter Eggs

Googly Eyes Easter Eggs: Here’s a simple way for decorating for Easter. Take some eggs and equal number of googly eye pairs and black sketch pen.

Googly Eyes Easter Eggs

Source: InCasa.ro


Felt Easter Chicks: For this decoration, you’ll need yellow colored felt cloth, googly eyes, straight pins and orange colored pipe cleaners. Fold the felt cloth and cut out an egg shape and a pair of wings for the chicks. Now, give a rough stitch to the chick and also insert the pins with the pipe cleaners on.

Felt Easter Chicks

Source: Mes Creations Disney.fr

Foam Easter Chicks: This craft is also similar to the above craft. But unlike it, this craft requires funky foam and a pair of googly eyes for each chick. Cut out a round shape from yellow funky foam and small triangle from red or orange foam for the beak and make a stand from folded cardboard. Now, stick the googly eyes on each side of the chick.

Foam Easter Chicks

Source:Thinly Spread.co.uk

Easter Egg Holders: This craft requires thick paper sheet, colors and some beads and paper flowers as you like. Make a roll out of the paper sheet with at least 5-6 turns. Now, color the roll with different colors and stick different types of beads and tiny paper flowers on to it. Now, make strip cuts on the top of the paper roll and spread those cuts a little wider. While place an egg on this craft, make sure that you have a crumpled paper inside the roll so that it cushions the egg properly.

Easter Egg Holder

Source: Art Craft Ideas.net


Easter Animals with Eggs: Here’s another way of making Easter crafts with different colored eggs. White and brown eggs would be great for this craft. You’ll also need funky foam and googly eyes to complete this craft.

Easter Animals With Eggs

Source: Bostik.co.za

Easter Animals Paper Bag Crafts: This is a simple craft that your kids can make easily with paper bags. Along with paper bags, they’ll need color papers, googly eyes and thin ribbons for decorating the crafts.

Easter Animals Paper Bag

Source:BW Design Studio.com

Easter Animals Paper Cut Outs: This is another simple craft that your kids would love to do. This craft requires different colored thick papers and cutout of shapes such as bunnies and chicks.

Easter Animals Paper Cutouts

Source: Nico Events.com


Minion Easter Eggs: We all love those adorable minions, don’t we? Egg minions look great and perhaps they are one of the best Easter decoratives that you can think of. Have a bunch of eggs colored in blue and yellow and draw those minion faces.

Minion Easter Eggs

Source: Pinterest.com

Paper Cup Easter Chick N Bunny: Paper cups are easily available and are easy to manipulate with. Hence, they are a very good choice for making Easter crafts by kids. Have some paper cups, colors, googly eyes and paper cutouts for ears and wings.

Paper Cup Easter Chick n Bunny

Source: Homi Craft.com

Paper Cone Easter Carrot: As part of Easter decoration, wouldn’t it be nice to have carrot decorative as well? This can be easily made with simple things available at home. All you need is an orange colored paper and green colored paper strips. Make a cone from the orange colored paper and seal the opening on top. Make few loops from the green strips and stick them on top.

Easter Carrot Decorative

Source: Brilhose & Botoes.com


Fish Bowl Easter Decoration: If you have a spare fish bowl at home, you can use it for Easter decoration. For the decoration part, get some shredded paper for cushioning, eggs painted and colored, a rabbit doll and a chick doll.

Easter Egg Decorations in Fish Bowl

Source: Amanda Jane Brown.com

Easter Layout Hangings: This craft requires colored and patterned papers and some layouts of chicks, eggs and of course bunnies. Cut out the papers using the layout and hang them at your favorite spots in your home.

Easter Layout Hangings

Envelope Easter Bunny: Envelope Easter bunnies can be a good way of storing goodies and cookies from kids. For this craft, you’ll need envelopes that are strong enough to handle a bunch of cookies or goodies. Cut out bunny ears and stick them at the opening of the envelope and draw a bunny face on the envelope.

Easter Bunny Envelopes

Source: Kids Spot.com

Egg Shell Candles: This craft requires egg shells. Break the eggs carefully at the top so that the bottom portion of eggs remain intact. Now, fill the shells with molten candle wax and put a wick on it.

Easter Egg Candles

Source: Design Dazzle.com

Egg Decorations: For this craft, you’ll need eggs colored in bright colors. By using funky foam, cut out different layouts of bunnies to make a stamp out of it. Now, apply black of any dark color to the foam piece and start stamping the eggs.

Easter Egg Decoration

Source: Lushome.com

Crazy Egg Decorations: This is one Easter craft, where you can let out all your crazy decorative ideas. All you need are eggs, your favorite colors and whole lot of creativity. Let your creativity out by etching some of the crazy and funky faces that you can think of.

Crazy Easter Egg Decorations

Source: Craft Hubs.com

Recycled Easter Basket: If you happen to have recycled paper or cardboard box or tray at home, then this is could be a very good craft. Color the tray with a prominent color and add different type of textures or paper cutouts on the tray. Also stick a handle to the tray to make it a basket. You can use it for storing Easter eggs or cookies or any other goodies.

Recycled Easter Basket

Source: Activity Village.co.uk

Cardboard Box Easter Basket: Remember the rice boxes from restaurants. If you happen to have a bunch of them, you can use them to make Easter baskets as well.

Cardboard Easter Basket

Source: Decoration For Your Home.info

Pet Bottle Easter Basket: You could also make a basket out of the base of pet bottle. Pet bottles can be mostly found laying around in your home. Cut out the base, make two holes for the handle. For the handle, you can use a flexible yet thin wire. Also, cover the wire with colored pipe cleaner for a good look.

Pet Bottle Easter Basket

Source: Babble.com

Box Easter Basket: This craft is very similar to the tray craft. For this craft, you’ll need old shoe box or any type of box. Cut out the opening of the box and color it as you wish. Add a cardboard strip as handle and fill it with Easter eggs or cookies.

Box Easter Basket

Source: Art 4 Elite.top

Popsicle Stick Easter Basket: This craft requires popsicle sticks, tissue roll, a flexible wire and pipe cleaners. Paste the sticks on to the paper roll and color them. Also, stick a piece of cardboard on the bottom of the roll. Now, run the wire with pipe cleaner on it as handle.

Popsicle Stick Easter Basket

Source: Baby Savers.com

Easter Goodies Storage: Store candies, chocolates, sweets and other goodies in tissue paper spools. Cover the spool with thin colored paper and stick funky foam cutouts of bunny and chick on the spools.

Easter Goodies Storage

Source: iVillage.com.au

Easter Eggs Smileys: Get a bunch of eggs and draw some of the funniest smileys on them. Drawing on each of the eggs can be a time consuming task, but the end result is worth all the time spent on it.

Easter Egg Smileys

Source: Taringa.com

Angry Birds Star Wars Easter Eggs: If you want something different for decorating this Easter, you can opt for your favorite Angry Birds theme. This craft represents Angry Birds Star Wars version, where most of the important characters are covered.

Easter Egg Angry Birds Star Wars

Source: Deviant Art.com
