11 Effective Home Remedies for Rosacea


Tea tree oil, cucumber mask, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, chamomile, rose hip oil, flax seed, cat’s claw, sulphur, lavender oil, borax and hydrogen peroxide are effective home remedies for rosacea.

Rosacea is a skin disorder, in which people suffering from it experience redness and visible blood vessels in their skin. In some cases, there is even red, pimple-like structures sprouting on the skin. It mostly occurs on facial skin. Rosacea is often mistaken to be a minor bout of pimples, severe acne, eczema or other skin condition. This is the prime reason why it is so difficult to treat rosacea.

The causes of rosacea are usually difficult to identify. Many doctors say that it happens due to a mix of hereditary and environmental factors. Your lifestyle and the kind of food habits you have could also determine whether you are more likely to have rosacea than others. Generally, it is seen that middle-aged women with fair skin are more likely to have this skin condition, compared to other women and men.

Rosacea: 11 Effective Home Remedies

Like a lot of skin disorders, rosacea, if detected early, can be treated and brought under control. A lot of medicated lotions and creams are available in the market; however, you can also try some home remedies, as most of them are harmless and really effective in most of the cases. In this article, we will discuss 11 effective home remedies for rosacea.

effective remedies for rosacea

Tea Tree Oil:

This is an oil that needs to be applied locally on the affected area. Caution must be exercised as tea tree oil is a highly potent concoction that should be diluted, preferably with a carrier oil such as olive oil, and only then applied to curb rosacea outbreaks. It has highly effective antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties that help in this cause. Tea tree oil can remove the dense populations of Demodex mites that are typical to those suffering from this condition. Additionally, it removes redness and itchiness as well.


Cucumber Mask:

While it may seem like a rudimentary option at the outset, cucumbers blended into a facial mask are a slow but sure method of getting rid of stubborn rosacea for good. 30 minutes of daily use, followed by a cold water wash will provide results by 4 weeks. Cold water will reinforce the soothing effects of the cucumber, and with this method, a little patience will go a long way.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide:

A more chemical rather than cosmetic method to do away with rosacea, Borax consists of the element boron that serves as an excellent eliminator of candida fungus as well as fluoride from our bodies, both being major culprits in enabling rosacea in the first place. Food-grade hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can ably clear one’s skin of Demodex mites, much like the aforementioned Tea tree oil. A mixture of Borax, water, and 3% hydrogen peroxide applied daily is a terrific home remedy.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is known for its natural healing properties, which is why it is used to treat so many skin ailments. In order to use apple cider vinegar for treating rosacea, take a cotton ball and dip it in the solution. Apply the solution of the affected area with the help of the cotton ball. Do this at least twice a day for best results.

Rose Hip Oil:

Blend rosehip oil along with other essential oils, and apply the final solution for best results.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe is truly a proven miracle treatment option. In addition to repairing and healing externally, topical application of aloe also works as a detoxifying agent under the skin, which doubles the healing of rosacea symptoms. Aloe is nature’s best hydrator. Those with rosacea often have increased skin-sensitivity and dryness. Applying aloe topically increases the moisture and rejuvenates the skin while acting as an anti-inflammatory and reducing redness and irritation, similar to how it works on relieving acne symptoms.


Because one of rosacea’s most common symptoms is redness, measures must be taken to reduce it from the beginning. Chamomile is arguably the most effective and commonly available method to deal with this nuisance. One can either use chamomile oil as a mild compress diluted with water or chamomile tea bags dipped in hot water, or then apply the mixture on the concerned areas once it cools suitably. There is a two-edged advantage to this, reduction of redness as well as soothing of the skin through flavonoid and terpenoid, imparting a radiant glow to the skin. One should be wary of using chamomile if one has allergies towards ragweed, daisies, and marigolds.


Lavender Oil:

Lavender oil is known for treating numerous skin ailments and reduces itching and dryness, which are common effects of rosacea.


Sulphur is apparently the most commonly used ingredient for treating rosacea due to its antifungal and antiseptic properties.

Flaxseed Oil:

Yet another oil, which is known to work wonders for those suffering from rosacea.

Cat’s Claw:

This herb, also known by its Spanish original nomenclature, Una de Gato, has acquired quite the following owing to its numerous healing properties. While it can boost one’s immune system and even helps in the repair of DNA, the one property it possesses that helps with rosacea, in particular, is that of maintaining and regulating a healthy digestive tract. This reduces food sensitivities and imbalances that contribute to the condition. However, one must avoid using it if one is on blood thinning medications, is pregnant or is a nursing mother.

Since this is a delicate skin condition, it would be advisable to consult a dermatologist before undertaking any treatment.

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