20 Do-It-Yourself Easter Crafts for Kids


In 2014, Easter will be celebrated on 20th of April. Easter is a period of celebration as it is believed that three days after crucifixion Jesus was resurrected on Easter and hence, it is one of the most important times of celebration in Christianity. Easter is fast approaching and there is definitely an excitement in kids about Easter Eggs and Easter Rabbit which supposedly wakes up from the long winter hibernation. This calls for celebration and in honor of the bunny.

Your kids can have so much fun preparing Easter crafts, some of which, we will discuss. Here are some craft ideas for kids who want prepare something new and exciting for this Easter.

Do-It-Yourself Creative Easter Crafts for Kids and Toddlers

Paper Cup Easter Bunny and Chicken: Here’s a simple craft that can be easily made by your child. All you need are few paper cups, 2 pairs of googly eyes, pink, yellow and white paper, a pink pom pom, some whiskers for rabbit and yellow colored feathers for the chicken. Make ears out of the white paper and stick the pink paper on the inside. Stick the eyes and pink pom pom to the rabbit cup. For the chicken cup, cover the cup with the yellow paper, stick the eyes, beak, legs and some put some feathers inside the cup.

Paper Cup Eater Bunny
Paper Cup Eater Bunny

Source: ivillage.ca.

Minion Easter Eggs: Most kids are fans of Minions in the movie series Despicable Me. Here’s one way to show your love for Minions on this Easter day. You need eggs and paint them carefully with colors yellow and blue. You could also stick googly eyes to the minion eggs and decorate them appropriately.

Minion Easter Eggs

Source: Gallery Hip.com


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Scuba diving Easter Eggs: You could depict a bunch of scuba diving Easter eggs. Here’s how you make them. Take some eggs and color them with your favorite colors. You’d need few pairs of paper flappers, small plastic caps, few of bendable straws of different colors and some thread or rubber bands. After coloring the eggs, fit the plastic caps on to the eggs using the rubber band or thread and also tie the bendable straw with the thread. Don’t forget to add the flappers to the eggs.

Scuba Diving Easter Eggs

Source: Spoonful.com

Smiley Easter Eggs: For this craft, you just need some eggs, googly eyes and a sketch pen. Stick the googly eyes to the eggs and draw out some wacky smileys on the eggs. You can color them as you like and decorate them in small bowls filled with Styrofoam balls as support.

Smiley Easter Eggs with Googley Eyes

Source: Living At Home.de.

Angry Birds Easter Eggs: This is one craft after the Minions that children would love to make. the Angry Birds Easter eggs. For making Angry Birds Easter eggs, you’ll need regular eggs, colors and pictures of Angry Birds for reference. First draw out the beaks and eyes and carefully put colors on to the eggs and let the colors dry.

Angry Birds Easter Eggs

Source: tweens.screenweek.it

Easter Bunny Hat: Make yourself an Easter Bunny’s hat in an easy to do way. All you need are few paper plates, a thin white cardboard and some pink color paper. Cut the inner area in the plate so that it resembles the brim of a hat. Now take the thin cardboard and cut it into the shape of bunny’s ears and stick the pink paper on the inside of the ear. Now, stick these ears to the brim and there you have it. The Easter Bunny’s Hat.

Paper Plate Easter Bunny Hat

 Source: Alphamom.com

Another Easter Bunny Hat: Similar to the lines of the above craft, here’s another Easter Bunny Hat craft. The requirements for this craft are similar to the above craft. The only thing that is extra is cotton. After making the hat craft, you can stick cotton all over the hat to make it fluffy and mushy.

Easter Bunny Paper Plate Hat

Source: Pinterest.com

Easter Bunny Glasses: This is another craft that is easy to make and fun to wear. All you need is a thin cardboard sheet and colors, especially pink. For the craft, you’d need to cut the cardboard into the shape of bunny’s ears and at the base of the ears, leave a big round shaped space. Now, mark a heart into the round based and cut it out. For wearing it comfortably, tie a string of rubber of band around the Easter Bunny Glasses. If you want to add some more detailing, you can just paint it with different colors.

Easter Bunny Glasses

Source: iVillage.com

Fluffy Cotton Easter Bunnies: Another interesting and cute craft that you can make is the fluffy cotton Easter bunnies. All you need are few big pieces of cotton or pieces of pom pom, some colored styrofoam pieces and googly eyes. The cotton/pom pom acts as the body of the bunny. Stick some googly eyes and a small piece of color cotton as the bunny’s nose. Now use the styrofoam pieces to cut out the ears, whiskers, bunny teeth and feet for the bunny and simply stick them to the cotton.

Cotton Easter Bunnies

Source: Moms Town

Paper Plate Easter Bunny Mask: Here’s one craft which can easily made with materials usually available in most homes. All you need are a paper plate, a pom pom, different colored sketches, a piece of cardboard sheet. First cut out two holes in the plate using a pair of scissors for eyes. Now, cut the cardboard into long bunny ears, color the inside of the ears and stick them to the plate using some glue. As the holes have been cut for eyes, make sure to stick the pom pom as the nose just below the eyes and sketch out the mouth and bunny teeth. You can also add whiskers to the bunny’s face. You could either add a handle at the bottom to hold the mask or you could tie a band around the mask for convenience.

Paper Plate Easter Bunny Mask

Source: Quoteko.com

 Easter Bunny Ear Crown: If you want to play the Easter bunny, then you must look like one don’t you? So, here’s a simple way to make yourself an Easter Bunny ears. Take a strip of thin cardboard and make it into a loop and stick the ends. Now, cut out a pair of bunny ears and color the inside of the ears leaving about half an inch of space.  Now, stick these ears to the loop and you can wear this on Easter day.

Easter Bunny Ears Crown

Source: Fun. Family Education.com

Easter Egg Strings: Here’s one tricky yet beautiful craft. You’d need strands of twine, some colors and a sugar solution. Add colors to the sugar solution and mix them well. Now put the strings in the sugar solution and leave them for about 24 hours. The strings will soak up the sugar and will become stiff. Now, take some balloons, fill them with air until they are a little bigger than eggs and wrap the sugar soaked strings around the balloons. You could intermix different colored strings to give a great look. After the wrapping is complete, blast the balloons using a needle and pull them out. Instead of sugar soaked strings, you could also use single strand copper wires from your hardware store.

Easter Eggs with Strings

Source: Peppermint Twists.blogspot.com

Easter Egg Garland: Easter Egg Garland is another simple to make craft for kids. To make this craft, all you need are different colored papers, an egg shape template, a long string and a pin to punch holes in the paper eggs. First, use an egg template and draw out the egg shape on the color papers. Now, carefully cut the color papers in egg shapes. Start punching 2 holes in each of the eggs. Make sure to punch the holes exactly at the same place in all the eggs. Now, run the string through each of the holes in eggs aligned side by side.

Easter Egg Garland

Source: Modern Parents Messy Kids.com

Easter Handpaint Craft: Easter Handpaint Craft is a simple art craft for toddlers, who are still experimenting with handpaint or handprint. All you need are contrasting color paint and paper. For example, you could use a blue color paper and white color paint, or vice versa.

Easter Bunny HandPrint

 Source: Fun Handprint Art.blogspot.com

 HandPrint Chicken: Another handprint art craft for toddlers is a handprint chicken. To craft out a chicken, all you need are two circles of different sizes drawn. Paint the circles and stick a pair of googly eyes. And then use handprints to make the wings and feet of the chicken.

Easter Chicken Handprint

Source: Fun Handprint Art.blogspot.com

Paper Plate Easter Bunny: Here’s another version of paper plate Easter bunny. For this, you need 2 paper plates. Some cotton, a pair of googly eyes, a pink pom pom and paper cut as bow tie. First, one plate, stick the googly eyes and below the eyes and stick the pink pom pom and cotton. You can draw a mouth and some whiskers for the bunny. Now, take the other paper plate and cut two ends of the paper plate that can resemble the ears and attach them to the paper Easter bunny plate.

Paper Plate Easter Rabbit

Source: I Heart Nap Time.net

Easter Paper Lamb: For this craft, you’d need thick white paper, some cotton, glue and scissors. Draw out a square on the paper. Adjacent to the square draw the head of a lamb. Now, cut out the square and the lamb’s head. Draw, eyes, mouth and ears on the lamb’s head. For the legs, cut out 4 strips from the paper. Take the square and fold it in half. Now, stick the 4 strips to the folded square and also stick the head of the lamb to the square.  Now, take the cotton and stick it to the body and you have a paper lamb craft for Easter.

Easter Paper Lamb

 Source: The Gaurdian.com

Easter Bunny Pouch with Goodies: Here’s a craft where you can hide some goodies in it. This is the Easter Bunny Pouch. For this craft, you’d need a sheet of paper in different colors, some glue, a pair of scissors. Take the large sheet and fold it in the middle and glue the edges. Leave the top side to put things in the pouch. You could add a pair of bunny ears, eyes, nose and mouth on the pouch to make it look like a bunny.

Easter Bunny Pouch

 Source: Blog. Real Kid Shades.com

Paper Plate Easter Egg Hangings: Here is another craft with paper plates. All you need are paper plates, different colors, strips of paper with different colors as well and some strings to hang. If you can find different colored paper plates, then its fine, but if you cant, then color the plates with different colors yourself. After you color the paper plates, you can take different colored paper strips, stick them on a piece of paper in an order and cut them in the shape of an egg. You can use different color combinations each time. After the cutting is done, take these eggs and stick them on to the paper plates and hang them using strings.

Paper Plate Easter Egg Hangings

Source: The Crafty Crow.net.

Tissue Roll Easter Bunny: This is another easy to make craft which might not require you to go to a craft store. All you need are some tissue paper rolls that you can easily find at home. Once, you get them, you can either color them in different colors or simply stick color papers to the rolls. Stick pairs of googly eyes to the rolls and draw out the nose, mouth, bunny teeth and whiskers. To make it look like bunny, you need to add in the ears as well. So, add the ears well.

Paper Roll Easter Bunny

 Source: Eco Scrapbook.blogspot.com
