11 Must Read Bedtime Stories for Your 3-4 Year Old



Some of the must read bedtime stories for your child can include Jack and beanstalk, Cat in the hat, Three little pigs, Beauty and the Beast, Alice in the Wonderland, Goldilocks and the three bears, Aesop Fables, Bob Books, Where the wild things are, Gingerbread man and Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

Who doesn’t love stories? Kids of all ages love listening to some really good stories any time. Listening to bedtime stories was once upon a time a child’s most creative ritual before sleeping. Fairy tales, moral stories, comics – everything adds value to the life of your little one. It is said that children who listen to stories tend to sleep well, see beautiful dreams and become more creative and intelligent when they grow up. So, don’t neglect it.

11 Must Read Bedtime Stories for Your 3-4 Year Old
Must Read Bedtime Stories for Your 3-4 Year Old

                                                                       Source: Mom.Me

11 Must Read Bedtime Stories for Your 3-4 Year Old

Let’s take a look at the 11 must read bedtime stories for 3-4 year old kids.

1. Jack and the Beanstalk

This is an age-old story kids will love to read. Their imagination can go wild by thinking how big a beanstalk can grow and how would it be if there was another world up there. Too much curiosity can lead to great danger and trouble, but it also can also lead you to learn and become less lazy, just like Jack.


2. Cat in the Hat

Dr. Seuss’ books in general are filled with valuable lessons. What the kids learn from the Cat in the Hat is that, ‘even if the cat is flashy, funny and fun, if you let it into your home, you are going to have a mess to deal with’. This helps young kids deal with strangers and unknown people when they are home alone or when out.

3. Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs is a wonderful story to teach kids the importance of hard work and dedication. In the story, the first two pigs quickly built homes and had more free time to play, but the third pig laboured in the construction of his house of bricks. The effort paid off in that the home that lasted, when the wolf came to attack them. This will teach the kids of hard work and patience that can reach them to greater heights in life.

4. Beauty and the Beast

This is an age old classic which helps kids understand that all that’s scary is not always bad. The beast initially was cruel, but it was due to his circumstances. Then Bella comes in and changes his life forever. It helps kids see the good in the bad and make sacrifices in life which might later be rewarding in their lives.


5. Alice in Wonderland

The story of greatest imaginations, Alice in Wonderful is a must read to your kids to help them understand one thing – curiosity often leads to trouble. However, to take it positively as well. It was curiosity which made Alice explore and develop so much during the story. Alice had good manners and this often helped her get out of scrapes.

6. Goldilocks and Three bears

A story with great morals, which helps kids understand that it’s not right to enter anyone’s house and use their things without permission. Goldilocks was at the end scared and ashamed and ran out of the house before they could catch her. However, this might not be the case in real life.

7. Aesop Fables

This is a collection of stories which helps teach morals and values to kids. The Tortoise and the Hare, the Goose Who Laid the Golden Eggs and the City Mouse and the Country Mouse are stories that every kid should hear at bedtime and learn from them.


8. Bob Books

These are really good for small kids and come with colorful pictures and great short stories. Bob Books can be used when the kids are 3 years to help them imagine with pictures and get the understanding of the story.

9. Where the Wild Things Are

This one is a winner among bedtime stories for the little ones who seek and love adventure. The story takes your child on a journey with Max, a mischievous boy who sails off in a boat to a strange land where there is a lot of adventure, mystery and drama! The book is an action-packed story with a very happy ending and hot soup.

10. Gingerbread Man

The Gingerbread Man is a story of trust. In this the gingerbread man trusts the fox who pretends to save its life, eventually by the end of the story eats him up. This story greatly helps kids understand the difference between good and bad people.


11. Grimm’s Fairy Tales

This collection of fairy tales includes stories of Rapunzel, Briar Rose and Little Red Riding Hood. Fairy tales always give hope of a better tomorrow, no matter how bad your present situation is. This helps kids develop positive thoughts and turns them into optimistic people.

With these stories at hand, first your child can get some good night’s sleep and the morals in these stories will fructify later on in life.

