21 Independence Day Activities for Kids


Whilst the adults celebrate the day with wine and barbeque, there are a lot of things that children also can do to enjoy the Fourth of July. Worried about how to keep your children engaged while you plan for your evening party and fire-crackers? Well worry no more because we bring you the 21 fascinating Fourth of July activities for kids.

Staring from coloring games and crafts to water balloon fights, there can be a lot of things which can help your keep your kids busy.

21 Independence Day Activities for Children

Color the Flag

Blue, red and white-the three colors which the United States flag. You can let your toddlers color the flag on their own to check how much they actually know about the flag. There is no better day than the Fourth of July to introduce the pattern and design of the flag to your little one.

Pin the Star on Uncle Sam Game

Uncle Sam is a well known American icon. The name is connected to Samuel Wilson, who was a meat packer from New York. During the war, he used to send barrels of meat to the United States army. Since then Uncle Sam has become a famous icon of the United States.

This Fourth of July, you can introduce Uncle Sam to your toddler by offering him/her with ‘pin the stars on Uncle Sam cartoon’ game. The stars are also patriotic symbols of America and combining the two iconic images you can really create a fun-filled game for your child.

Make the Flag

Just like coloring you can also introduce the American flag, to your child, in other fun ways. Provide him/her with stars and red stripes to be pasted on a blue and white background. See how accurately they can make the flag. This would be a fun and engaging activity for your preschooler.


Make the Patriotic Wreath

You can make your child a part of the American pride by involving him/her in the process of creating a patriotic wreath. Encourage your child to participate in the process and aim at making a big one, which you can hang on the front door.

Create a Fourth of July Wand

A blue and white Fourth of July wand with a red sponge star (you can alter between red, white and blue) on the top will be the perfect magical experience for your kid. The craft works like these, will keep your child busy and engaged whilst you prepare for the evening party.

 Independence Day

Learn the Pledge of Allegiance

What better day is there to make your little one learn the pledge of allegiance than the Fourth of July? Make him/her learn the pledge by heart from the morning of the Independence Day so that he/she can recite it later in front of the guests. It will be quite impressive and it will also make you proud as a parent.

Learn About the Declaration of Independence

Alongside the Pledge of Allegiance the Declaration of Independence is one very important American document. If you can’t afford a flight or a ride to the Washington D.C. to see the declaration, you can still let your kids know about the document and its importance.


Flag Puzzle

If your little one is really into puzzles, you can offer him/her with the puzzle of the American flag. This will be another great way to make your child learn about the pattern and design of the flags. Interesting facts like how many stars and how many stripes are there in the United States flag can be taught in this fun and creative way.

Firework Artwork

If your child is too small to be allowed near real fireworks then encourage them to make a firework artwork. Provide them a black craft paper, which will represent the night sky. On that paper they can place different colors of paint and add glitters on them. This will make them feel as a part of the famous Fourth of July fireworks.

Fourth of July Quiz

If you have a school going kid then you can call them and arrange for a fun filled Fourth of July quiz. Simple factual questions like ‘How many original colonies are there?”, “What do the 50 stars in the flag stand for?”, “What do the red stripes in the flag stand for?” can be asked. This will make them curious to know the history and will help them connect to the event wholeheartedly.

Tell them some ‘Fourth of July Stories’

‘Fourth of July’ can be engaging way of letting the children know about the history. Reading from the books like ‘The First Independence Day Celebration’ by Kathy Allen or ‘Uncle Chente’s Picnic’ by Diane Gonzales Bertrand will make the children understand the importance of family and togetherness in the context of the Fourth of July.

Teach them Fourth of July Poems and Songs

Fourth of July songs and poems are great avenues of allowing traditions to flow from one generation to the other. Popular numbers like ‘Fireworks in the Sky’ and ‘On Independence Day’ can be recited by the children and the adults can also join in the fun.

Stage a ‘Fourth of July Play’ for Kids

By depicting the story of the battle for American independence you can stage a drama with your child’s friends and cousins. This will be a fun filled and entertaining event for both you and your guests and every one of you can enjoy it together.


Arrange a Bike Parade in the Neighborhood

You can encourage your child to gather all the other children of your locality and go on in a bike parade carrying the American flag and posters. This will certainly light up their Fourth of July morning. They will also feel the essence of togetherness and can enjoy their unity in organizing and staging the parade.

Arrange a Pie Eating Contest

Pies along with blue, red and white cookie bars makes the perfect snacks menu on your Fourth of July. Arranging a friends and family pie eating contest is a good way to enjoy and inject a sense of American heritage amongst your urban children. Urban lives can detach your children from the patriotic values and this kind of fun games and arrangements can bring back the sense in them.

Organize a Water Balloon Fight

You can stage a water balloon fight by dividing two teams amongst your child’s friends. Make one group American and the other one British. But you have to make sure that things do not go vicious our out of hand. Make sure that it is fun filled and frivolous and not dangerous or competitive.

Educate your Child with TV

Television can be a good thing to educate your child. ‘Liberty Kids’ is a good educational channel which talks about America and patriotism. This Fourth of July can be a perfect time for you to introduce your child to Liberty Kids. This television channel will enlighten your child with the knowledge of America.

Balloon Fireworks

Fourth of July is a time for fireworks. But if your child is too young for actual fireworks then he/she and his/her friend can enjoy balloon bursting indoor fireworks. This way they can create some noise and have fun without being exposed to the threat of actual fire.

Independence Day fancy day Party

Arrange a fancy dress party with your kid and all the kids of the neighborhood. Allot one national hero or ex-president to each of them and they can come dressed like them accordingly. The photographs will be fun to watch later on and your child will get to learn about the heritage and the history.


Throw a Party

Only adults should not be allowed to enjoy a late night party on the day of the independence. Encourage the kids also to join. Arrange for barbeques and pies and chocolates for everyone. Decorate the party with white, blue and red balloon and ribbons. Both the kids and the adults will enjoy such a ‘Fourth of July’ themed party.

Let them Enjoy the Fireworks

‘Fourth of July’ celebrations are not complete without fireworks. If your child is grown up enough then allow them to participate in the firework and if they are not then let them enjoy it from a distance. Fireworks are essential part of the Independence Day celebration and you should allow your child to get connected to the heritage.

Fourth of July is the time when you get a chance to connect to the history. So on this historic day let your child feel the vibes and passion of being an American. This is the perfect occasion to let your child know the history and connect with the long lasting heritage of the country.
