11 Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease in Children


Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease in ChildrenIn simpler words fatty liver disease is caused by the accumulation of fat in the liver cells. Children consuming more sugary and fatty food or who seriously lacks in physical activity can be victims of fatty liver disease. This kind of fatty liver disease is called the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and the raising epidemic of early childhood obesity is causing such critical diseases. Recent studies show that it is the most common liver abnormality in children. However, the most worrying factor of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is that it stays undetected for a long time and without a definitive diagnosis including liver biopsy and screening guidelines paediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is very difficult to ascertain.

If your child is showing signs of abnormal fatigue, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, mentioning vague discomforts, you can consult with the doctor to check whether he/she is suffering from paediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. While the doctor will provide medications here are the few home remedies that you can try:

Apple Cider Vinegar: If your child is more than 5 years old you can give him/her apple cider vinegar as it has the fantastic ability to get rid of the accumulated fat in and around the liver. Add one tablespoon of raw apple cider in a glass of warm water. Add a hint of honey to it and make your child drink once or twice a day.

Lemon: With a high amount of Vitamin C content, Lemons are classic antioxidants and helps your child to combat any kind of liver related problems. The consumption of lemon, squeezed into a glass of water, will help your child’s liver to produce enzymes called glutathione which will help in the process of detoxification of the liver thereby keeping it healthy.

Dandelion: Dandelion as an herb is very helpful and a powerful liver tonic and so it can be used to treat fatty liver disease. Give your child one teaspoon of dried dandelion roots in a cup of hot water and add a bit of honey to it. In some cases you can just add the leaves into salads or cook them as a side dish.

Vegetables: Fresh vegetables have plenty of natural oxidants and hence act as natural detoxifiers and they are easily digestible and also can be readily obtained for consumption. Vegetables like cabbages, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflowers and celery possess liver detox that will help your child’s liver to overcome the fatty liver disease.


Ginger Roots: Faulty digestive systems often induce the tendency of accumulation of fat in the liver among young children. Ginger roots are perfect catalysts for improving digestive functionalities among children and so if you boil them in tea or stir-fry into salads, the overall metabolism of your child will improve thereby guaranteeing a healthy liver.

Sweet Potatoes: Due to the high amount of potassium contents sweet potatoes have the ability to cleanse the liver. Over 700 milligrams of potassium is there in one sweet potato. The most important factor is that the sugar in the sweet potatoes are slowly released into the bloodstream through the liver so it won’t challenge your child’s liver functionalities like any normally sugar-rich food will do.

Bananas: Like the sweet potatoes the bananas are also rich in potassium and have a great potential to clean livers. Feed your child with at least one banana per day as it will be helpful in cleaning all the toxins and heavy metals from the body.

Papaya: Both papaya fruit and the seed are effective in combating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children. Papayas are also known for burning dietary fat and so the chances of more fat accumulation around the liver of your child will be reduced.

Milk Thistle: Not known by many people that milk thistle is a power detoxifier and hence a great aid in the process of treating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children. It helps in the process of rebuilding the liver cells thereby helping your child to get rid of all the unnecessary toxins from the body. Milk has the power of reversing the effect of heavy metals and harmful pesticides your child consumes with food.

Liver: Liver of other healthy grass-eating animals and chicken are good vitamin sources and perhaps the most nutrient-rich food your child can consume. It is rich in vitamin A, B along with folic acid and choline.


Inducing Physical Activity

So far we have only talked about dietary supplements to combat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children. But it is also true that sitting all day with their smart-phones will not help in the process of reducing liver fat. Encourage your child to participate in physical activity for at least 2 hours on a daily basis as it improves metabolism and digestive potential of the body.

It is said that prevention is better than cure! So as a parent you should always try to encourage your child to rely on healthy and natural food sources.
